Stan Math Library
Automatic Differentiation
Matrices and templated mathematical functions.
Templated probability distributions. All paramaterizations are based on Bayesian Data Analysis. Function gradients via reverse-mode automatic differentiation.
Namespaces | |
namespace | internal |
A comparator that works for any container type that has the brackets operator. | |
namespace | opencl |
namespace | opencl_kernels |
Classes | |
struct | abs_fun |
Return elementwise absolute value of the specified real-valued container. More... | |
class | accumulator |
Class to accumulate values and eventually return their sum. More... | |
class | accumulator< T, require_fvar_t< T > > |
Class to accumulate values and eventually return their sum. More... | |
class | accumulator< T, require_var_t< T > > |
Class to accumulate values and eventually return their sum. More... | |
class | acos_ |
struct | acos_fun |
Structure to wrap acos() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | acosh_ |
struct | acosh_fun |
Structure to wrap acosh() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
struct | ad_promotable |
If the type From can be converted to To using implicit conversions, or both From and To are possibly cv-qualified void), provides the member constant value equal to true. More... | |
class | ad_tape_observer |
TBB observer object which is a callback hook called whenever the TBB scheduler adds a new thread to the TBB managed threadpool. More... | |
class | addition_ |
class | addition_operator_ |
class | adjoint_results_cl |
Represents results that are adjoints of vars in kernel generrator expressions. More... | |
class | append_col_ |
Represents appending of cols in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
struct | append_return_type |
This template metaprogram is used to compute the return type for append_array. More... | |
struct | append_return_type< Eigen::Matrix< T1, R, C >, Eigen::Matrix< T2, R, C > > |
This template metaprogram is used to compute the return type for append_array. More... | |
struct | append_return_type< int, int > |
This template metaprogram is used to compute the return type for append_array. More... | |
struct | append_return_type< std::vector< T1 >, std::vector< T2 > > |
This template metaprogram is used to compute the return type for append_array. More... | |
class | append_row_ |
Represents appending of rows in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
struct | apply_scalar_unary |
Base template class for vectorization of unary scalar functions defined by a template class F to a scalar, standard library vector, or Eigen dense matrix expression template. More... | |
struct | apply_scalar_unary< F, fvar< T > > |
Template specialization to fvar for vectorizing a unary scalar function. More... | |
struct | apply_scalar_unary< F, std::vector< T > > |
Template specialization for vectorized functions applying to standard vector containers. More... | |
struct | apply_scalar_unary< F, T, require_complex_t< T > > |
Template specialization for vectorized functions applying to complex arguments. More... | |
struct | apply_scalar_unary< F, T, require_eigen_t< T > > |
Template specialization for vectorized functions applying to Eigen matrix arguments. More... | |
struct | apply_scalar_unary< F, T, require_floating_point_t< T > > |
Template specialization for vectorized functions applying to double arguments. More... | |
struct | apply_scalar_unary< F, T, require_integral_t< T > > |
Template specialization for vectorized functions applying to integer arguments. More... | |
struct | apply_scalar_unary< F, T, require_var_matrix_t< T > > |
struct | apply_scalar_unary< F, var > |
Template specialization to var for vectorizing a unary scalar function. More... | |
struct | apply_vector_unary |
struct | apply_vector_unary< T, require_eigen_t< T > > |
Base template class for vectorization of unary vector functions defined by applying a functor to a standard library vector, Eigen dense matrix expression template, or container of these. More... | |
struct | apply_vector_unary< T, require_std_vector_vt< is_container_or_var_matrix, T > > |
Specialization for use with nested containers (std::vectors). More... | |
struct | apply_vector_unary< T, require_std_vector_vt< is_stan_scalar, T > > |
Specialization for use with (non-nested) std::vectors. More... | |
struct | apply_vector_unary< T, require_var_matrix_t< T > > |
Specialization for use with var_value<T> types where T inherits from EigenBase. More... | |
struct | arena_allocator |
std library compatible allocator that uses AD stack. More... | |
class | arena_matrix |
Equivalent to Eigen::Matrix , except that the data is stored on AD stack. More... | |
class | arena_matrix< MatrixType, require_eigen_dense_base_t< MatrixType > > |
class | arena_matrix< MatrixType, require_eigen_sparse_base_t< MatrixType > > |
class | arena_matrix_cl |
A variant of matrix_cl that schedules its destructor to be called, so it can be used on the AD stack. More... | |
class | array_builder |
Structure for building up arrays in an expression (rather than in statements) using an argument-chaining add() method and a getter method array() to return the result. More... | |
class | as_column_vector_or_scalar_ |
Represents as_column_vector_or_scalar of a row or column vector in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | asin_ |
struct | asin_fun |
Structure to wrap asin() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | asinh_ |
struct | asinh_fun |
Structure to wrap asinh() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | atan_ |
struct | atan_fun |
Structure to wrap atan() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | atanh_ |
struct | atanh_fun |
Structure to wrap atanh() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
struct | AutodiffStackSingleton |
This struct always provides access to the autodiff stack using the singleton pattern. More... | |
class | beta_ |
class | binary_operation |
Represents a binary operation in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | binomial_coefficient_log_ |
class | block_ |
Represents submatrix block in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | broadcast_ |
Represents a broadcasting operation in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | calc_if_ |
Represents a calc_if in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | cast_ |
Represents a typecast os scalar in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | cbrt_ |
struct | cbrt_fun |
Structure to wrap cbrt() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | ceil_ |
struct | ceil_fun |
Structure to wrap ceil() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | chainable_alloc |
A chainable_alloc is an object which is constructed and destructed normally but the memory lifespan is managed along with the arena allocator for the gradient calculation. More... | |
class | chainable_object |
chainable_object hold another object is useful for connecting the lifetime of a specific object to the chainable stack More... | |
class | check_cl_ |
Represents a check in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | col_index |
Represents operation that determines column index. More... | |
class | colwise_max_ |
Represents column wise max - reduction in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | colwise_min_ |
Represents column wise min - reduction in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | colwise_prod_ |
Represents column wise product - reduction in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | colwise_reduction |
Represents a column wise reduction in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | colwise_sum_ |
Represents column wise sum - reduction in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | complex_base |
Base class for complex numbers. More... | |
struct | conjunction |
Extends std::true_type when instantiated with zero or more template parameters, all of which extend the std::true_type. More... | |
struct | conjunction< T, Ts... > |
class | constant_ |
Represents a matrix of single repeated value in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | copysign_ |
class | cos_ |
struct | cos_fun |
Structure to wrap cos() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | cosh_ |
struct | cosh_fun |
Structure to wrap cosh() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
struct | coupled_ode_system |
struct | coupled_ode_system_impl |
struct | coupled_ode_system_impl< false, F, T_y0, Args... > |
The coupled_ode_system_impl template specialization when the state or parameters are autodiff types. More... | |
struct | coupled_ode_system_impl< true, F, T_y0, Args... > |
The coupled_ode_system_impl for arithmetic arguments reduces to the regular ode system (there are no sensitivities) More... | |
class | cov_exp_quad_vari |
class | cov_exp_quad_vari< T_x, double, T_l > |
class | cvodes_integrator |
Integrator interface for CVODES' ODE solvers (Adams & BDF methods). More... | |
class | cvodes_integrator_adjoint_vari |
Integrator interface for CVODES' adjoint ODE solvers (Adams & BDF methods). More... | |
class | dae_system |
IDAS DAE system that contains information on residual equation functor, sensitivity residual equation functor, as well as initial conditions. More... | |
struct | deserializer |
A class to store a sequence of values which can be deserialized back into structured objects such as scalars, vectors, and matrices. More... | |
class | diagonal_ |
Represents diagonal of a matrix (as column vector) in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | digamma_ |
struct | digamma_fun |
Structure to wrap digamma() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
struct | disjunction |
Extends std::false_type when instantiated with zero or more template parameters, all of which extend the std::false_type. More... | |
struct | disjunction< Cond, Conds... > |
class | elt_divide_ |
class | elt_function_cl |
Represents an element-wise function in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | elt_modulo_ |
class | elt_multiply_ |
class | equals_ |
class | erf_ |
struct | erf_fun |
Structure to wrap erf() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | erfc_ |
struct | erfc_fun |
Structure to wrap the erfc() so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | exp2_ |
struct | exp2_fun |
Structure to wrap exp2() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | exp_ |
struct | exp_fun |
Structure to wrap exp() so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | expm1_ |
struct | expm1_fun |
Structure to wrap expm1() so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | expressions_cl |
Represents multiple expressions that will be calculated in same kernel. More... | |
class | fabs_ |
struct | fabs_fun |
Structure to wrap fabs() so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | fdim_ |
struct | FixedPointADJac |
Calculate Jacobian Jxy(Jacobian of unknown x w.r.t. More... | |
struct | FixedPointSolver |
Fixed point solver for problem of form. More... | |
struct | FixedPointSolver< KinsolFixedPointEnv< F >, fp_jac_type > |
Specialization for fixed point solver when using KINSOL. More... | |
class | floor_ |
struct | floor_fun |
Structure to wrap floor() so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | fmax_ |
class | fmin_ |
class | fmod_ |
struct | fvar |
This template class represents scalars used in forward-mode automatic differentiation, which consist of values and directional derivatives of the specified template type. More... | |
class | gevv_vvv_vari |
class | greater_than_ |
class | greater_than_or_equal_ |
class | Holder |
A no-op Eigen operation. More... | |
class | holder_cl_ |
Represents a no-op in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
struct | hybrj_functor_solver |
A functor with the required operators to call Eigen's algebraic solver. More... | |
class | hypot_ |
class | idas_integrator |
IDAS DAE integrator. More... | |
struct | idas_service |
For each type of Ode(with different rhs functor F and
senstivity parameters), we allocate mem and workspace for idas. More... | |
struct | include_summand |
Template metaprogram to calculate whether a summand needs to be included in a proportional (log) probability calculation. More... | |
struct | include_summand< propto, T > |
true if a term with the specified propto value and subterm types should be included in a proportionality calculation. More... | |
struct | index_type |
Primary template class for the metaprogram to compute the index type of a container. More... | |
struct | index_type< T, require_eigen_t< T > > |
Template metaprogram defining typedef for the type of index for an Eigen matrix, vector, or row vector. More... | |
struct | index_type< T, require_std_vector_t< T > > |
Template metaprogram class to compute the type of index for a standard vector. More... | |
struct | index_type< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_pointer< T >::value > > |
Specialization of index_type for pointers. More... | |
class | indexing_ |
Represents indexing of a matrix with two matrices of indices. More... | |
struct | inv_cloglog_fun |
Structure to wrap inv_cloglog() so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
struct | inv_erfc_fun |
Structure to wrap the inv_erfc() function so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
struct | inv_fun |
Structure to wrap 1.0 / x so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | inv_logit_ |
struct | inv_logit_fun |
Structure to wrap inv_logit() so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | inv_Phi_ |
struct | inv_Phi_fun |
Structure to wrap inv_Phi() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
struct | inv_sqrt_fun |
Structure to wrap 1 / sqrt(x) so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | inv_square_ |
struct | is_tuple |
class | isfinite_ |
class | isinf_ |
class | isnan_ |
struct | kernel_parts |
Parts of an OpenCL kernel, generated by an expression. More... | |
class | kinsol_system_data |
KINSOL algebraic system data holder. More... | |
struct | KinsolFixedPointEnv |
KINSOL algebraic system data holder that handles construction & destruction of SUNDIALS data, as well as auxiliary data that will be used for functor evaluation. More... | |
class | lbeta_ |
class | ldexp_ |
class | LDLT_factor |
LDLT_factor is a structure that holds a matrix of type T and the LDLT of its values. More... | |
class | LDLT_factor< T, require_eigen_matrix_dynamic_vt< is_var, T > > |
An LDLT_factor of an Eigen::Matrix<var, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> with alloc_in_arena = True holds a copy of the input matrix and the LDLT of its values, with all member variable allocations are done in the arena. More... | |
class | LDLT_factor< T, require_var_matrix_t< T > > |
An LDLT_factor of a var_value<Eigen::MatrixXd> holds a copy of the input var_value and the LDLT of its values. More... | |
class | LDLT_factor< T, std::enable_if_t< bool_constant< is_eigen_matrix_dynamic< T >::value &&!is_var< scalar_type_t< T > >::value >::value > > |
An LDLT_factor is a structure that holds a matrix of type T and the LDLT of its values. More... | |
class | less_than_ |
class | less_than_or_equal_ |
class | lgamma_ |
struct | lgamma_fun |
Structure to wrap lgamma() so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | lmultiply_ |
class | load_ |
Represents an access to a matrix_cl in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | log10_ |
struct | log10_fun |
Structure to wrap log10() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | log1m_ |
class | log1m_exp_ |
struct | log1m_exp_fun |
Structure to wrap log1m_exp() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
struct | log1m_fun |
Structure to wrap log1m() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | log1m_inv_logit_ |
struct | log1m_inv_logit_fun |
Structure to wrap log1m_inv_logit() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | log1p_ |
class | log1p_exp_ |
struct | log1p_exp_fun |
Structure to wrap log1p_exp() so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
struct | log1p_fun |
Structure to wrap log1p() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | log2_ |
struct | log2_fun |
Structure to wrap log2() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | log_ |
class | log_diff_exp_ |
struct | log_fun |
Structure to wrap log() so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | log_inv_logit_ |
class | log_inv_logit_diff_ |
struct | log_inv_logit_fun |
Structure to wrap log_inv_logit() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | logical_and_ |
class | logical_negation_ |
Represents a logical negation in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | logical_or_ |
class | logit_ |
struct | logit_fun |
Structure to wrap logit() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | matrix_cl |
Represents an arithmetic matrix on the OpenCL device. More... | |
class | matrix_cl_base |
Non-templated base class for matrix_cl simplifies checking if something is matrix_cl. More... | |
class | matrix_exp_action_handler |
The implementation of the work by Awad H. More... | |
class | max_2d_ |
Represents two dimensional max - reduction in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
struct | max_op |
Operation for max reduction. More... | |
class | min_2d_ |
Represents two dimensional min - reduction in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
struct | min_op |
Operation for min reduction. More... | |
struct | mpi_cluster |
MPI cluster holds MPI resources and must be initialized only once in any MPI program. More... | |
struct | mpi_command |
A MPI command object is used to execute code on worker nodes. More... | |
struct | mpi_distributed_apply |
MPI command template which calls the static method distributed_apply of the given class F. More... | |
class | mpi_is_in_use |
Exception thrown whenever the MPI resource is busy. More... | |
class | mpi_parallel_call |
The MPI parallel call class manages the distributed evaluation of a collection of tasks following the map - reduce - combine pattern. More... | |
class | mpi_stop_listen |
Exception used to stop workers nodes from further listening to commands send from the root. More... | |
struct | mpi_stop_worker |
MPI command used to stop childs nodes from listening for further commands. More... | |
class | multiply_log_ |
class | name_generator |
Unique name generator for variables used in generated kernels. More... | |
class | nested_rev_autodiff |
A class following the RAII idiom to start and recover nested autodiff scopes. More... | |
struct | nlo_functor |
A structure which gets passed to Eigen's dogleg algebraic solver. More... | |
class | not_equals_ |
class | op_ddv_vari |
class | op_dv_vari |
class | op_dvd_vari |
class | op_dvv_vari |
class | op_matrix_vari |
class | op_v_vari |
class | op_vd_vari |
class | op_vdd_vari |
class | op_vdv_vari |
class | op_vector_vari |
class | op_vv_vari |
class | op_vvd_vari |
class | op_vvv_vari |
class | opencl_code_ |
Represents custom code in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | opencl_code_output |
Represents output variable of custom code in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | opencl_context |
The API to access the methods and values in opencl_context_base. More... | |
class | opencl_context_base |
The opencl_context_base class represents an OpenCL context in the standard Meyers singleton design pattern. More... | |
class | operands_and_partials |
This template builds partial derivatives with respect to a set of operands. More... | |
class | operands_and_partials< Op1, Op2, Op3, Op4, Op5, Op6, Op7, Op8, fvar< Dx > > |
This class builds partial derivatives with respect to a set of operands. More... | |
class | operands_and_partials< Op1, Op2, Op3, Op4, Op5, Op6, Op7, Op8, var > |
This class builds partial derivatives with respect to a set of operands. More... | |
class | operation_cl |
Base for all kernel generator operations. More... | |
class | operation_cl_lhs |
Base for all kernel generator operations that can be used on left hand side of an expression. More... | |
class | optional_broadcast_ |
Represents an optional broadcasting operation in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
struct | pass_type |
struct | pass_type< double > |
struct | pass_type< int > |
class | Phi_ |
class | Phi_approx_ |
struct | Phi_approx_fun |
Structure to wrap Phi_approx() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
struct | Phi_fun |
Structure to wrap Phi() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | pinned_matrix |
Equivalent to Eigen::Matrix , except that the data is stored in (hopefully pinned) memory, allocated by OpenCL driver. More... | |
class | pow_ |
class | precomp_vv_vari |
class | precomp_vvv_vari |
class | precomputed_gradients_vari_template |
A variable implementation taking a sequence of operands and partial derivatives with respect to the operands. More... | |
class | prod_2d_ |
Represents two dimensional product - reduction in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
struct | prod_op |
Operation for product reduction. More... | |
class | profile |
Profiles C++ lines where the object is in scope. More... | |
class | profile_info |
Class used for storing profiling information. More... | |
struct | promote_elements |
Struct with static function for elementwise type promotion. More... | |
struct | promote_elements< Eigen::Matrix< T, R, C >, Eigen::Matrix< S, R, C > > |
Struct with static function for elementwise type promotion. More... | |
struct | promote_elements< Eigen::Matrix< T, R, C >, Eigen::Matrix< T, R, C > > |
Struct with static function for elementwise type promotion. More... | |
struct | promote_elements< std::vector< T >, std::vector< S > > |
Struct with static function for elementwise type promotion. More... | |
struct | promote_elements< std::vector< T >, std::vector< T > > |
Struct with static function for elementwise type promotion. More... | |
struct | promote_elements< T, T > |
Struct with static function for elementwise type promotion. More... | |
struct | promote_scalar_type |
Template metaprogram to calculate a type for converting a convertible type. More... | |
struct | promote_scalar_type< std::tuple< PromotionScalars... >, std::tuple< UnPromotedTypes... > > |
struct | promote_scalar_type< T, S, require_all_t< is_var< T >, is_var< S >, is_eigen< value_type_t< S > > > > |
Specialization for var_value when the type to convert to is a var_value . More... | |
struct | promote_scalar_type< T, S, require_all_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >, is_var< S >, is_eigen< value_type_t< S > > > > |
Specialization for var_value when the type to convert to is arithmetic. More... | |
struct | promote_scalar_type< T, S, require_eigen_dense_base_t< S > > |
Template metaprogram to calculate a type for a matrix, vector, row vector or Eigen::Array whose underlying scalar is converted from the second template parameter type to the first. More... | |
struct | promote_scalar_type< T, S, require_eigen_sparse_base_t< S > > |
struct | promote_scalar_type< T, std::vector< S > > |
Template metaprogram to calculate a type for a container whose underlying scalar is converted from the second template parameter type to the first. More... | |
class | read_fvar_functor |
Functor for extracting the values and tangents from a matrix of fvar. More... | |
class | reduction_2d |
Represents a two dimensional reduction in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
struct | ref_type_for_opencl |
Determines appropriate type for assigning expression of given type to, so that the resulting type has directly accessible contiguous colum-major data, which is needed to copy to OpenCL device for construction of matrix_cl. More... | |
struct | ref_type_for_opencl< T, require_arena_matrix_t< T > > |
struct | ref_type_for_opencl< T, require_not_eigen_t< T > > |
class | results_cl |
Represents results that will be calculated in same kernel. More... | |
class | round_ |
struct | round_fun |
Structure to wrap round() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | row_index |
Represents operation that determines row index. More... | |
class | rowwise_max_ |
Represents rowwise max reduction in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | rowwise_min_ |
Represents rowwise min reduction in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | rowwise_prod_ |
Represents rowwise product reduction in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | rowwise_reduction |
Represents a rowwise reduction in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | rowwise_sum_ |
Represents rowwise sum reduction in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | rsqrt_ |
class | scalar_ |
Represents a scalar in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | ScopedChainableStack |
The AD tape of reverse mode AD is by default stored globally within the process (or thread). More... | |
class | select_ |
Represents a selection operation in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | seq_view |
class | seq_view< double, std::vector< int > > |
class | seq_view< T, Eigen::Matrix< S, 1, Eigen::Dynamic > > |
class | seq_view< T, Eigen::Matrix< S, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > > |
class | seq_view< T, Eigen::Matrix< S, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > > |
class | seq_view< T, std::vector< S > > |
class | seq_view< T, std::vector< std::vector< T > > > |
class | seq_view< T, std::vector< T > > |
struct | serializer |
A structure to serialize structures to an internal stored sequence of scalars. More... | |
struct | sign_fun |
Structure to wrap sign() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | sin_ |
struct | sin_fun |
Structure to wrap sin() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | sinh_ |
struct | sinh_fun |
Structure to wrap sinh() so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | sqrt_ |
struct | sqrt_fun |
Structure to wrap sqrt() so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | square_ |
struct | square_fun |
Structure to wrap square() so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | stack_alloc |
An instance of this class provides a memory pool through which blocks of raw memory may be allocated and then collected simultaneously. More... | |
struct | std_normal_log_qf_fun |
Structure to wrap std_normal_log_qf() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
struct | step_fun |
Structure to wrap step() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
struct | store_type |
struct | store_type< double > |
struct | store_type< int > |
class | stored_gradient_vari |
A var implementation that stores the daughter variable implementation pointers and the partial derivative with respect to the result explicitly in arrays constructed on the autodiff memory stack. More... | |
class | subtraction_ |
class | subtraction_operator_ |
class | sum_2d_ |
Represents two dimensional sum - reduction in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
struct | sum_op |
Operation for sum reduction. More... | |
class | tan_ |
struct | tan_fun |
Structure to wrap tan() so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | tanh_ |
struct | tanh_fun |
Structure to wrap tanh() so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | tgamma_ |
struct | tgamma_fun |
Structure to wrap tgamma() so that it can be vectorized. More... | |
struct | to_int_fun |
Return elementwise integer value of the specified real-valued container. More... | |
class | transpose_ |
Represents a transpose in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | trigamma_ |
struct | trigamma_fun |
Structure to wrap trigamma() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | trunc_ |
struct | trunc_fun |
Structure to wrap trunc() so it can be vectorized. More... | |
class | unary_minus_ |
Represents an unary minus operation in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | unary_operation_cl |
Represents a unary operation in kernel generator expressions. More... | |
class | unsafe_chainable_object |
unsafe_chainable_object hold another object and is useful for connecting the lifetime of a specific object to the chainable stack. More... | |
class | val_adj_functor |
Functor for extracting the values and adjoints from a matrix of var or vari. More... | |
class | var_value |
class | var_value< T, internal::require_matrix_var_value< T > > |
Independent (input) and dependent (output) variables for gradients. More... | |
class | var_value< T, require_floating_point_t< T > > |
Independent (input) and dependent (output) variables for gradients. More... | |
class | vari_base |
Abstract base class that all vari_value and it's derived classes inherit. More... | |
class | vari_cl_base |
class | vari_value |
class | vari_value< T, require_all_t< is_plain_type< T >, is_eigen_dense_base< T > > > |
The variable implementation for Eigen dense matrix types. More... | |
class | vari_value< T, require_eigen_sparse_base_t< T > > |
The variable implementation for Eigen sparse matrix types. More... | |
class | vari_value< T, require_matrix_cl_t< T > > |
The variable implementation for matrix_cl . More... | |
class | vari_value< T, require_t< std::is_floating_point< T > > > |
The variable implementation for floating point types. More... | |
class | vari_view |
A vari_view is used to read from a slice of a vari_value with an inner eigen type. More... | |
class | vari_view< T, require_all_t< is_eigen< T >, bool_constant<!is_plain_type< T >::value > > > |
class | vari_view< T, require_kernel_expression_lhs_t< T > > |
class | vari_view_eigen |
This struct is follows the CRTP for methods common to vari_view<> and vari_value<Matrix> . More... | |
class | vi_adj_functor |
Functor for extracting the varis and adjoints from a matrix of var. More... | |
class | vi_val_adj_functor |
Functor for extracting the vari*, values, and adjoints from a matrix of var. More... | |
class | vi_val_functor |
Functor for extracting the varis and values from a matrix of var. More... | |
class | welford_covar_estimator |
class | welford_var_estimator |
Typedefs | |
using | size_type = Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >::Index |
Type for sizes and indexes in an Eigen matrix with double elements. | |
using | matrix_fd = Eigen::Matrix< fvar< double >, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > |
using | matrix_ffd = Eigen::Matrix< fvar< fvar< double > >, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > |
using | vector_fd = Eigen::Matrix< fvar< double >, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > |
using | vector_ffd = Eigen::Matrix< fvar< fvar< double > >, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > |
using | row_vector_fd = Eigen::Matrix< fvar< double >, 1, Eigen::Dynamic > |
using | row_vector_ffd = Eigen::Matrix< fvar< fvar< double > >, 1, Eigen::Dynamic > |
using | matrix_fv = Eigen::Matrix< fvar< var >, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > |
using | matrix_ffv = Eigen::Matrix< fvar< fvar< var > >, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > |
using | vector_fv = Eigen::Matrix< fvar< var >, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > |
using | vector_ffv = Eigen::Matrix< fvar< fvar< var > >, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > |
using | row_vector_fv = Eigen::Matrix< fvar< var >, 1, Eigen::Dynamic > |
using | row_vector_ffv = Eigen::Matrix< fvar< fvar< var > >, 1, Eigen::Dynamic > |
template<typename T , assign_op_cl AssignOp = assign_op_cl::equals> | |
using | as_operation_cl_t = std::conditional_t< std::is_lvalue_reference< T >::value, decltype(as_operation_cl< AssignOp >(std::declval< T >())), std::remove_reference_t< decltype(as_operation_cl< AssignOp >(std::declval< T >()))> > |
Type that results when converting any valid kernel generator expression into operation. | |
template<typename T > | |
using | is_without_output = internal::is_without_output_impl< std::decay_t< T > > |
template<typename T > | |
using | is_colwise_reduction = internal::is_colwise_reduction_impl< std::decay_t< T > > |
Check whether a kernel generator expression is a colwise reduction. | |
template<typename... Types> | |
using | common_scalar_t = typename std::common_type_t< typename std::remove_reference_t< Types >::Scalar... > |
Wrapper for std::common_type_t | |
template<typename T > | |
using | is_reduction_2d = internal::is_reduction_2d_impl< std::decay_t< T > > |
Check whether a kernel generator expression is a colwise reduction. | |
template<typename T > | |
using | ref_type_for_opencl_t = typename ref_type_for_opencl< T >::type |
template<int B = 0> | |
using | boost_policy_t = boost::math::policies::policy< boost::math::policies::overflow_error< boost::math::policies::errno_on_error >, boost::math::policies::pole_error< boost::math::policies::errno_on_error >, boost::math::policies::promote_double< false >, boost::math::policies::digits2< B > > |
Boost policy that overrides the defaults to match the built-in C++ standard library functions. | |
using | matrix_d = Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > |
Type for matrix of double values. | |
using | vector_d = Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > |
Type for (column) vector of double values. | |
using | row_vector_d = Eigen::Matrix< double, 1, Eigen::Dynamic > |
Type for (row) vector of double values. | |
template<typename T > | |
using | index_type_t = typename index_type< T >::type |
template<typename T > | |
using | require_tuple_t = require_t< is_tuple< std::decay_t< T > > > |
Require type satisfies is_tuple. | |
template<typename T > | |
using | require_not_tuple_t = require_not_t< is_tuple< std::decay_t< T > > > |
Require type does not satisfy is_tuple. | |
template<typename... Types> | |
using | require_all_tuple_t = require_all_t< is_tuple< std::decay_t< Types > >... > |
Require all of the types satisfy is_tuple. | |
template<typename... Types> | |
using | require_all_not_tuple_t = require_all_not_t< is_tuple< std::decay_t< Types > >... > |
Require none of the types satisfy is_tuple. | |
template<typename Mat , int NewOptions> | |
using | change_eigen_options_t = typename internal::change_eigen_options_impl< plain_type_t< std::decay_t< Mat > >, NewOptions >::type |
Change the options of an Eigen matrix or array. | |
template<typename T , typename S > | |
using | promote_scalar_t = typename promote_scalar_type< std::decay_t< T >, std::decay_t< S > >::type |
using | ChainableStack = AutodiffStackSingleton< vari_base, chainable_alloc > |
using | precomputed_gradients_vari = precomputed_gradients_vari_template< std::tuple<>, std::tuple<> > |
using | profile_key = std::pair< std::string, std::thread::id > |
using | profile_map = tbb::concurrent_unordered_map< profile_key, profile_info, internal::hash_profile_key, internal::equal_profile_key > |
using | matrix_v = Eigen::Matrix< var, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > |
The type of a matrix holding var values. | |
using | vector_v = Eigen::Matrix< var, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > |
The type of a (column) vector holding var values. | |
using | row_vector_v = Eigen::Matrix< var, 1, Eigen::Dynamic > |
The type of a row vector holding var values. | |
using | matrix_vi = Eigen::Matrix< vari *, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > |
The type of a matrix holding vari* values. | |
using | vector_vi = Eigen::Matrix< vari *, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > |
The type of a (column) vector holding vari* values. | |
using | row_vector_vi = Eigen::Matrix< vari *, 1, Eigen::Dynamic > |
The type of a row vector holding vari* values. | |
using | var = var_value< double > |
using | vari = vari_value< double > |
Enumerations | |
enum class | assign_op_cl { equals , plus_equals , minus_equals , divide_equals , multiply_equals } |
Ops that decide the type of assignment for LHS operations. More... | |
enum class | matrix_cl_view { Diagonal = 0 , Lower = 1 , Upper = 2 , Entire = 3 } |
Functions | |
template<typename EigMat , require_eigen_col_vector_vt< is_fvar, EigMat > * = nullptr> | |
auto | unit_vector_constrain (const EigMat &y) |
template<typename EigMat , typename T , require_eigen_vt< is_fvar, EigMat > * = nullptr, require_stan_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | unit_vector_constrain (const EigMat &y, T &lp) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | operator+ (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
Return the sum of the specified forward mode addends. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | operator+ (double x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
Return the sum of the specified double and forward mode addends. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | operator+ (const fvar< T > &x1, double x2) |
Return the sum of the specified forward mode and double addends. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | operator/ (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
Return the result of dividing the first argument by the second. | |
template<typename T , typename U , require_arithmetic_t< U > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< T > | operator/ (const fvar< T > &x1, U x2) |
Return the result of dividing the first argument by the second. | |
template<typename T , typename U , require_arithmetic_t< U > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< T > | operator/ (U x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
Return the result of dividing the first argument by the second. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | operator/ (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &x1, const std::complex< fvar< T > > &x2) |
template<typename T , typename U , require_arithmetic_t< U > * = nullptr> | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | operator/ (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &x1, const std::complex< U > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | operator/ (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T , typename U , require_arithmetic_t< U > * = nullptr> | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | operator/ (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &x1, U x2) |
template<typename T , typename U , require_arithmetic_t< U > * = nullptr> | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | operator/ (const std::complex< U > &x1, const std::complex< fvar< T > > &x2) |
template<typename T , typename U , require_arithmetic_t< U > * = nullptr> | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | operator/ (const std::complex< U > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | operator/ (const fvar< T > &x1, const std::complex< fvar< T > > &x2) |
template<typename T , typename U , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<U>::value>> | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | operator/ (const fvar< T > &x1, const std::complex< U > &x2) |
template<typename T , typename U , require_arithmetic_t< U > * = nullptr> | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | operator/ (U x1, const std::complex< fvar< T > > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator== (const fvar< T > &x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return true if the specified variables have equal values as defined by == . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator== (const fvar< T > &x, double y) |
Return true if the the first variable has a value equal to the second argument as defined by by == . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator== (double x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return true if the the first argument is equal to the value of the second argument as defined by by == . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator> (const fvar< T > &x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return true if the first argument has a greater value than the second as defined by > . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator> (const fvar< T > &x, double y) |
Return true if the first argument has a greater value than the second as defined by > . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator> (double x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return true if the first argument has a greater value than the second as defined by > . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator>= (const fvar< T > &x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return true if the value of the first argument is greater than or equal to that of the second as defined by >= . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator>= (const fvar< T > &x, double y) |
Return true if the value of the first argument has a value greater than or equal to the second argument as defined by >= . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator>= (double x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return true if the first argument is greater than or equal to the value of the second argument as defined by >= . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator< (const fvar< T > &x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return true if the first argument has a value less than the value of the second argument as defined by < . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator< (double x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return true if the first argument is less than the value of the second argument as defined by < . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator< (const fvar< T > &x, double y) |
Return true if the first argument has a value less than the second argument as defined by < . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator<= (const fvar< T > &x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return true if the first argument has a value less than or equal to the value of the second argument as defined by <= . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator<= (const fvar< T > &x, double y) |
Return true if the first argument has a value less than or equal to the second argument as defined by <= . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator<= (double x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return true if the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument's value as defined by <= . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator&& (const fvar< T > &x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return the logical conjunction of the values of the two arguments as defined by && . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator&& (const fvar< T > &x, double y) |
Return the logical conjunction of the values of the two arguments as defined by && . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator&& (double x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return the logical conjunction of the values of the two arguments as defined by && . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator|| (const fvar< T > &x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return the logical disjunction of the values of the two arguments as defined by || . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator|| (const fvar< T > &x, double y) |
Return the logical disjunction of the values of the two arguments as defined by || . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator|| (double x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return the logical disjunction of the values of the two arguments as defined by || . | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | operator* (const fvar< T > &x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return the product of the two arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | operator* (double x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return the product of the two arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | operator* (const fvar< T > &x, double y) |
Return the product of the two arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< stan::math::fvar< T > > | operator* (const std::complex< stan::math::fvar< T > > &x, const std::complex< stan::math::fvar< T > > &y) |
Return the product of the two complex fvar<T> arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< stan::math::fvar< T > > | operator* (const std::complex< double > &x, const std::complex< stan::math::fvar< T > > &y) |
Return the product of std::complex<double> and std::complex<fvar<T>> arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< stan::math::fvar< T > > | operator* (const std::complex< stan::math::fvar< T > > &x, const std::complex< double > &y) |
Return the product of std::complex<double> and std::complex<fvar<T>> arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator!= (const fvar< T > &x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return true if the value of the two arguments are not equal as defined by != . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator!= (const fvar< T > &x, double y) |
Return true if the value of the first argument is not equal to the second argument as defined by != . | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator!= (double x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return true if the first argument is not equal to the value of the second argument as defined by != . | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | operator- (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
Return the difference of the specified arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | operator- (double x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
Return the difference of the specified arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | operator- (const fvar< T > &x1, double x2) |
Return the difference of the specified arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | operator- (const fvar< T > &x) |
Return the negation of the specified argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
bool | operator! (const fvar< T > &x) |
Return the negation of the value of the argument as defined by ! . | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | operator+ (const fvar< T > &x) |
Returns the argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | abs (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | abs (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the absolute value of the complex argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | acos (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | acos (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &x) |
Return the arc cosine of the complex argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | acosh (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | acosh (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the hyperbolic arc cosine of the complex argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | arg (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the phase angle of the complex argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | asin (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | asin (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the arc sine of the complex argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | asinh (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | asinh (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the hyperbolic arcsine of the complex argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | atan (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | atan (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the arc tangent of the complex argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | atan2 (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | atan2 (double x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | atan2 (const fvar< T > &x1, double x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | atanh (const fvar< T > &x) |
Return inverse hyperbolic tangent of specified value. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | atanh (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the hyperbolic arc tangent of the complex argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | bessel_first_kind (int v, const fvar< T > &z) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | bessel_second_kind (int v, const fvar< T > &z) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | beta (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
Return fvar with the beta function applied to the specified arguments and its gradient. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | beta (double x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | beta (const fvar< T > &x1, double x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | binary_log_loss (int y, const fvar< T > &y_hat) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | cbrt (const fvar< T > &x) |
Return cube root of specified argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | ceil (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | cos (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | cos (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the cosine of the complex argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | cosh (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | cosh (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the hyperbolic cosine of the complex argument. | |
template<typename EigMat , require_eigen_vt< is_fvar, EigMat > * = nullptr> | |
value_type_t< EigMat > | determinant (const EigMat &m) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | digamma (const fvar< T > &x) |
Return the derivative of the log gamma function at the specified argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | erf (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | erfc (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | exp (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | exp (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the natural exponentiation (base e) of the specified complex number. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | exp2 (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | expm1 (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | fabs (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | falling_factorial (const fvar< T > &x, int n) |
Return autodiff variable with the gradient and result of the falling factorial function applied to the inputs. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | fdim (const fvar< T > &x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return the positive difference of the specified values (C++11). | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | fdim (const fvar< T > &x, double y) |
Return the positive difference of the specified values (C++11). | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | fdim (double x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Return the positive difference of the specified values (C++11). | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | floor (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , require_all_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2, T3 > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< return_type_t< T1, T2, T3 > > | fma (const fvar< T1 > &x1, const fvar< T2 > &x2, const fvar< T3 > &x3) |
The fused multiply-add operation (C99). | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , require_all_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2, T3 > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< return_type_t< T1, T2, T3 > > | fma (const T1 &x1, const fvar< T2 > &x2, const fvar< T3 > &x3) |
See all-var input signature for details on the function and derivatives. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , require_all_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2, T3 > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< return_type_t< T1, T2, T3 > > | fma (const fvar< T1 > &x1, const T2 &x2, const fvar< T3 > &x3) |
See all-var input signature for details on the function and derivatives. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , require_all_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2, T3 > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< return_type_t< T1, T2, T3 > > | fma (const fvar< T1 > &x1, const fvar< T2 > &x2, const T3 &x3) |
See all-var input signature for details on the function and derivatives. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , require_all_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2, T3 > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< return_type_t< T1, T2, T3 > > | fma (const T1 &x1, const T2 &x2, const fvar< T3 > &x3) |
See all-var input signature for details on the function and derivatives. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , require_all_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2, T3 > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< return_type_t< T1, T2, T3 > > | fma (const fvar< T1 > &x1, const T2 &x2, const T3 &x3) |
See all-var input signature for details on the function and derivatives. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , require_all_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2, T3 > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< return_type_t< T1, T2, T3 > > | fma (const T1 &x1, const fvar< T2 > &x2, const T3 &x3) |
See all-var input signature for details on the function and derivatives. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | fmax (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
Return the greater of the two specified arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | fmax (double x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
Return the greater of the two specified arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | fmax (const fvar< T > &x1, double x2) |
Return the greater of the two specified arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | fmin (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | fmin (double x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | fmin (const fvar< T > &x1, double x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | fmod (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | fmod (const fvar< T > &x1, double x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | fmod (double x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | gamma_p (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | gamma_p (const fvar< T > &x1, double x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | gamma_p (double x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | gamma_q (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | gamma_q (const fvar< T > &x1, double x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | gamma_q (double x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
void | grad_inc_beta (fvar< T > &g1, fvar< T > &g2, fvar< T > a, fvar< T > b, fvar< T > z) |
Gradient of the incomplete beta function beta(a, b, z) with respect to the first two arguments. | |
template<typename Ta , typename Tz , typename FvarT = return_type_t<Ta, Tz>, require_all_stan_scalar_t< Ta, Tz > * = nullptr, require_any_fvar_t< Ta, Tz > * = nullptr> | |
FvarT | hypergeometric_1f0 (const Ta &a, const Tz &z) |
Returns the Hypergeometric 1F0 function applied to the input arguments: \( _1F_0(a;;z) = \sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{\left(a\right)_kz^k}{k!}\). | |
template<typename Ta1 , typename Ta2 , typename Tb , typename Tz , require_all_stan_scalar_t< Ta1, Ta2, Tb, Tz > * = nullptr, require_any_fvar_t< Ta1, Ta2, Tb, Tz > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< Ta1, Ta1, Tb, Tz > | hypergeometric_2F1 (const Ta1 &a1, const Ta2 &a2, const Tb &b, const Tz &z) |
Returns the Gauss hypergeometric function applied to the input arguments: \(_2F_1(a_1,a_2;b;z)\). | |
template<typename Ta , typename Tb , typename Tz , typename FvarT = return_type_t<Ta, Tb, Tz>, bool grad_a = !is_constant<Ta>::value, bool grad_b = !is_constant<Tb>::value, bool grad_z = !is_constant<Tz>::value, require_all_vector_t< Ta, Tb > * = nullptr, require_fvar_t< FvarT > * = nullptr> | |
FvarT | hypergeometric_pFq (const Ta &a, const Tb &b, const Tz &z) |
Returns the generalized hypergeometric (pFq) function applied to the input arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | hypot (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
Return the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle with opposite and adjacent side lengths given by the specified arguments (C++11). | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | hypot (const fvar< T > &x1, double x2) |
Return the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle with opposite and adjacent side lengths given by the specified arguments (C++11). | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | hypot (double x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
Return the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle with opposite and adjacent side lengths given by the specified arguments (C++11). | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | inc_beta (const fvar< T > &a, const fvar< T > &b, const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | inc_beta (double a, const fvar< T > &b, const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | inc_beta (const fvar< T > &a, double b, const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | inc_beta (const fvar< T > &a, const fvar< T > &b, double x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | inc_beta (double a, double b, const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | inc_beta (const fvar< T > &a, double b, double x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | inc_beta (double a, const fvar< T > &b, double x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | inv (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | inv_cloglog (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | inv_erfc (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , require_all_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2, T3 > * = nullptr, require_any_fvar_t< T1, T2, T3 > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< partials_return_t< T1, T2, T3 > > | inv_inc_beta (const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const T3 &p) |
The inverse of the normalized incomplete beta function of a, b, with probability p. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | inv_logit (const fvar< T > &x) |
Returns the inverse logit function applied to the argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | inv_Phi (const fvar< T > &p) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | inv_sqrt (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | inv_square (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename EigMat , require_eigen_vt< is_fvar, EigMat > * = nullptr> | |
Eigen::Matrix< value_type_t< EigMat >, EigMat::RowsAtCompileTime, EigMat::ColsAtCompileTime > | inverse (const EigMat &m) |
Forward mode specialization of calculating the inverse of the matrix. | |
template<typename T > | |
int | is_inf (const fvar< T > &x) |
Returns 1 if the input's value is infinite and 0 otherwise. | |
template<typename T , require_fvar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
bool | is_nan (T &&x) |
Returns 1 if the input's value is NaN and 0 otherwise. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | lambert_w0 (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | lambert_wm1 (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | lbeta (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | lbeta (double x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | lbeta (const fvar< T > &x1, double x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | ldexp (const fvar< T > &a, int b) |
Returns the product of a (the significand) times 2 to power b (the exponent). | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | lgamma (const fvar< T > &x) |
Return the natural logarithm of the gamma function applied to the specified argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< return_type_t< T, int > > | lmgamma (int x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | lmultiply (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | lmultiply (double x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | lmultiply (const fvar< T > &x1, double x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | log (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the natural logarithm (base e) of the specified complex argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log10 (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | log10 (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the base 10 logarithm of the specified complex number. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log1m (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log1m_exp (const fvar< T > &x) |
Return the natural logarithm of one minus the exponentiation of the specified argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log1m_inv_logit (const fvar< T > &x) |
Return the natural logarithm of one minus the inverse logit of the specified argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log1p (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log1p_exp (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log2 (const fvar< T > &x) |
Return the base two logarithm of the specified argument. | |
template<typename EigMat , require_eigen_vt< is_fvar, EigMat > * = nullptr> | |
value_type_t< EigMat > | log_determinant (const EigMat &m) |
Returns the log absolute determinant of the specified square matrix. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log_diff_exp (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_arithmetic_t< T1 > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< T2 > | log_diff_exp (const T1 &x1, const fvar< T2 > &x2) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_arithmetic_t< T2 > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< T1 > | log_diff_exp (const fvar< T1 > &x1, const T2 &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log_falling_factorial (const fvar< T > &x, const fvar< T > &n) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log_falling_factorial (double x, const fvar< T > &n) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log_falling_factorial (const fvar< T > &x, double n) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log_inv_logit (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log_inv_logit_diff (const fvar< T > &x, const fvar< T > &y) |
Returns fvar with the natural logarithm of the difference of the inverse logits of the specified arguments and its gradients. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log_inv_logit_diff (const fvar< T > &x, double y) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log_inv_logit_diff (double x, const fvar< T > &y) |
template<typename T_theta , typename T_lambda1 , typename T_lambda2 , int N> | |
void | log_mix_partial_helper (const T_theta &theta, const T_lambda1 &lambda1, const T_lambda2 &lambda2, promote_args_t< T_theta, T_lambda1, T_lambda2 >(&partials_array)[N]) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log_mix (const fvar< T > &theta, const fvar< T > &lambda1, const fvar< T > &lambda2) |
Return the log mixture density with specified mixing proportion and log densities and its derivative at each. | |
template<typename T , typename P , require_all_arithmetic_t< P > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< T > | log_mix (const fvar< T > &theta, const fvar< T > &lambda1, P lambda2) |
template<typename T , typename P , require_all_arithmetic_t< P > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< T > | log_mix (const fvar< T > &theta, P lambda1, const fvar< T > &lambda2) |
template<typename T , typename P , require_all_arithmetic_t< P > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< T > | log_mix (P theta, const fvar< T > &lambda1, const fvar< T > &lambda2) |
template<typename T , typename P1 , typename P2 , require_all_arithmetic_t< P1, P2 > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< T > | log_mix (const fvar< T > &theta, P1 lambda1, P2 lambda2) |
template<typename T , typename P1 , typename P2 , require_all_arithmetic_t< P1, P2 > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< T > | log_mix (P1 theta, const fvar< T > &lambda1, P2 lambda2) |
template<typename T , typename P1 , typename P2 , require_all_arithmetic_t< P1, P2 > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< T > | log_mix (P1 theta, P2 lambda1, const fvar< T > &lambda2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log_rising_factorial (const fvar< T > &x, const fvar< T > &n) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log_rising_factorial (const fvar< T > &x, double n) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log_rising_factorial (double x, const fvar< T > &n) |
template<typename T , require_vector_st< is_fvar, T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | log_softmax (const T &x) |
Return the log softmax of the specified vector or container of vectors. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log_sum_exp (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log_sum_exp (double x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | log_sum_exp (const fvar< T > &x1, double x2) |
template<typename T , require_container_st< is_fvar, T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | log_sum_exp (const T &x) |
Return the log of the sum of the exponentiated values of the specified matrix of values. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | logit (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_eigen_vt< is_fvar, T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_vt_same< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
Eigen::Matrix< value_type_t< T1 >, T1::RowsAtCompileTime, T2::ColsAtCompileTime > | mdivide_left (const T1 &A, const T2 &b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_eigen_vt< std::is_arithmetic, T1 > * = nullptr, require_eigen_vt< is_fvar, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
Eigen::Matrix< value_type_t< T2 >, T1::RowsAtCompileTime, T2::ColsAtCompileTime > | mdivide_left (const T1 &A, const T2 &b) |
template<typename T , typename EigMat , require_eigen_vt< std::is_arithmetic, T > * = nullptr, require_eigen_vt< is_fvar, EigMat > * = nullptr> | |
Eigen::Matrix< value_type_t< EigMat >, Eigen::Dynamic, EigMat::ColsAtCompileTime > | mdivide_left_ldlt (LDLT_factor< T > &A, const EigMat &b) |
Returns the solution of the system Ax=b given an LDLT_factor of A. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_eigen_vt< is_fvar, T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_vt_same< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
Eigen::Matrix< value_type_t< T1 >, T1::RowsAtCompileTime, T2::ColsAtCompileTime > | mdivide_left_tri_low (const T1 &A, const T2 &b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_eigen_t< T1 > * = nullptr, require_vt_same< double, T1 > * = nullptr, require_eigen_vt< is_fvar, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
Eigen::Matrix< value_type_t< T2 >, T1::RowsAtCompileTime, T2::ColsAtCompileTime > | mdivide_left_tri_low (const T1 &A, const T2 &b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_eigen_vt< is_fvar, T1 > * = nullptr, require_eigen_t< T2 > * = nullptr, require_vt_same< double, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
Eigen::Matrix< value_type_t< T1 >, T1::RowsAtCompileTime, T2::ColsAtCompileTime > | mdivide_left_tri_low (const T1 &A, const T2 &b) |
template<typename EigMat1 , typename EigMat2 , require_all_eigen_vt< is_fvar, EigMat1, EigMat2 > * = nullptr, require_vt_same< EigMat1, EigMat2 > * = nullptr> | |
Eigen::Matrix< value_type_t< EigMat1 >, EigMat1::RowsAtCompileTime, EigMat2::ColsAtCompileTime > | mdivide_right (const EigMat1 &A, const EigMat2 &b) |
template<typename EigMat1 , typename EigMat2 , require_eigen_vt< std::is_arithmetic, EigMat1 > * = nullptr, require_eigen_vt< is_fvar, EigMat2 > * = nullptr> | |
Eigen::Matrix< value_type_t< EigMat2 >, EigMat1::RowsAtCompileTime, EigMat2::ColsAtCompileTime > | mdivide_right (const EigMat1 &A, const EigMat2 &b) |
template<typename EigMat1 , typename EigMat2 , require_all_eigen_vt< is_fvar, EigMat1, EigMat2 > * = nullptr, require_vt_same< EigMat1, EigMat2 > * = nullptr> | |
Eigen::Matrix< value_type_t< EigMat1 >, EigMat1::RowsAtCompileTime, EigMat2::ColsAtCompileTime > | mdivide_right_tri_low (const EigMat1 &A, const EigMat2 &b) |
template<typename EigMat1 , typename EigMat2 , require_eigen_vt< std::is_arithmetic, EigMat1 > * = nullptr, require_eigen_vt< is_fvar, EigMat2 > * = nullptr> | |
Eigen::Matrix< value_type_t< EigMat2 >, EigMat1::RowsAtCompileTime, EigMat2::ColsAtCompileTime > | mdivide_right_tri_low (const EigMat1 &A, const EigMat2 &b) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | modified_bessel_first_kind (int v, const fvar< T > &z) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | modified_bessel_second_kind (int v, const fvar< T > &z) |
template<typename Mat1 , typename Mat2 , require_all_eigen_vt< is_fvar, Mat1, Mat2 > * = nullptr, require_vt_same< Mat1, Mat2 > * = nullptr, require_not_eigen_row_and_col_t< Mat1, Mat2 > * = nullptr> | |
auto | multiply (const Mat1 &m1, const Mat2 &m2) |
Return the product of the specified matrices. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | multiply_log (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | multiply_log (double x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | multiply_log (const fvar< T > &x1, double x2) |
template<typename EigMat , require_eigen_vt< is_fvar, EigMat > * = nullptr> | |
Eigen::Matrix< value_type_t< EigMat >, EigMat::RowsAtCompileTime, EigMat::RowsAtCompileTime > | multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose (const EigMat &m) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | norm (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the squared magnitude of the complex argument. | |
template<typename Container , require_eigen_vt< is_fvar, Container > * = nullptr> | |
auto | norm1 (const Container &x) |
Compute the L1 norm of the specified vector of values. | |
template<typename Container , require_eigen_vt< is_fvar, Container > * = nullptr> | |
auto | norm2 (const Container &x) |
Compute the L2 norm of the specified vector of values. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | owens_t (const fvar< T > &x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
Return Owen's T function applied to the specified arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | owens_t (double x1, const fvar< T > &x2) |
Return Owen's T function applied to the specified arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | owens_t (const fvar< T > &x1, double x2) |
Return Owen's T function applied to the specified arguments. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | Phi (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | Phi_approx (const fvar< T > &x) |
Return an approximation of the unit normal cumulative distribution function (CDF). | |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | polar (const fvar< T > &r, const fvar< T > &theta) |
Returns complex number with specified magnitude and phase angle. | |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | polar (const fvar< T > &r, U theta) |
Returns complex number with specified magnitude and phase angle. | |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | polar (U r, const fvar< T > &theta) |
Returns complex number with specified magnitude and phase angle. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_any_fvar_t< base_type_t< T1 >, base_type_t< T2 > > * = nullptr, require_all_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
auto | pow (const T1 &x1, const T2 &x2) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_any_container_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_all_not_matrix_st< is_var, T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_fvar_t< base_type_t< T1 >, base_type_t< T2 > > * = nullptr> | |
auto | pow (const T1 &a, const T2 &b) |
Returns the elementwise raising of the first argument to the power of the second argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
double | primitive_value (const fvar< T > &v) |
Return the primitive value of the specified forward-mode autodiff variable. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | proj (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the projection of the complex argument onto the Riemann sphere. | |
template<typename EigMat1 , typename EigMat2 , require_all_eigen_t< EigMat1, EigMat2 > * = nullptr, require_not_eigen_col_vector_t< EigMat2 > * = nullptr, require_any_vt_fvar< EigMat1, EigMat2 > * = nullptr> | |
promote_scalar_t< return_type_t< EigMat1, EigMat2 >, EigMat2 > | quad_form (const EigMat1 &A, const EigMat2 &B) |
Return the quadratic form \( B^T A B \). | |
template<typename EigMat , typename ColVec , require_eigen_t< EigMat > * = nullptr, require_eigen_col_vector_t< ColVec > * = nullptr, require_any_vt_fvar< EigMat, ColVec > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< EigMat, ColVec > | quad_form (const EigMat &A, const ColVec &B) |
Return the quadratic form \( B^T A B \). | |
template<typename EigMat1 , typename EigMat2 , require_all_eigen_t< EigMat1, EigMat2 > * = nullptr, require_not_eigen_col_vector_t< EigMat2 > * = nullptr, require_any_vt_fvar< EigMat1, EigMat2 > * = nullptr> | |
promote_scalar_t< return_type_t< EigMat1, EigMat2 >, EigMat2 > | quad_form_sym (const EigMat1 &A, const EigMat2 &B) |
Return the quadratic form \( B^T A B \) of a symmetric matrix. | |
template<typename EigMat , typename ColVec , require_eigen_t< EigMat > * = nullptr, require_eigen_col_vector_t< ColVec > * = nullptr, require_any_vt_fvar< EigMat, ColVec > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< EigMat, ColVec > | quad_form_sym (const EigMat &A, const ColVec &B) |
Return the quadratic form \( B^T A B \) of a symmetric matrix. | |
template<typename EigFvar , typename EigOut > | |
void | read_fvar (const EigFvar &FvarMat, EigOut &ValMat, EigOut &DMat) |
Function applying the read_fvar_functor to extract the values and tangets of a given fvar matrix into separate matrices. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | rising_factorial (const fvar< T > &x, int n) |
Return autodiff variable with the gradient and result of the rising factorial function applied to the inputs. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | round (const fvar< T > &x) |
Return the closest integer to the specified argument, with halfway cases rounded away from zero. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | sin (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | sin (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the sine of the complex argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | sinh (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | sinh (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the hyperbolic sine of the complex argument. | |
template<typename ColVec , require_eigen_col_vector_vt< is_fvar, ColVec > * = nullptr> | |
auto | softmax (const ColVec &alpha) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | sqrt (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | sqrt (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the square root of the complex argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | square (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T , require_fvar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | sum (const std::vector< T > &m) |
Return the sum of the entries of the specified standard vector. | |
template<typename T , require_eigen_vt< is_fvar, T > * = nullptr> | |
value_type_t< T > | sum (const T &m) |
Return the sum of the entries of the specified matrix. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | tan (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | tan (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the tangent of the complex argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | tanh (const fvar< T > &x) |
template<typename T > | |
std::complex< fvar< T > > | tanh (const std::complex< fvar< T > > &z) |
Return the hyperbolic tangent of the complex argument. | |
template<typename EigMat , require_eigen_vt< is_fvar, EigMat > * = nullptr> | |
Eigen::Matrix< value_type_t< EigMat >, EigMat::RowsAtCompileTime, EigMat::RowsAtCompileTime > | tcrossprod (const EigMat &m) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | tgamma (const fvar< T > &x) |
Return the result of applying the gamma function to the specified argument. | |
template<typename T , require_stan_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr, require_not_fvar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
fvar< T > | to_fvar (const T &x) |
template<typename T , require_fvar_t< scalar_type_t< T > > * = nullptr> | |
T && | to_fvar (T &&x) |
Specialization of to_fvar for [containers of] fvars. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::vector< fvar< T > > | to_fvar (const std::vector< T > &v) |
template<typename T > | |
std::vector< fvar< T > > | to_fvar (const std::vector< T > &v, const std::vector< T > &d) |
template<typename T , require_eigen_t< T > * = nullptr, require_not_eigen_vt< is_fvar, T > * = nullptr> | |
promote_scalar_t< fvar< value_type_t< T > >, T > | to_fvar (const T &m) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_eigen_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_vt_same< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
promote_scalar_t< fvar< value_type_t< T1 > >, T1 > | to_fvar (const T1 &val, const T2 &deriv) |
template<typename EigMat1 , typename EigMat2 , require_all_eigen_t< EigMat1, EigMat2 > * = nullptr, require_any_vt_fvar< EigMat1, EigMat2 > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< EigMat1, EigMat2 > | trace_quad_form (const EigMat1 &A, const EigMat2 &B) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | trigamma (const fvar< T > &u) |
Return the value of the trigamma function at the specified argument (i.e., the second derivative of the log Gamma function at the specified argument). | |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | trunc (const fvar< T > &x) |
Return the nearest integral value that is not larger in magnitude than the specified argument. | |
template<typename T > | |
T | value_of (const fvar< T > &v) |
Return the value of the specified variable. | |
template<typename T > | |
double | value_of_rec (const fvar< T > &v) |
Return the value of the specified variable. | |
template<typename F , typename... TArgs, require_any_st_fvar< TArgs... > * = nullptr> | |
auto | finite_diff (const F &func, const TArgs &... args) |
Construct an fvar<T> where the tangent is calculated by finite-differencing. | |
template<typename T , typename F > | |
void | gradient (const F &f, const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &x, T &fx, Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &grad_fx) |
Calculate the value and the gradient of the specified function at the specified argument. | |
template<typename T , typename F > | |
void | hessian (const F &f, const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &x, T &fx, Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &grad, Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &H) |
Calculate the value, the gradient, and the Hessian, of the specified function at the specified argument in time O(N^3) time and O(N^2) space. | |
template<typename F , typename T_a , typename T_b , typename... Args, require_any_st_fvar< T_a, T_b, Args... > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_a, T_b, Args... > | integrate_1d_impl (const F &f, const T_a &a, const T_b &b, double relative_tolerance, std::ostream *msgs, const Args &... args) |
Return the integral of f from a to b to the given relative tolerance. | |
template<typename F , typename T_a , typename T_b , typename T_theta , require_any_fvar_t< T_a, T_b, T_theta > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_a, T_b, T_theta > | integrate_1d (const F &f, const T_a &a, const T_b &b, const std::vector< T_theta > &theta, const std::vector< double > &x_r, const std::vector< int > &x_i, std::ostream *msgs, const double relative_tolerance) |
Compute the integral of the single variable function f from a to b to within a specified relative tolerance. | |
template<typename T , typename F > | |
void | jacobian (const F &f, const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &x, Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &fx, Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &J) |
template<typename T > | |
fvar< T > | std_normal_log_qf (const fvar< T > &p) |
template<typename T > | |
bool | is_aligned (T *ptr, unsigned int bytes_aligned) |
Return true if the specified pointer is aligned on the number of bytes. | |
template<typename T , typename F > | |
void | derivative (const F &f, const T &x, T &fx, T &dfx_dx) |
Return the derivative of the specified univariate function at the specified argument. | |
template<typename F > | |
void | finite_diff_grad_hessian (const F &f, const Eigen::VectorXd &x, double &fx, Eigen::MatrixXd &hess, std::vector< Eigen::MatrixXd > &grad_hess_fx, double epsilon=1e-04) |
Calculate the value and the gradient of the hessian of the specified function at the specified argument using second-order autodiff and first-order finite difference. | |
template<typename F > | |
void | finite_diff_grad_hessian_auto (const F &f, const Eigen::VectorXd &x, double &fx, Eigen::MatrixXd &hess, std::vector< Eigen::MatrixXd > &grad_hess_fx) |
Calculate the value, Hessian, and the gradient of the Hessian of the specified function at the specified argument using second-order autodiff and first-order finite difference. | |
template<typename F > | |
void | grad_hessian (const F &f, const Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &x, double &fx, Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &H, std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > > &grad_H) |
Calculate the value, the Hessian, and the gradient of the Hessian of the specified function at the specified argument. | |
template<typename F > | |
void | grad_tr_mat_times_hessian (const F &f, const Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &x, const Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &M, Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &grad_tr_MH) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename F > | |
void | gradient_dot_vector (const F &f, const Eigen::Matrix< T1, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &x, const Eigen::Matrix< T2, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &v, T1 &fx, T1 &grad_fx_dot_v) |
template<typename F > | |
void | hessian (const F &f, const Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &x, double &fx, Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &grad, Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &H) |
Calculate the value, the gradient, and the Hessian, of the specified function at the specified argument in O(N^2) time and O(N^2) space. | |
template<typename F > | |
void | hessian_times_vector (const F &f, const Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &x, const Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &v, double &fx, Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &Hv) |
template<typename T , typename F > | |
void | hessian_times_vector (const F &f, const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &x, const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &v, T &fx, Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &Hv) |
template<typename T , typename F > | |
void | partial_derivative (const F &f, const Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > &x, int n, T &fx, T &dfx_dxn) |
Return the partial derivative of the specified multivariate function at the specified argument. | |
template<typename T , require_st_arithmetic< T > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< scalar_type_t< T > > | to_matrix_cl (T &&src) |
Copies the source Eigen matrix, std::vector or scalar to the destination matrix that is stored on the OpenCL device. | |
template<typename T_ret , typename T , require_eigen_t< T_ret > * = nullptr, require_matrix_cl_t< T > * = nullptr, require_st_same< T_ret, T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | from_matrix_cl (const T &src) |
Copies the source matrix that is stored on the OpenCL device to the destination Eigen matrix. | |
template<typename T_ret , typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T > * = nullptr, require_not_matrix_cl_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | from_matrix_cl (const T &src) |
Copies result of a kernel generator expression to the specified destination type. | |
template<typename T_dst , typename T , require_arithmetic_t< T > * = nullptr, require_same_t< T_dst, T > * = nullptr> | |
T_dst | from_matrix_cl (const matrix_cl< T > &src) |
Copy A 1 by 1 source matrix from the Device to the host. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | from_matrix_cl (const T &src) |
Copies the source kernel generator expression or matrix that is stored on the OpenCL device to the destination Eigen matrix. | |
template<typename T , require_matrix_cl_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | packed_copy (const T &src) |
Packs the square flat triangular matrix on the OpenCL device and copies it to the std::vector. | |
template<matrix_cl_view matrix_view, typename Vec , typename Vec_scalar = scalar_type_t<Vec>, require_vector_vt< std::is_arithmetic, Vec > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< Vec_scalar > | packed_copy (Vec &&src, int rows) |
Copies the packed triangular matrix from the source std::vector to an OpenCL buffer and unpacks it to a flat matrix on the OpenCL device. | |
template<typename T , require_matrix_cl_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
plain_type_t< T > | copy_cl (const T &src) |
Copies the source matrix to the destination matrix. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | check_mat_not_size_one (const char *function, const char *name, const matrix_cl< T > &A) |
Check if the matrix_cl has a single element. | |
void | check_opencl_error (const char *function, const cl::Error &e) |
Throws the domain error with specifying the OpenCL error that occurred. | |
template<typename T , typename = require_arithmetic_t<T>> | |
void | check_symmetric (const char *function, const char *name, const matrix_cl< T > &y) |
Check if the matrix_cl is symmetric. | |
template<typename T , require_matrix_cl_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
void | check_triangular (const char *function, const char *name, const T &A) |
Check if the matrix_cl is either upper triangular or lower triangular. | |
void | indexing_rev (matrix_cl< double > &adj, const matrix_cl< int > &idx, const matrix_cl< double > &res) |
Performs reverse pass for indexing operation on the OpenCL device. | |
template<typename Ta , typename Tb , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<Ta, Tb>> | |
auto | append_row (Ta &&a, Tb &&b) |
Stack the rows of the first argument on top of the second argument. | |
template<typename Ta , typename Tb , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<Ta, Tb>> | |
auto | append_col (Ta &&a, Tb &&b) |
Stack the cols of the arguments. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | as_column_vector_or_scalar (T &&a) |
as_column_vector_or_scalar of a kernel generator expression. | |
template<assign_op_cl AssignOp = assign_op_cl::equals, typename T_operation , typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of< operation_cl_base, std::remove_reference_t<T_operation>>::value>> | |
T_operation && | as_operation_cl (T_operation &&a) |
Converts any valid kernel generator expression into an operation. | |
template<assign_op_cl AssignOp = assign_op_cl::equals, typename T_scalar , typename = require_arithmetic_t<T_scalar>, require_not_same_t< T_scalar, bool > * = nullptr> | |
scalar_< T_scalar > | as_operation_cl (const T_scalar a) |
Converts any valid kernel generator expression into an operation. | |
template<assign_op_cl AssignOp = assign_op_cl::equals> | |
scalar_< char > | as_operation_cl (const bool a) |
Converts any valid kernel generator expression into an operation. | |
template<assign_op_cl AssignOp = assign_op_cl::equals, typename T_matrix_cl , typename = require_any_t<is_matrix_cl<T_matrix_cl>, is_arena_matrix_cl<T_matrix_cl>>> | |
load_< T_matrix_cl, AssignOp > | as_operation_cl (T_matrix_cl &&a) |
Converts any valid kernel generator expression into an operation. | |
template<typename T > | |
constexpr const char * | assignment_op () noexcept |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_arithmetic_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
addition_operator_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | operator+ (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_arithmetic_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
addition_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | add (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_arithmetic_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
subtraction_operator_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | operator- (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_arithmetic_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
subtraction_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | subtract (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_arithmetic_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
elt_multiply_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | elt_multiply (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_arithmetic_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
elt_divide_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | elt_divide (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_arithmetic_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
elt_modulo_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | operator% (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_arithmetic_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
less_than_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | operator< (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_arithmetic_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
less_than_or_equal_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | operator<= (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_arithmetic_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
greater_than_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | operator> (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_arithmetic_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
greater_than_or_equal_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | operator>= (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_arithmetic_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
equals_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | operator== (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_arithmetic_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
not_equals_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | operator!= (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_arithmetic_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
logical_or_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | operator|| (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_arithmetic_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
logical_and_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | operator&& (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , typename = require_arithmetic_t<T_a>, typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_t<T_b>> | |
elt_multiply_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | operator* (T_a a, T_b &&b) |
Multiplication of a scalar and a kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_t<T_a>, typename = require_arithmetic_t<T_b>> | |
elt_multiply_< as_operation_cl_t< T_a >, as_operation_cl_t< T_b > > | operator* (T_a &&a, const T_b b) |
Multiplication of a kernel generator expression and a scalar. | |
template<typename T , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
auto | block_zero_based (T &&a, int start_row, int start_col, int rows, int cols) |
Block of a kernel generator expression. | |
template<bool Colwise, bool Rowwise, typename T , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
auto | broadcast (T &&a) |
Broadcast an expression in specified dimension(s). | |
template<typename T , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
auto | rowwise_broadcast (T &&a) |
Broadcast an expression in rowwise dimmension. | |
template<typename T , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
auto | colwise_broadcast (T &&a) |
Broadcast an expression in colwise dimmension. | |
template<bool Do_Calculate, typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T > * = nullptr, std::enable_if_t< Do_Calculate > * = nullptr> | |
calc_if_< true, as_operation_cl_t< T > > | calc_if (T &&a) |
template<bool Do_Calculate, typename T , std::enable_if_t<!Do_Calculate > * = nullptr> | |
calc_if_< false, scalar_< double > > | calc_if (T &&a) |
template<typename Scalar , typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | cast (T &&a) |
Typecast a kernel generator expression scalar. | |
template<typename Scalar , typename T , require_stan_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
Scalar | cast (T a) |
Typecast a scalar. | |
template<typename T , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_t<T>> | |
auto | check_cl (const char *function, const char *var_name, T &&y, const char *must_be) |
Constructs a check on opencl matrix or expression. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | colwise_sum (T &&a) |
Column wise sum - reduction of a kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | colwise_prod (T &&a) |
Column wise product - reduction of a kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | colwise_max (T &&a) |
Column wise max - reduction of a kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | colwise_min (T &&a) |
Column wise min - reduction of a kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_kernel_expression_lhs_t< T1 > * = nullptr, require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T2 > * = nullptr> | |
T1 | operator+= (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_kernel_expression_lhs_t< T1 > * = nullptr, require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T2 > * = nullptr> | |
T1 | operator-= (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_kernel_expression_lhs_t< T1 > * = nullptr, require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T2 > * = nullptr> | |
T1 | operator*= (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T , typename = require_arithmetic_t<T>> | |
auto | constant (const T a, int rows, int cols) |
Matrix of repeated values in kernel generator expressions. | |
template<typename T , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
auto | diagonal (T &&a) |
Diagonal of a kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
rsqrt_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | rsqrt (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
sqrt_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | sqrt (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
cbrt_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | cbrt (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
exp_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | exp (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
exp2_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | exp2 (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
expm1_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | expm1 (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
log_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | log (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
log2_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | log2 (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
log10_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | log10 (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
log1p_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | log1p (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
sin_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | sin (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
sinh_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | sinh (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
cos_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | cos (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
cosh_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | cosh (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
tan_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | tan (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
tanh_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | tanh (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
asin_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | asin (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
asinh_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | asinh (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
acos_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | acos (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
acosh_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | acosh (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
atan_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | atan (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
atanh_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | atanh (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
tgamma_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | tgamma (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
lgamma_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | lgamma (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
erf_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | erf (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
erfc_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | erfc (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
floor_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | floor (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
round_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | round (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
ceil_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | ceil (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
fabs_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | fabs (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
trunc_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | trunc (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
digamma_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | digamma (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
log1m_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | log1m (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
log_inv_logit_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | log_inv_logit (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
log1m_exp_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | log1m_exp (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
log1p_exp_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | log1p_exp (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
inv_square_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | inv_square (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
inv_logit_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | inv_logit (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
logit_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | logit (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
Phi_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | Phi (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
Phi_approx_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | Phi_approx (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
inv_Phi_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | inv_Phi (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
log1m_inv_logit_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | log1m_inv_logit (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
trigamma_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | trigamma (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
square_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | square (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
isfinite_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | isfinite (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
isinf_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | isinf (T &&a) |
template<typename T , typename Cond = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
isnan_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | isnan (T &&a) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
fdim_< as_operation_cl_t< T1 >, as_operation_cl_t< T2 > > | fdim (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
fmax_< as_operation_cl_t< T1 >, as_operation_cl_t< T2 > > | fmax (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
fmin_< as_operation_cl_t< T1 >, as_operation_cl_t< T2 > > | fmin (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
fmod_< as_operation_cl_t< T1 >, as_operation_cl_t< T2 > > | fmod (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
hypot_< as_operation_cl_t< T1 >, as_operation_cl_t< T2 > > | hypot (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
ldexp_< as_operation_cl_t< T1 >, as_operation_cl_t< T2 > > | ldexp (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
pow_< as_operation_cl_t< T1 >, as_operation_cl_t< T2 > > | pow (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
copysign_< as_operation_cl_t< T1 >, as_operation_cl_t< T2 > > | copysign (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
beta_< as_operation_cl_t< T1 >, as_operation_cl_t< T2 > > | beta (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
binomial_coefficient_log_< as_operation_cl_t< T1 >, as_operation_cl_t< T2 > > | binomial_coefficient_log (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
lbeta_< as_operation_cl_t< T1 >, as_operation_cl_t< T2 > > | lbeta (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
log_inv_logit_diff_< as_operation_cl_t< T1 >, as_operation_cl_t< T2 > > | log_inv_logit_diff (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
log_diff_exp_< as_operation_cl_t< T1 >, as_operation_cl_t< T2 > > | log_diff_exp (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
multiply_log_< as_operation_cl_t< T1 >, as_operation_cl_t< T2 > > | multiply_log (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
lmultiply_< as_operation_cl_t< T1 >, as_operation_cl_t< T2 > > | lmultiply (T1 &&a, T2 &&b) |
template<typename T , typename... Ptrs, require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T, Ptrs... > * = nullptr> | |
auto | holder_cl (T &&a, Ptrs *... ptrs) |
Constructs a no-op operation that also holds pointer to some other expressions, allocated on heap. | |
template<typename T , typename... Args, require_all_kernel_expressions_t< decltype(std::declval< T >()(std::declval< Args & >()...)), Args... > * = nullptr> | |
auto | make_holder_cl (const T &func, Args &&... args) |
Constructs an expression from given arguments using given functor. | |
template<typename T_mat , typename T_row_index , typename T_col_index , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_mat, T_row_index, T_col_index > * = nullptr> | |
auto | indexing (T_mat &&mat, T_row_index &&row_index, T_col_index &&col_index) |
Index a kernel generator expression using two expressions for indices. | |
template<typename T_matrix , typename T_vector , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_t<T_matrix, T_vector>> | |
auto | matrix_vector_multiply (T_matrix &&matrix, T_vector &&vector) |
Multiplies a matrix and a vector on an OpenCL device. | |
template<typename... T_expressions> | |
expressions_cl< T_expressions... > | expressions (T_expressions &&... expressions) |
Deduces types for constructing expressions_cl object. | |
template<typename... T_results> | |
results_cl< T_results... > | results (T_results &&... results) |
Deduces types for constructing results_cl object. | |
template<const char * Code, typename... T_arguments, require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_arguments... > * = nullptr> | |
auto | opencl_code (std::tuple< typename std::pair< const char *, T_arguments >::first_type... > names, T_arguments &&... arguments) |
Custom code in kernel generator expressions. | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, kernel_parts &parts) |
template<bool Colwise, bool Rowwise, typename T , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
optional_broadcast_< as_operation_cl_t< T >, Colwise, Rowwise > | optional_broadcast (T &&a) |
Broadcast an expression in specified dimension(s) if the size along that dimension equals 1. | |
template<typename T , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
auto | rowwise_optional_broadcast (T &&a) |
Broadcast an expression in rowwise dimmension if the number of columns equals to 1. | |
template<typename T , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
auto | colwise_optional_broadcast (T &&a) |
Broadcast an expression in colwise dimmension if the number of rows equals to 1. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | sum_2d (T &&a) |
Two dimensional sum - reduction of a kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | prod_2d (T &&a) |
Two dimensional product - reduction of a kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | max_2d (T &&a) |
Two dimensional max - reduction of a kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | min_2d (T &&a) |
Two dimensional min - reduction of a kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
auto | rowwise_sum (T &&a) |
Rowwise sum reduction of a kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
auto | rowwise_prod (T &&a) |
Rowwise product reduction of a kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
auto | rowwise_max (T &&a) |
Rowwise max reduction of a kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T>> | |
auto | rowwise_min (T &&a) |
Min reduction of a kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T_condition , typename T_then , typename T_else , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_condition, T_then, T_else > * = nullptr, require_any_not_arithmetic_t< T_condition, T_then, T_else > * = nullptr> | |
select_< as_operation_cl_t< T_condition >, as_operation_cl_t< T_then >, as_operation_cl_t< T_else > > | select (T_condition &&condition, T_then &&then, T_else &&els) |
Selection operation on kernel generator expressions. | |
template<typename Arg , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<Arg>> | |
auto | transpose (Arg &&a) |
Transposes a kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T > | |
std::string | type_str () |
Determines a string name of a type. | |
template<> | |
std::string | type_str< double > () |
template<> | |
std::string | type_str< int > () |
template<> | |
std::string | type_str< char > () |
template<> | |
std::string | type_str< bool > () |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
logical_negation_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | operator! (T &&a) |
Logical negation of a kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
unary_minus_< as_operation_cl_t< T > > | operator- (T &&a) |
Unary minus of a kernel generator expression. | |
const matrix_cl_view | either (const matrix_cl_view left_view, const matrix_cl_view right_view) |
Determines which parts are nonzero in any of the input views. | |
const matrix_cl_view | both (const matrix_cl_view left_view, const matrix_cl_view right_view) |
Determines which parts are nonzero in both input views. | |
bool | contains_nonzero (const matrix_cl_view view, const matrix_cl_view part) |
Check whether a view contains certain nonzero part. | |
const matrix_cl_view | transpose (const matrix_cl_view view) |
Transposes a view - swaps lower and upper parts. | |
const matrix_cl_view | invert (const matrix_cl_view view) |
Inverts a view. | |
matrix_cl_view | from_eigen_uplo_type (Eigen::UpLoType eigen_type) |
Creates a view from Eigen::UpLoType . | |
int | either (int left_view, int right_view) |
Determines which parts are nonzero in any of the input views. | |
int | both (int left_view, int right_view) |
Determines which parts are nonzero in both input views. | |
bool | contains_nonzero (int view, int part) |
Check whether a view contains certain nonzero part. | |
template<typename T , typename = require_arithmetic_t<T>> | |
matrix_cl< T > | multiply_transpose (const matrix_cl< T > &A) |
Computes the product of a square OpenCL matrix with its transpose. | |
template<typename T_m , typename T_a , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_m > * = nullptr, require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a > * = nullptr> | |
auto | add_diag (T_m &&mat, T_a &&to_add) |
Returns a Matrix with values added along the main diagonal. | |
template<typename T_x , typename T_y , require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x, T_y > * = nullptr> | |
auto | append_array (T_x &&x, T_y &&y) |
Return the concatenation of two specified vectors in the order of the arguments. | |
template<typename T_n_cl , typename T_prob_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_n_cl, T_prob_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_n_cl, T_prob_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_prob_cl > | bernoulli_cdf (const T_n_cl &n, const T_prob_cl &theta) |
Returns the CDF of the Bernoulli distribution. | |
template<typename T_n_cl , typename T_prob_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_n_cl, T_prob_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_n_cl, T_prob_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_prob_cl > | bernoulli_lccdf (const T_n_cl &n, const T_prob_cl &theta) |
Returns the log CCDF of the Bernoulli distribution. | |
template<typename T_n_cl , typename T_prob_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_n_cl, T_prob_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_n_cl, T_prob_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_prob_cl > | bernoulli_lcdf (const T_n_cl &n, const T_prob_cl &theta) |
Returns the log CDF of the Bernoulli distribution. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_x_cl , typename T_y_cl , typename T_alpha_cl , typename T_beta_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_x_cl, T_alpha_cl, T_beta_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_x_cl, T_alpha_cl, T_beta_cl > | bernoulli_logit_glm_lpmf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_x_cl &x, const T_alpha_cl &alpha, const T_beta_cl &beta) |
Returns the log PMF of the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) with Bernoulli distribution and logit link function. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_n_cl , typename T_prob_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_n_cl, T_prob_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_n_cl, T_prob_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_prob_cl > | bernoulli_logit_lpmf (const T_n_cl &n, const T_prob_cl &theta) |
Returns the log PMF of the logit-parametrized Bernoulli distribution. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_n_cl , typename T_prob_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_n_cl, T_prob_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_n_cl, T_prob_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_prob_cl > | bernoulli_lpmf (const T_n_cl &n, const T_prob_cl &theta) |
Returns the log PMF of the Bernoulli distribution. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_n_cl , typename T_N_cl , typename T_size1_cl , typename T_size2_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_n_cl, T_size1_cl, T_size2_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_n_cl, T_size1_cl, T_size2_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_n_cl, T_size1_cl, T_size2_cl > | beta_binomial_lpmf (const T_n_cl &n, const T_N_cl N, const T_size1_cl &alpha, const T_size2_cl &beta) |
Returns the log PMF of the Beta-Binomial distribution with given population size, prior success, and prior failure parameters. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_scale_succ_cl , typename T_scale_fail_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_succ_cl, T_scale_fail_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_succ_cl, T_scale_fail_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_succ_cl, T_scale_fail_cl > | beta_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_scale_succ_cl &alpha, const T_scale_fail_cl &beta) |
The log of the beta density for the specified scalar(s) given the specified sample stan::math::size(s). | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_prec_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_prec_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_prec_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_prec_cl > | beta_proportion_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_prec_cl &kappa) |
The log of the beta density for specified y, location, and precision: beta_proportion_lpdf(y | mu, kappa) = beta_lpdf(y | mu * kappa, (1 - mu) * kappa). | |
template<bool propto, typename T_n_cl , typename T_N_cl , typename T_x_cl , typename T_alpha_cl , typename T_beta_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_n_cl, T_N_cl, T_x_cl, T_alpha_cl, T_beta_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_x_cl, T_alpha_cl, T_beta_cl > | binomial_logit_glm_lpmf (const T_n_cl &n, const T_N_cl &N, const T_x_cl &x, const T_alpha_cl &alpha, const T_beta_cl &beta) |
template<bool propto, typename T_n_cl , typename T_N_cl , typename T_prob_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_n_cl, T_N_cl, T_prob_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_n_cl, T_N_cl, T_prob_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_prob_cl > | binomial_logit_lpmf (const T_n_cl &n, const T_N_cl N, const T_prob_cl &alpha) |
Binomial log PMF in logit parametrization. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_n_cl , typename T_N_cl , typename T_prob_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_n_cl, T_N_cl, T_prob_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_n_cl, T_N_cl, T_prob_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_prob_cl > | binomial_lpmf (const T_n_cl &n, const T_N_cl N, const T_prob_cl &theta) |
Returns the log PMF for the binomial distribution evaluated at the specified success, population size, and chance of success. | |
template<typename T_x , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T_x>> | |
auto | block (T_x &&x, size_t i, size_t j, size_t nrows, size_t ncols) |
Return a nrows x ncols submatrix starting at (i-1, j-1). | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y , typename T_x , typename T_alpha , typename T_beta , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y, T_x, T_alpha, T_beta > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_x, T_alpha, T_beta > | categorical_logit_glm_lpmf (const T_y &y, const T_x &x, const T_alpha &alpha, const T_beta &beta) |
Returns the log PMF of the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) with categorical distribution and logit (softmax) link function. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | cauchy_cdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the cauchy cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | cauchy_lccdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the cauchy log complementary cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | cauchy_lcdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the cauchy cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | cauchy_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
The log of the Cauchy density for the specified scalar(s) given the specified location parameter(s) and scale parameter(s). | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_dof_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_dof_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_dof_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_dof_cl > | chi_square_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_dof_cl &nu) |
The log of a chi-squared density for y with the specified degrees of freedom parameter. | |
matrix_cl< double > | cholesky_decompose (const matrix_cl< double > &A) |
Returns the lower-triangular Cholesky factor (i.e., matrix square root) of the specified square, symmetric matrix on the OpenCL device. | |
template<typename T_x , typename = require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t<T_x>> | |
auto | col (T_x &&x, size_t j) |
Return the specified column of the specified kernel generator expression using start-at-1 indexing. | |
template<typename T_x , require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
int64_t | cols (const T_x &x) |
Returns the number of columns in the specified kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
auto | columns_dot_product (const T_a &a, const T_b &b) |
Returns the dot product of columns of the specified matrices. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | columns_dot_self (const T &a) |
Returns the dot product of each column of a matrix with itself. | |
template<typename T , typename L , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr, require_all_kernel_expressions_t< L > * = nullptr> | |
auto | lb_constrain (T &&x, L &&lb) |
Return the lower-bounded value for the specified unconstrained input and specified lower bound. | |
template<typename T , typename L , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr, require_all_kernel_expressions_t< L > * = nullptr> | |
auto | lb_constrain (const T &x, const L &lb, return_type_t< T, L > &lp) |
Return the lower-bounded value for the specified unconstrained input and specified lower bound. | |
template<typename T , typename L , typename U , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr, require_all_kernel_expressions_t< L, U > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< double > | lub_constrain (const T &x, const L &lb, const U &ub) |
Return the lower and upper-bounded matrix derived by transforming the specified free matrix given the specified lower and upper bounds. | |
template<typename T , typename L , typename U , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr, require_all_kernel_expressions_t< L, U > * = nullptr> | |
auto | lub_constrain (const T &x, const L &lb, const U &ub, return_type_t< T, L, U > &lp) |
Return the lower and upper-bounded matrix derived by transforming the specified free matrix given the specified lower and upper bounds. | |
template<typename T , typename M , typename S , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T, M, S > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T, M, S > * = nullptr> | |
auto | offset_multiplier_constrain (const T &x, const M &mu, const S &sigma) |
Return the linearly transformed value for the specified unconstrained input and specified offset and multiplier. | |
template<typename T , typename M , typename S , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T, M, S > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T, M, S > * = nullptr> | |
auto | offset_multiplier_constrain (const T &x, const M &mu, const S &sigma, double &lp) |
Return the linearly transformed value for the specified unconstrained input and specified offset and multiplier. | |
template<typename T , typename U , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr, require_all_kernel_expressions_t< U > * = nullptr> | |
auto | ub_constrain (T &&x, U &&ub) |
Return the upper-bounded value for the specified unconstrained matrix and upper bound. | |
template<typename T , typename U , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr, require_all_kernel_expressions_t< U > * = nullptr> | |
auto | ub_constrain (const T &x, const U &ub, return_type_t< T, U > &lp) |
Return the upper-bounded value for the specified unconstrained matrix and upper bound. | |
template<typename T_x , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
auto | unit_vector_constrain (T_x &&x) |
Return the unit length vector corresponding to the given free vector. | |
template<typename T_x , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
auto | unit_vector_constrain (T_x &&x, double &lp) |
Return the unit length vector corresponding to the given free vector. | |
template<typename T_A , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T_A>> | |
matrix_cl< typename std::decay_t< T_A >::Scalar > | crossprod (T_A &&A) |
Returns the result of pre-multiplying a matrix by its own transpose. | |
template<typename T_vec , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_vec > * = nullptr> | |
auto | cumulative_sum (T_vec &&v) |
Return the cumulative sum of the specified vector. | |
template<typename T_x , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
auto | diag_matrix (T_x &&x) |
Return a square diagonal matrix with the specified vector of coefficients as the diagonal values. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
auto | diag_post_multiply (const T1 &m1, const T2 &m2) |
Return the product of a matrix and the diagonal matrix formed from the vector or row_vector. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
auto | diag_pre_multiply (const T1 &m1, const T2 &m2) |
Return the product of the diagonal matrix formed from the vector or row_vector and a matrix. | |
template<typename T_x , require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
void | dims (const T_x &x, std::vector< int > &result) |
matrix_cl overload of the dims helper function in prim/fun/dims.hpp. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_prob_cl , typename T_prior_size_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_prob_cl, T_prior_size_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_prob_cl, T_prior_size_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_prob_cl, T_prior_size_cl > | dirichlet_lpdf (const T_prob_cl &theta, const T_prior_size_cl &alpha) |
The log of the Dirichlet density for the given theta and a vector of prior sample sizes, alpha. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
auto | distance (const T_a &a, const T_b &b) |
Returns the distance between the specified vectors. | |
template<typename T_a , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T_a>> | |
auto | divide (T_a &&a, double d) |
Returns the elementwise division of the kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename = require_all_arithmetic_t<T1, T2>> | |
void | divide_columns (matrix_cl< T1 > &A, const matrix_cl< T2 > &B) |
Divides each column of a matrix by a vector. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename = require_all_arithmetic_t<T1, T2>> | |
void | divide_columns (matrix_cl< T1 > &A, const T2 &divisor) |
Divides each column of a matrix by a scalar. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
auto | dot_product (const T_a &a, const T_b &b) |
Returns the dot product of the specified vectors. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | dot_self (const T &a) |
Returns squared norm of a vector or matrix. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | double_exponential_cdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the double exponential cumulative density function. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | double_exponential_lccdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the double exponential log complementary cumulative density function. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | double_exponential_lcdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the double exponential log cumulative density function. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | double_exponential_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the double exponential log probability density function. | |
matrix_cl< double > | eigenvalues_sym (const matrix_cl< double > &m) |
matrix_cl< double > | eigenvectors_sym (const matrix_cl< double > &m) |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_inv_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > | exp_mod_normal_cdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma, const T_inv_scale_cl &lambda) |
Returns the double exponential cumulative density function. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_inv_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > | exp_mod_normal_lccdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma, const T_inv_scale_cl &lambda) |
Returns the exp mod normal log complementary cumulative density function. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_inv_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > | exp_mod_normal_lcdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma, const T_inv_scale_cl &lambda) |
Returns the exp mod normal log cumulative density function. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_inv_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > | exp_mod_normal_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma, const T_inv_scale_cl &lambda) |
Returns the log PMF of the exp mod normal distribution. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_inv_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > | exponential_cdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_inv_scale_cl &beta) |
Calculates the exponential cumulative distribution function for the given y and beta. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_inv_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > | exponential_lccdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_inv_scale_cl &beta) |
Calculates the log exponential cumulative distribution function for the given y and beta. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_inv_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > | exponential_lcdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_inv_scale_cl &beta) |
Calculates the log exponential cumulative distribution function for the given y and beta. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_inv_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > | exponential_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_inv_scale_cl &beta) |
The log of an exponential density for y with the specified inverse scale parameter. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_shape_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > | frechet_cdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_shape_cl &alpha, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the frechet cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_shape_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > | frechet_lccdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_shape_cl &alpha, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the frechet log complementary cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_shape_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > | frechet_lcdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_shape_cl &alpha, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the frechet log cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_shape_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > | frechet_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_shape_cl &alpha, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
The log of the frechet density for the specified scalar(s) given the specified sample stan::math::size(s). | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_shape_cl , typename T_inv_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > | gamma_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_shape_cl &alpha, const T_inv_scale_cl &beta) |
The log of a gamma density for y with the specified shape and inverse scale parameters. | |
template<typename T_x , typename T_sigma , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x > * = nullptr, require_stan_scalar_t< T_sigma > * = nullptr> | |
auto | gp_dot_prod_cov (const T_x &x, const T_sigma sigma) |
Dot product kernel on the GPU. | |
template<typename T_x , typename T_y , typename T_sigma , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x, T_y > * = nullptr, require_stan_scalar_t< T_sigma > * = nullptr> | |
auto | gp_dot_prod_cov (const T_x &x, const T_y &y, const T_sigma sigma) |
Dot product kernel on the GPU. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename = require_all_arithmetic_t<T1, T2, T3>> | |
matrix_cl< return_type_t< T1, T2, T3 > > | gp_exp_quad_cov (const matrix_cl< T1 > &x, const T2 sigma, const T3 length_scale) |
Squared exponential kernel on the GPU. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename = require_all_arithmetic_t<T1, T2, T3, T4>> | |
matrix_cl< return_type_t< T1, T2, T3, T4 > > | gp_exp_quad_cov (const matrix_cl< T1 > &x, const matrix_cl< T2 > &y, const T3 sigma, const T4 length_scale) |
Squared exponential kernel on the GPU. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T1 > * = nullptr, require_all_arithmetic_t< T2, T3 > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< return_type_t< T1, T2, T3 > > | gp_exponential_cov (const T1 &x, const T2 sigma, const T3 length_scale) |
Matern exponential kernel on the GPU. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_all_arithmetic_t< T3, T4 > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< return_type_t< T1, T2, T3, T4 > > | gp_exponential_cov (const T1 &x, const T2 &y, const T3 sigma, const T4 length_scale) |
Matern exponential kernel on the GPU. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T1 > * = nullptr, require_all_arithmetic_t< T2, T3 > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< return_type_t< T1, T2, T3 > > | gp_matern32_cov (const T1 &x, const T2 sigma, const T3 length_scale) |
Matern 3/2 kernel on the GPU. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_all_arithmetic_t< T3, T4 > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< return_type_t< T1, T2, T3, T4 > > | gp_matern32_cov (const T1 &x, const T2 &y, const T3 sigma, const T4 length_scale) |
Matern 3/2 kernel on the GPU. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T1 > * = nullptr, require_all_arithmetic_t< T2, T3 > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< return_type_t< T1, T2, T3 > > | gp_matern52_cov (const T1 &x, const T2 sigma, const T3 length_scale) |
Matern 5/2 kernel on the GPU. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_all_arithmetic_t< T3, T4 > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< return_type_t< T1, T2, T3, T4 > > | gp_matern52_cov (const T1 &x, const T2 &y, const T3 sigma, const T4 length_scale) |
Matern 5/2 kernel on the GPU. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | gumbel_cdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &beta) |
Returns the gumbel cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | gumbel_lccdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &beta) |
Returns the Gumbel log complementary cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | gumbel_lcdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &beta) |
Returns the Gumbel log complementary cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | gumbel_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &beta) |
Returns the Gumbel log probability density for the given location and scale. | |
template<typename T_x , typename = require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t<T_x>> | |
auto | head (T_x &&x, size_t n) |
Return the specified number of elements as a vector or row vector (same as input) from the front of the specified vector or row vector. | |
template<typename T_x , require_matrix_cl_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
auto | identity_matrix (int K) |
Return a square identity matrix. | |
template<typename T_x , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T_x>> | |
auto | inv (T_x &&x) |
Return the elementwise 1.0 / x of the specified argument, which may be a scalar or any Stan container of numeric scalars. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_dof_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_dof_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_dof_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_dof_cl > | inv_chi_square_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_dof_cl &nu) |
The log of an inverse chi-squared density for y with the specified degrees of freedom parameter. | |
template<typename T_x , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T_x>> | |
auto | inv_cloglog (T_x &&x) |
The inverse complementary log-log function. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_shape_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > | inv_gamma_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_shape_cl &alpha, const T_scale_cl &beta) |
The log of an inverse gamma density for y with the specified shape and scale parameters. | |
template<typename T_x , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T_x>> | |
auto | inv_sqrt (T_x &&x) |
Return the elementwise 1 / sqrt(x) of the specified kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T_theta_cl , typename T_lambda_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_theta_cl, T_lambda_cl > * = nullptr> | |
auto | log_mix (const T_theta_cl &theta, const T_lambda_cl &lambda) |
Return the log mixture density with specified mixing proportions and log densities. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< double > | log_softmax (const T &a) |
Return log of the softmax of the specified vector. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
double | log_sum_exp (const T &a) |
Return the log of the sum of the exponentiated values of the specified matrix of values. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | logistic_cdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the logistic cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | logistic_lccdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the logistic cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | logistic_lcdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the logistic cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | logistic_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
The log of a logistic density for y with the specified location and scale parameters. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | lognormal_cdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the loghormal cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | lognormal_lccdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the lognormal log complementary cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | lognormal_lcdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the lognormal log cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | lognormal_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
The log of the lognormal density for the specified scalar(s) given the specified sample stan::math::size(s). | |
template<typename T_m , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_m > * = nullptr> | |
plain_type_t< T_m > | matrix_power (T_m &&M, const int n) |
Returns the nth power of the specific matrix. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< double > | mdivide_left_tri_low (const T1 &A, const T2 &b) |
Returns the solution of the system Ax=b when A is lower triangular. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< double > | mdivide_left_tri_low (const T &A) |
Returns the solution of the system Ax=b when A is triangular and b=I. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< double > | mdivide_right_tri_low (const T2 &b, const T1 &A) |
Returns the solution of the system Ax=b where A is a lower triangular matrix. | |
template<typename T , require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
scalar_type_t< T > | mean (const T &m) |
Returns the sample mean (i.e., average) of the coefficients in the specified std vector, vector, row vector, or matrix. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_covar_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_covar_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_covar_cl > | multi_normal_cholesky_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_covar_cl &L) |
The log of the multivariate normal density for the given y, mu, and a Cholesky factor L of the variance matrix. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T1, T2>> | |
matrix_cl< return_type_t< T1, T2 > > | multiply (const T1 &A, const T2 &B) |
Computes the product of the specified matrices with the option of specifying the triangularity of either input matrices. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T_a, T_b>> | |
matrix_cl< return_type_t< T_a, T_b > > | operator* (const T_a &a, const T_b &b) |
Matrix multiplication of two kernel generator expressions. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_stan_scalar_t< T_a > * = nullptr, require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_b > * = nullptr, require_all_not_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< return_type_t< T_a, T_b > > | multiply (const T_a &a, const T_b &b) |
Matrix multiplication of a scalar and a kernel generator expressions. | |
template<typename T_x , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
auto | multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose (T_x &&x) |
Returns the result of multiplying the lower triangular portion of the input matrix by its own transpose. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_x_cl , typename T_alpha_cl , typename T_beta_cl , typename T_phi_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x_cl, T_y_cl, T_alpha_cl, T_beta_cl, T_phi_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_x_cl, T_alpha_cl, T_beta_cl, T_phi_cl > | neg_binomial_2_log_glm_lpmf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_x_cl &x, const T_alpha_cl &alpha, const T_beta_cl &beta, const T_phi_cl &phi) |
Returns the log PMF of the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) with Negative-Binomial-2 distribution and log link function. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_n_cl , typename T_log_location_cl , typename T_precision_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_n_cl, T_log_location_cl, T_precision_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_n_cl, T_log_location_cl, T_precision_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_n_cl, T_log_location_cl, T_precision_cl > | neg_binomial_2_log_lpmf (const T_n_cl &n, const T_log_location_cl &eta, const T_precision_cl &phi) |
The log of the log transformed negative binomial density for the specified scalars given the specified mean(s) and deviation(s). | |
template<bool propto, typename T_n_cl , typename T_location_cl , typename T_precision_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_n_cl, T_location_cl, T_precision_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_n_cl, T_location_cl, T_precision_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_n_cl, T_location_cl, T_precision_cl > | neg_binomial_2_lpmf (const T_n_cl &n, const T_location_cl &mu, const T_precision_cl &phi) |
The log of the negative binomial density for the specified scalars given the specified mean(s) and deviation(s). | |
template<bool propto, typename T_n_cl , typename T_shape_cl , typename T_inv_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_n_cl, T_shape_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_n_cl, T_shape_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_n_cl, T_shape_cl, T_inv_scale_cl > | neg_binomial_lpmf (const T_n_cl &n, const T_shape_cl &alpha, const T_inv_scale_cl &beta) |
The log of the negative binomial density for the specified scalars given the specified mean(s) and deviation(s). | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | normal_cdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the normal cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_x_cl , typename T_alpha_cl , typename T_beta_cl , typename T_sigma_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x_cl, T_y_cl, T_alpha_cl, T_beta_cl, T_sigma_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_x_cl, T_alpha_cl, T_beta_cl, T_sigma_cl > | normal_id_glm_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_x_cl &x, const T_alpha_cl &alpha, const T_beta_cl &beta, const T_sigma_cl &sigma) |
Returns the log PDF of the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) with Normal distribution and id link function. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | normal_lccdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the normal log complementary cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | normal_lcdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the normal log complementary cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | normal_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
The log of the normal density for the specified scalar(s) given the specified mean(s) and deviation(s). | |
template<typename T , require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
int64_t | num_elements (const T &m) |
Returns the number of the elements of a matrix_cl or var_value<matrix_cl<T>> . | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y , typename T_x , typename T_beta , typename T_cuts , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y, T_x, T_beta, T_cuts > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_x, T_beta, T_cuts > | ordered_logistic_glm_lpmf (const T_y &y, const T_x &x, const T_beta &beta, const T_cuts &cuts) |
Returns the log PMF of the ordinal regression Generalized Linear Model (GLM). | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_cuts_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_cuts_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_cuts_cl > | ordered_logistic_lpmf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &lambda, const T_cuts_cl &cuts) |
Returns the (natural) log probability of the specified array of integers given the vector of continuous locations and specified cutpoints in an ordered logistic model. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_shape_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > | pareto_cdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_scale_cl &y_min, const T_shape_cl &alpha) |
Returns the Pareto cumulative density function. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_shape_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > | pareto_lccdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_scale_cl &y_min, const T_shape_cl &alpha) |
Returns the Pareto cumulative density function. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_shape_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > | pareto_lcdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_scale_cl &y_min, const T_shape_cl &alpha) |
Returns the Pareto cumulative density function. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_shape_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > | pareto_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_scale_cl &y_min, const T_shape_cl &alpha) |
The log of the Cauchy density for the specified scalar(s) given the specified location parameter(s) and scale parameter(s). | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_shape_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > | pareto_type_2_cdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &lambda, const T_shape_cl &alpha) |
Returns the pareto type 2 cumulative density function. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_shape_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > | pareto_type_2_lccdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &lambda, const T_shape_cl &alpha) |
Returns the pareto type 2 log complementaty cumulative density function. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_shape_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > | pareto_type_2_lcdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &lambda, const T_shape_cl &alpha) |
Returns the pareto type 2 log cumulative density function. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_shape_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > | pareto_type_2_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &lambda, const T_shape_cl &alpha) |
Returns the log PMF of the Pareto type 2 distribution. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_x_cl , typename T_alpha_cl , typename T_beta_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_x_cl, T_alpha_cl, T_beta_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_x_cl, T_alpha_cl, T_beta_cl > | poisson_log_glm_lpmf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_x_cl &x, const T_alpha_cl &alpha, const T_beta_cl &beta) |
Returns the log PMF of the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) with Poisson distribution and log link function. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_n_cl , typename T_log_rate_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_n_cl, T_log_rate_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_n_cl, T_log_rate_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_log_rate_cl > | poisson_log_lpmf (const T_n_cl &n, const T_log_rate_cl &alpha) |
Returns the log PMF of the Poisson log distribution. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_n_cl , typename T_rate_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_n_cl, T_rate_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_n_cl, T_rate_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_rate_cl > | poisson_lpmf (const T_n_cl &n, const T_rate_cl &lambda) |
Returns the log PMF of the Poisson distribution. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
value_type_t< T > | prod (const T &m) |
Calculates product of given kernel generator expression elements. | |
template<typename T_m , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_m > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< double > | qr_Q (T_m &&m) |
Returns the orthogonal factor of the fat QR decomposition. | |
template<typename T_m , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_m > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< double > | qr_R (T_m &&m) |
Returns the orthogonal factor of the fat QR decomposition. | |
template<typename T_m , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_m > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< double > | qr_thin_Q (T_m &&m) |
Returns the orthogonal factor of the fat QR decomposition. | |
template<typename T_m , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_m > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< double > | qr_thin_R (T_m &&m) |
Returns the orthogonal factor of the thin QR decomposition. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
int | rank (const T &v, int s) |
Return the number of components of v less than v[s]. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl > | rayleigh_cdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the Rayleigh cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl > | rayleigh_lccdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the Rayleigh log complementary cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl > | rayleigh_lcdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the Rayleigh log cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_scale_cl > | rayleigh_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
The log of an Rayleigh density for y with the specified scale parameter. | |
template<typename T , require_any_t< is_matrix_cl< T >, math::conjunction< is_var< T >, is_matrix_cl< value_type_t< T > > > > * = nullptr> | |
auto | rep_array (const scalar_type_t< T > &x, int n) |
Creates a matrix_cl representing an array by replicating the input value. | |
template<typename T , require_matrix_cl_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | rep_matrix (const value_type_t< T > &x, int n, int m) |
Creates a matrix_cl by replicating the given value of arithmetic type. | |
template<typename T , require_arithmetic_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | rep_matrix (const matrix_cl< T > &x, int m) |
Creates a matrix_cl by replicating the input vector or row_vector. | |
template<typename T , require_any_t< is_matrix_cl< T >, math::conjunction< is_var< T >, is_matrix_cl< value_type_t< T > > > > * = nullptr> | |
auto | rep_row_vector (const scalar_type_t< T > &x, int n) |
Creates a matrix_cl representing a row vector by replicating the input value. | |
template<typename T , require_any_t< is_matrix_cl< T >, math::conjunction< is_var< T >, is_matrix_cl< value_type_t< T > > > > * = nullptr> | |
auto | rep_vector (const scalar_type_t< T > &x, int n) |
Creates a matrix_cl representing a vector by replicating the input value. | |
template<typename T_x , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
auto | reverse (T_x &&x) |
Return reversed view into the specified vector or row vector. | |
template<typename T_x , typename = require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t<T_x>> | |
auto | row (T_x &&x, size_t j) |
Return the specified row of the specified kernel generator expression using start-at-1 indexing. | |
template<typename T_x , require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
int64_t | rows (const T_x &x) |
Returns the number of rows in the specified kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
auto | rows_dot_product (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Returns the dot product of rows of the specified matrices. | |
template<typename T_a , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_a > * = nullptr> | |
auto | rows_dot_self (T_a &&a) |
Returns the dot product of each row of a matrix with itself. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_dof_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_dof_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_dof_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_dof_cl, T_scale_cl > | scaled_inv_chi_square_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_dof_cl &nu, const T_scale_cl &s) |
The log of a scaled inverse chi-squared density for y with the specified degrees of freedom parameter and scale parameter. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
double | sd (const T &a) |
Returns the unbiased sample standard deviation of the coefficients in the specified std vector, column vector, row vector, or matrix. | |
template<typename T_x , require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
auto | segment (T_x &&x, size_t i, size_t n) |
Return the specified number of elements as a row/column vector starting from the specified element - 1 of the specified row/column vector. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | sign (const T &x) |
Returns signs of the arguments. | |
template<typename T , require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
int64_t | size (const T &m) |
Returns the size (number of the elements) of a matrix_cl or var_value<matrix_cl<T>> . | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_skewness_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_skewness_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_skewness_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_skewness_cl > | skew_double_exponential_cdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma, const T_skewness_cl &tau) |
Returns the skew double exponential cumulative density function. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_skewness_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_skewness_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_skewness_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_skewness_cl > | skew_double_exponential_lccdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma, const T_skewness_cl &tau) |
Returns the skew double exponential cumulative density function. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_skewness_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_skewness_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_skewness_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_skewness_cl > | skew_double_exponential_lcdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma, const T_skewness_cl &tau) |
Returns the skew double exponential cumulative density function. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_skewness_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_skewness_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_skewness_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_skewness_cl > | skew_double_exponential_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma, const T_skewness_cl &tau) |
Returns the log PMF of the skew double exponential distribution. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , typename T_shape_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl, T_shape_cl > | skew_normal_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma, const T_shape_cl &alpha) |
The log of the skew normal density for the specified scalar(s) given the specified mean(s), deviation(s) and shape(s). | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< double > | softmax (const T &a) |
Return the softmax of the specified vector. | |
template<typename T , require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | sort_asc (T &&input) |
Sort the (row)vector in ascending order. | |
template<typename T , require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | sort_desc (T &&input) |
Sort the (row)vector in ascending order. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
auto | squared_distance (const T_a &a, const T_b &b) |
Returns the squared distance. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl > | std_normal_cdf (const T_y_cl &y) |
Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution function. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl > | std_normal_lccdf (const T_y_cl &y) |
Returns the log standard normal complementary cumulative distribution function. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl > | std_normal_lcdf (const T_y_cl &y) |
Returns the log standard normal complementary cumulative distribution function. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl > | std_normal_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y) |
The log of the normal density for the specified scalar(s) given a location of 0 and a scale of 1. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_dof_cl , typename T_loc_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_dof_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_dof_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_dof_cl, T_loc_cl, T_scale_cl > | student_t_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_dof_cl &nu, const T_loc_cl &mu, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
The log of the Student-t density for the given y, nu, mean, and scale parameter. | |
template<typename T_x , typename = require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t<T_x>> | |
auto | sub_col (T_x &&x, size_t i, size_t j, size_t nrows) |
Return a 1 x ncols subrow starting at (i-1, j-1). | |
template<typename T_x , typename = require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t<T_x>> | |
auto | sub_row (T_x &&x, size_t i, size_t j, size_t ncols) |
Return a 1 x ncols subrow starting at (i-1, j-1). | |
template<typename T_x , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
auto | symmetrize_from_lower_tri (T_x &&x) |
Return a symmetric matrix using elements from the upper triangular part of the input matrix. | |
template<typename T_x , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
auto | symmetrize_from_upper_tri (T_x &&x) |
Return a symmetric matrix using elements from the lower triangular part of the input matrix. | |
template<typename T_x , require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
auto | tail (T_x &&x, size_t n) |
Return the specified number of elements as a vector or row vector (same as input) from the back of the specified vector or row vector. | |
template<typename T_A , typename = require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t<T_A>> | |
matrix_cl< typename std::decay_t< T_A >::Scalar > | tcrossprod (T_A &&A) |
Returns the result of post-multiplying a matrix by its own transpose. | |
template<typename T_x , require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
auto | to_array_1d (T_x &&x) |
Returns input matrix reshaped into a vector. | |
template<typename T_x , require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
T_x | to_array_2d (T_x &&x) |
Returns input matrix converted into a nested std vector. | |
template<typename T_x , require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
T_x | to_matrix (T_x &&x) |
Returns input matrix. | |
template<typename T_x , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
matrix_cl< return_type_t< T_x > > | to_matrix (const T_x &x, int m, int n) |
Returns a matrix representation of a vector or matrix in column-major order with the specified number of rows and columns. | |
template<typename T_x , require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
auto | to_matrix (const T_x &x, int m, int n, bool col_major) -> decltype(to_matrix(x, m, n)) |
Returns a matrix representation of the vector or matrix in column-major or row major order with the specified number of rows and columns. | |
template<typename T_x , require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
auto | to_row_vector (T_x &&x) |
Returns input matrix reshaped into a row vector. | |
template<typename T_x , require_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x > * = nullptr> | |
auto | to_vector (T_x &&x) |
Returns input matrix reshaped into a vector. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
value_type_t< T > | trace (const T &m) |
Calculates trace (sum of diagonal) of given kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_low_cl , typename T_high_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_low_cl, T_high_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_low_cl, T_high_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_low_cl, T_high_cl > | uniform_cdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_low_cl &alpha, const T_high_cl &beta) |
Returns the uniform cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_low_cl , typename T_high_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_low_cl, T_high_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_low_cl, T_high_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_low_cl, T_high_cl > | uniform_lccdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_low_cl &alpha, const T_high_cl &beta) |
Returns the log uniform complementary cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_low_cl , typename T_high_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_low_cl, T_high_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_low_cl, T_high_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_low_cl, T_high_cl > | uniform_lcdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_low_cl &alpha, const T_high_cl &beta) |
Returns the log uniform cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_low_cl , typename T_high_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_low_cl, T_high_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_low_cl, T_high_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_low_cl, T_high_cl > | uniform_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_low_cl &alpha, const T_high_cl &beta) |
The log of a uniform density for the given y, lower, and upper bound. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
double | variance (const T &a) |
Return the sample variance of the var_value matrix Raise domain error if size is not greater than zero. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_shape_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > | weibull_cdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_shape_cl &alpha, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the weibull cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_shape_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > | weibull_lccdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_shape_cl &alpha, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the weibull log cumulative complementary distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<typename T_y_cl , typename T_shape_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > | weibull_lcdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_shape_cl &alpha, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the weibull log cumulative distribution function for the given location, and scale. | |
template<bool propto, typename T_y_cl , typename T_shape_cl , typename T_scale_cl , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > * = nullptr> | |
return_type_t< T_y_cl, T_shape_cl, T_scale_cl > | weibull_lpdf (const T_y_cl &y, const T_shape_cl &alpha, const T_scale_cl &sigma) |
Returns the Weibull log probability density for the given location and scale. | |
template<bool need_Q = true> | |
void | qr_decomposition_cl (const matrix_cl< double > &A, matrix_cl< double > &Q, matrix_cl< double > &R, int r=100) |
Calculates QR decomposition of A using the block Householder algorithm. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | acos (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise acos() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>> in radians. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | acosh (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise acosh() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>> in radians. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
auto | add (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Addition of two reverse mode matrices and/or kernel generator expressions. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
auto | operator+ (const T_a &a, const T_b &b) |
Addition of two reverse mode matrices and/or kernel generator expressions. | |
template<typename T_m , typename T_a , require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_m > * = nullptr, require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_m, T_a > * = nullptr> | |
auto | add_diag (const T_m &mat, const T_a &to_add) |
Returns a Matrix with values added along the main diagonal. | |
template<typename... T_results> | |
adjoint_results_cl< T_results... > | adjoint_results (T_results &&... results) |
Deduces types for constructing adjoint_results_cl object. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | append_col (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Return the result of appending the second argument matrix after the first argument matrix, that is, putting them side by side, with the first matrix followed by the second matrix. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | append_row (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Return the result of stacking the rows of the first argument matrix on top of the second argument matrix. | |
template<typename T , require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | as_column_vector_or_scalar (const T &m) |
Converts kernel generator expression row or column vector to a column vector. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | asin (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise asin() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>> in radians. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | asinh (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise asinh() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>> in radians. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | atan (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise atan() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>> in radians. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | atanh (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise atanh() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>> in radians. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
auto | beta (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Return the elementwise beta() on two input kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T , require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | block (const T &m, size_t i, size_t j, size_t nrows, size_t ncols) |
Return a nrows x ncols submatrix starting at (i-1, j-1). | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | cbrt (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise cbrt() of the input var_value<matrix_cl<double>> . | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | ceil (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise ceil() of the specified variable. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | cholesky_decompose (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the lower-triangular Cholesky factor (i.e., matrix square root) of the specified square, symmetric reverse mode matrix on the OpenCL device. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_any_var_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | columns_dot_product (T1 &&v1, T2 &&v2) |
Returns the dot product of columns of the specified matrices. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | columns_dot_self (const var_value< T > &v) |
Returns the dot product of each column of a matrix with itself. | |
template<typename T_x , typename T_lb , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x, T_lb > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_x, T_lb > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_x, T_lb > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | lb_constrain (T_x &&x, T_lb &&lb) |
Return the lower-bounded value for the specified unconstrained input and specified lower bound. | |
template<typename T_x , typename T_lb , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x, T_lb > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_x, T_lb > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_x, T_lb > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | lb_constrain (T_x &&x, T_lb &&lb, var &lp) |
Return the lower-bounded value for the specified unconstrained input and specified lower bound. | |
template<typename T_x , typename T_lb , typename T_ub , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x, T_lb, T_ub > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_x, T_lb, T_ub > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_x, T_lb, T_ub > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | lub_constrain (T_x &&x, T_lb &&lb, T_ub &&ub) |
Return the bounded value for the specified unconstrained input and specified bounds. | |
template<typename T_x , typename T_lb , typename T_ub , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x, T_lb, T_ub > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_x, T_lb, T_ub > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_x, T_lb, T_ub > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | lub_constrain (T_x &&x, T_lb &&lb, T_ub &&ub, var &lp) |
Return the bounded value for the specified unconstrained input and specified bounds. | |
template<typename T , typename M , typename S , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T, M, S > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T, M, S > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T, M, S > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | offset_multiplier_constrain (T &&A, M &&mu, S &&sigma) |
Return the linearly transformed value for the specified unconstrained input and specified offset and multiplier. | |
template<typename T , typename M , typename S , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T, M, S > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T, M, S > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T, M, S > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | offset_multiplier_constrain (T &&A, M &&mu, S &&sigma, var &lp) |
Return the linearly transformed value for the specified unconstrained input and specified offset and multiplier. | |
template<typename T_x , typename T_ub , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x, T_ub > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_x, T_ub > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_x, T_ub > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | ub_constrain (T_x &&x, T_ub &&ub) |
Return the upper-bounded value for the specified unconstrained input and specified upper bound. | |
template<typename T_x , typename T_ub , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x, T_ub > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_x, T_ub > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_x, T_ub > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | ub_constrain (T_x &&x, T_ub &&ub, var &lp) |
Return the upper-bounded value for the specified unconstrained input and specified upper bound. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | unit_vector_constrain (const var_value< T > &A) |
Return the unit length vector corresponding to the free vector y. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | unit_vector_constrain (const var_value< T > &A, var &lp) |
Return the unit length vector corresponding to the free vector y. | |
template<typename T > | |
var_value< matrix_cl< value_type_t< T > > > | to_matrix_cl (const var_value< T > &a) |
Copies the source var containing Eigen matrices to destination var that has data stored on the OpenCL device. | |
template<typename T , require_stan_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< value_type_t< T > > > | to_matrix_cl (const std::vector< var_value< T > > &a) |
Copies the source std::vector of vars to a destination var that has data stored on the OpenCL device. | |
template<typename T , require_eigen_vt< is_var, T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< value_type_t< value_type_t< T > > > > | to_matrix_cl (const T &src) |
Copies the source Eigen matrix of vars to the destination matrix that is stored on the OpenCL device. | |
template<typename T , require_eigen_vt< is_var, T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< value_type_t< value_type_t< T > > > > | to_matrix_cl (const std::vector< T > &src) |
Copies the source vector of Eigen matrices of vars to the destination matrix that is stored on the OpenCL device. | |
template<typename T_dst , typename T , require_var_vt< is_eigen, T_dst > * = nullptr, require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
T_dst | from_matrix_cl (const var_value< T > &a) |
Copies the source var that has data stored on the OpenCL device to destination var containing Eigen matrix. | |
template<typename T_dst , typename T , require_std_vector_vt< is_var, T_dst > * = nullptr, require_all_stan_scalar_t< value_type_t< T_dst > > * = nullptr, require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
T_dst | from_matrix_cl (const var_value< T > &a) |
Copies the source var that has data stored on the OpenCL device to destination std::vector containing vars. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | from_matrix_cl (const var_value< T > &src) |
Copies the source var that has data stored on the OpenCL device to destination Eigen matrix containing vars. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | cos (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise cos() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>> in radians. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | cosh (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise cosh() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>> in radians. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | crossprod (const var_value< T > &M) |
Returns the result of pre-multiplying a matrix by its own transpose. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | cumulative_sum (const var_value< T > &A) |
Return the cumulative sum of the specified vector. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | diag_matrix (const var_value< T > &v) |
Return a square diagonal matrix with the specified vector of coefficients as the diagonal values. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_any_var_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | diag_post_multiply (T1 &&v1, T2 &&v2) |
Return the product of a matrix and the diagonal matrix formed from the vector or row_vector. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_any_var_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | diag_pre_multiply (T1 &&v1, T2 &&v2) |
Return the product of the diagonal matrix formed from the vector or row_vector and a matrix. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | diagonal (const var_value< T > &M) |
Return a column vector of the diagonal elements of the specified matrix. | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | digamma (const var_value< matrix_cl< double > > &A) |
Returns the elementwise digamma() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_stan_scalar_t< T_b > * = nullptr, require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | divide (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Elementwise division of a kernel generator expression and a scalar. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_any_var_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
var | dot_product (T1 &&v1, T2 &&v2) |
Returns the dot product. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var | dot_self (const var_value< T > &v) |
Returns the dot product of a vector of var with itself. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | elt_divide (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Elementwise division of two reverse mode matrices and/or kernel generator expressions. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | elt_multiply (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Elementwise multiplication of two reverse mode matrices and/or kernel generator expressions. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | erf (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise erf() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | erfc (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise erfc() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | exp (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise exp() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | exp2 (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise exp2() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | expm1 (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise expm1() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | fabs (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise fabs() of the input var_value<matrix_cl<double>> . | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | fdim (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Return the positive difference between the first variable's the value and the second's (C99, C++11). | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | floor (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise floor() of the input var_value<matrix_cl<double>> . | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | fmax (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Return the greater of the two specified arguments. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | fmin (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Return the lesser of the two specified arguments. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | fmod (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Return the floating point remainder after dividing the first variable by the second (cmath). | |
void | grad (var &v, var_value< matrix_cl< double > > &x, Eigen::VectorXd &g) |
Propagate chain rule to calculate gradients starting from the specified variable. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | hypot (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Returns the elementwise hypot() of the input. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | inv (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise inv() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | inv_cloglog (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise inv_cloglog() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | inv_logit (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise inv_logit() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | inv_Phi (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise inv_Phi() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | inv_sqrt (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise inv_sqrt() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | inv_square (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise inv_square() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
auto | lbeta (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Return the elementwise lbeta() on two input kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_kernel_expressions_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_st_integral< T_b > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | ldexp (const var_value< T_a > &a, T_b &&b) |
Returns the elementwise ldexp() of the input var_value<matrix_cl<double>> and kernel generator expression. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | lgamma (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise lgamma() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | lmultiply (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Returns the elementwise lmultiply() of the input. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | log (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise log() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | log10 (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise log10() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | log1m (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise log1m() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | log1m_exp (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise log1m_exp() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | log1m_inv_logit (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise log1m_inv_logit() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | log1p (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise log1p() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | log1p_exp (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise log1p_exp() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | log2 (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise log2() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T_x , typename T_y , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x, T_y > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_x, T_y > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_x, T_y > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | log_diff_exp (T_x &&x, T_y &&y) |
Returns the natural logarithm of the difference of the natural exponentiation of x and the natural exponentiation of y. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | log_inv_logit (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise log_inv_logit() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T_x , typename T_y , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_x, T_y > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_x, T_y > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_x, T_y > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | log_inv_logit_diff (T_x &&x, T_y &&y) |
Returns the natural logarithm of the difference of the inverse logits of the specified arguments. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | log_softmax (const var_value< T > &A) |
Return log of the softmax of the specified vector. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var | log_sum_exp (const var_value< T > &A) |
Return the log of the sum of the exponentiated values of the specified matrix of values. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | logit (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise logit() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | matrix_power (const var_value< T > &M, const int n) |
Returns the nth power of the specific matrix. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | mdivide_left_tri_low (T1 &&A, T2 &&b) |
Returns the solution of the system Ax=b when A is lower triangular. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | mdivide_left_tri_low (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the solution of the system Ax=b when A is triangular and b=I. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | mdivide_right_tri_low (T2 &&b, T1 &&A) |
Returns the solution of the system Ax=b when A is lower triangular. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
auto | multiply (T_a &&A, T_b &&B) |
Matrix multiplication of two reverse mode matrices and/or kernel generator expressions. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
auto | operator* (const T_a &A, const T_b &B) |
Matrix multiplication of two reverse mode matrices and/or kernel generator expressions. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_stan_scalar_t< T1 > * = nullptr, require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T2 > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
auto | multiply (const T1 &A, T2 &&B) |
Return matrix multiplied by a scalar. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_stan_scalar_t< T2 > * = nullptr, require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T1 > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
auto | multiply (const T1 &A, const T2 &B) |
Return matrix multiplied by a scalar. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | multiply_log (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Returns the elementwise multiply_log() of the input. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the result of multiplying the lower triangular portion of the input matrix by its own transpose. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | operator- (const var_value< T > &M) |
Returns the unary minus of the input. | |
template<typename T , require_var_vt< is_kernel_expression_and_not_scalar, T > * = nullptr> | |
T | operator+ (T &&M) |
Returns the unary plus of the input. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | Phi (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise Phi() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | Phi_approx (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise Phi_approx() of a var_value<matrix_cl<double>>. | |
template<typename T_a , typename T_b , require_all_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr, require_any_not_stan_scalar_t< T_a, T_b > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | pow (T_a &&a, T_b &&b) |
Return the first argument raised to the power of the second argument. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var | prod (const var_value< T > &x) |
Returns the prod of the coefficients of the specified matrix on the OpenCL device. | |
template<typename T_ret , require_var_vt< is_matrix_cl, T_ret > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | rep_matrix (const var &A, int n, int m) |
Creates a matrix_cl by replicating the given value of arithmetic type. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | rep_matrix (const var_value< T > &A, int m) |
Creates a matrix_cl by replicating the input vector or row_vector. | |
template<typename T , require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T > * = nullptr, require_any_var_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
auto | reverse (const T &m) |
Return reversed view into the specified vector or row vector. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | round (const var_value< T > &A) |
Returns the elementwise round() of the input var_value<matrix_cl<double>> . | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , require_any_var_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr, require_all_nonscalar_prim_or_rev_kernel_expression_t< T1, T2 > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | rows_dot_product (T1 &&v1, T2 &&v2) |
Returns the dot product of rows of the specified matrices. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var_value< matrix_cl< double > > | rows_dot_self (const var_value< T > &v) |
Returns the dot product of each row of a matrix with itself. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t< T > * = nullptr> | |
var | sd (const var_value< T > &A) |
Return the sample standard deviation of the var_value matrix. | |
template<typename T , require_all_kernel_expressions_and_none_scalar_t& |