Automatic Differentiation
No Matches
Using requires<> template metaprograms for partial template specialization

Most of the functions in the Stan Math library are implemented as templated functions which allow for arguments that can be C++ primitive types (e.g. double, int), Stan's reverse-mode or forward-mode automatic differentiation (autodiff) types, or containers and expressions of either primitive or autodiff types. We use templated functions rather than overloaded functions for a number of reasons including the sheer number of implementations we would need to write to handle the combinations of arguments that are allowed in the Stan language.

Many functions in the Stan Math library have a single function template defined in the stan/math/prim folder that is flexible enough to accept both primitive and autodiff types. Some of these functions also have template specializations (usually [partial template specializations]( that define an implementation where at least one template parameters is restricted to a specific type. The source code for the function template specializations are found in either stan/math/rev/ for reverse-mode implementations, stan/math/fwd/ for forward-mode implementations, or stan/math/mix/ for implementations that are for nested autodiff. This pattern of a primary template function definition with specialization is commonly used in templated C++.

In the Stan Math library, we have also adopted another technique which allows multiple template function definitions, while restricting the definition to apply only to when certain criteria are met. Since this technique is used repeatedly through the Math library and this is not a common use of template metaprogramming, we'll describe it in the next subsection.

Using SFINAE to allow multiple template function definitions

In the Stan Math library, each function exposed through to the Stan language must have definitions that allow for both primitive and autodiff types. As the language has grown, we have also added broadcasting, which allows users to mix scalars arguments with vector or array arguments.

The typical C++ method of defining a primary function template and a set of function template specialization is untenable for many functions in the Math library. For example, a single argument of the function may take 7 distinct C++ types: double, stan::math::var, std::vector<double>, std::vector<stan::math::var>, Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1>, Eigen::Matrix<stan::math::var, -1, 1>, or stan::math::var_value<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1>>. For a 3-argument function, we would need to define 343 (7^3) different function template specializations to handle all the autodiff types.

In the Math library, we use a technique similar to C++20's require keyword that allows the definition of multiple template functions where each handles a subset of allowable types.

When the compiler attempts to resolve which function should be called from a set of templated function signatures there must be only one possibly valid function signature available. This is called the [One Definition Rule]( For example, the following code would fail to compile because the compiler is unable to differentiate between the two function signatures.

template <typename T>
T foo(T x) {
return x;
template <typename K>
K foo(K x) {
return x;

The compiler needs a way to differentiate between the two signatures to select one and satisfy the One Definition Rule. One trick to have a single valid definition is to utilize Substitution Failure Is Not An Error (SFNIAE) to purposefully create conditions where only one signature is valid because all of the other conditions fail to compile. The simplest way to do this is to start with a type trait like the below enable_if. The enable_if is only defined for the case where B is true and so if B is ever false the compiler would throw an error saying that enable_if is not well defined.

// Define enable_if. Note: `type` is not a member typedef.
template<bool B, class T = void>
struct enable_if {};
// Only define member typedef `type` when B is true
template<class T>
struct enable_if<true, T> { typedef T type; };
template <bool B, typename T>
using enable_if_t = typename enable_if<B, T>::type;

Attempting to construct this enable_if with B being false anywhere else in the program would cause the compiler to crash. Using it in the template of a function signature allows SFINAE to deduce which signature we would like to use.

// foo only works with floating point types
template <typename T, enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>>* = nullptr>
T foo(T x) {
return x;
// foo only works with integer types
template <typename K, enable_if_t<std::is_intergral<K>::value>>* = nullptr>
K foo(K x) {
return x;
// Calls the first signature
double x_dbl = 1.0;
double y_dbl = foo(x_dbl);
// Calls the second signature
int x = 1;
int y = foo(x);

The second template argument is referred to as a non-type template parameter and has a default value of void. When the templated signature has the correct type the enable_if_t produces a void type which is then made into a pointer and assigned a default value of nullptr. When the templated signature does not have the correct type, the compiler utilizes Substitution Failure Is Not An Error (SFNIAE), to remove the offending signature from the list of possible matches while continuing to search for the correct signature.

For convenience in using this technique, the Math library has implemented a set of `requires` type traits. When we pass a type that satisfies the requires type trait, the trait evaluates to void. When a type that does not satisfy the requires template parameter is passed, there is a substitution failure. These traits are used in the template functions by adding a call to a requires type trait to the parameter list.

Below is an example to illustrate how this technique is used. After the example, the rest of this page describes what the requires type traits are, how to use them, and how to add new ones if necessary.


Here's a function that would have two different template functions for stan::math::var and double:

template <typename T, requires_not_var_t<T>* = nullptr>
T foo(const T& t) {
// handles primitives
return t;
template <typename T, requires_var_t<T>* = nullptr>
T foo(const T& t) {
// handles stan::math::var
return t;

When foo() is called with a stan::math::var, the first template function matches but not the second. This works because requires_var_t<stan::math::var> evaluates to void whereas requires_not_var_t<stan::math::var> is a subsitution error causing the compiler to omit the second definition for stan::math::var.

When foo() is called with double or int, the second template function matches, but not the first.

Requires<> type traits

The Stan Math library defines boolean type traits–template metaprograms that operate on types at compile time–in the stan/math{prim, rev, fwd}/meta folders. Each of these type traits are named is_{condition} and the struct contains a value that is true or false at compile time. For example, is_var<T>::value is true if and only if the type T is stan::math::var_value.

We provide `requires<>` type traits based on the boolean is_{condition} type traits. When types satisfy the condition, the requires<> will evaluate to void. When the types do not satisfy the condition, requires<> is an invalid subsitution and is not used. (See Implementation details of requires<> type traits for more details.)

Note: every possible requires<> type trait is not implemented in the Stan Math library. If one of the missing requires<> type trait is missing, we can implement it and include it. Please see Developing new requires type traits for more information.

All requires<> type traits

For any boolean type trait, below is the list of possible requires<> type traits. Any * should be thought of as a wildcard where a type traits name is put in its place. For example, for is_var, we can substitute var for *.

  1. require_*_t: A template parameter T must satisfy the is_* type trait. This means require_var_t<stan::math::var> is void, but require_var_t<double> is an invalid subsitution.
  2. require_not_*_t: A template parameter T must not satisfy the is_* type trait.

    NOTE: The not version of the requires template parameters should be used sparingly. Often a requires template parameter is used to specify what types a function should accept. Defining a function by the types it cannot accept can make understanding what goes into a function more difficult and error prone.

  3. require_all_*_t: All types in the parameter pack of types must satisfy the is_* type trait.
  4. require_any_*_t: Any type in the parameter pack of types must satisfy the is_* type trait.
  5. require_any_not_*_t: Any type in the parameter pack must not satisfy the is_* type trait.
  6. require_all_not_*_t: All types in the parameter pack must not satisfy the is_* type trait.

    std::vector and Eigen types have additional requires template parameters to detect if the stan::value_type (the type of the elements of either std::vector or the Eigen type) or the stan::scalar_type (the underlying scalar type after recursively walking through the container types) satisfy a condition to enable a class or function.

    The container requires template parameters have an ending at their signature of _vt and _st to symbolize whether you want to inspect the stan::value_type or stan::scalar_type.

    In the next requires traits, is_type is used to represent any boolean type trait.

  7. require_*_vt<is_type, T>: A template parameter T must satisfy the is_* type trait and is_type<value_type<T>>::value must evaluate to true.
  8. require_not_*_vt<is_type, T>: A template parameter T must not satisfy the is_* type trait or is_type<value_type<T>>::value must not evaluate to true.
  9. require_all_*_vt<is_type, T>: All types in the parameter pack of types must satisfy the is_* type trait and all is_type<value_type<T>>::value must evaluate to true.
  10. require_any_*_vt<is_type, T>: Any type in the parameter pack of types must satisfy the is_* type trait and any is_type<value_type<T>>::value must evaluate to true.
  11. require_any_not_*_vt<is_type, T>: At least one type in the parameter pack must not satisfy the is_* type trait and one of is_type<value_type<T>>::value must evaluate to false.
  12. require_all_not_*_vt<is_type, T>: None of the types in the parameter pack must satisfy the is_* type trait and none of is_type<value_type<T>>::value must evaluate to true.
  13. require_*_st<is_type, T>: A template parameter T must satisfy the is_* type trait and is_type<scalar_type<T>>::value must evaluate to true.
  14. require_not_*_st<is_type, T>: A template parameter T must not satisfy the is_* type trait or is_type<scalar_type<T>>::value must not evaluate to true.
  15. require_all_*_st<is_type, T>: All types in the parameter pack of types must satisfy the is_* type trait and all is_type<scalar_type<T>>::value must evaluate to true.
  16. require_any_*_st<is_type, T>: Any type in the parameter pack of types must satisfy the is_* type trait and any is_type<scalar_type<T>>::value must evaluate to true.
  17. require_any_not_*_st<is_type, T>: At least one type in the parameter pack must not satisfy the is_* type trait and one of is_type<scalar_type<T>>::value must evaluate to false.
  18. require_all_not_*_st<is_type, T>: None of the types in the parameter pack must satisfy the is_* type trait and none of is_type<scalar_type<T>>::value must evaluate to true.

Implementation details of requires<> type traits

The `requires` template parameters type traits are aliases for std::enable_if_t that have premade conditions for turning on and off function definitions during compilation. These are useful for having generalized templates while still overloading a function or class. You can think of these as "legacy concepts." These are used in a very similar fashion to C++20's requires keyword.

requires template parameters are std::enable_if_t aliases such as the following example definition of stan::require_t.

template <typename T>
using require_t = std::enable_if_t<T::value>;

This differs from std::enable_if_t in that std::enable_if_t's argument must be boolean, but the alias stan::require_t 's template type T must have a valid boolean member named value. This allows us to directly call stan::require_t with type traits instead of having to do the extra step of accessing the type traits boolean member struct value explicity with calls such as a_type_trait::value.

The most common use case for a requires template parameters is to overload a function or declare specializations of a class. For example, the function below will only work on types derived from Eigen::DenseBase with only 1 row or column at compile time such as Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1> or Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, -1>.

template <typename EigVec, require_eigen_vector_t<EigVec>* = nullptr>
auto my_func(const EigVec& x) {
// ...

For overloading classes and structs with this scheme we create an initial forward definition with a void non-type template parameter. Then the class overloads use the requires template parameter in place of the non-type template parameter.

template <typename T, typename = void>
class a_class;
template <typename T>
class a_class<T, require_std_vector_st<is_var, T>> {
// ...

In the above example, a_class has an overload specifically for standard vectors with a stan::scalar_type of stan::math::var.

There are also requires template parameters for generically checking if a type's stan::value_type or stan::scalar_type is correct. To differentiate them from the Eigen and standard library vector checks the vt and st come before the type such as require_vt_var<T> which checks if a type T's stan::value_type satisfies stan::is_var.

The requires template parameters type traits allow Stan to have more generic types so that the library can forward Eigen expression and have better move semantics. For instance, the code below will accept any arbitrary Eigen expression that, if it's an rvalue, can be forwarded to another function.

template <typename Mat1, typename Mat2,
require_all_eigen_vt<is_arithmetic, Mat1, Mat2>* = nullptr>
inline auto a_func(Mat1&& m1, Mat2&& m2) {
return another_func(std::forward<Mat1>(m1), std::forward<Mat2>(m2));

Developing new requires type traits

Every requires type trait is not implemented for every boolean type trait available. This was done intentionally to allow us to identify which requires type traits are currently in use. If you need a requires type trait and it is not currently available, please feel free to implement the one you need and add a pull request.

Adding a new boolean type trait

If you are adding a new boolean type trait, please add the primary function template to stan/math/prim/meta/, then add any autodiff specialization to the appropriate stan/math/{rev, fwd, mix}/meta/ folder.

Adding a new requires

The Stan Math library requires a strict API to ensure consistency for the requires. The below go over all of the possible API configurations a developer should use when writing a new requires.

For the API docs below, let T represent the type parameter we want to check, is_type is a generic type trait which will be replaced by the developer, and InnerCheck is a type trait used to check either the value_type or scalar_type of T.

Each requires ends in _t, _vt, or _st. They differ in the following ways

  • _t uses Check to test the type T passed in


    // Always decay types coming into the requires
    template <typename T>
    require_autodiff_t = require_t<is_autodiff<std::decay_t<T>>>;
  • _vt uses Check to test the type T passed in and uses InnerCheck to test the value_type of T

    template <template <class...> class TypeCheck, class... Check>
    require_std_vector_vt = require_vt<is_std_vector, TypeCheck, std::decay_t<Check>...>;
    // Ex: Used to define a signature for `std::vectors` with a value type that is @ref stan::math::var
    template <typename StdVec, require_std_vector_vt<is_var, StdVec>* = nullptr>
    auto my_func(StdVec&& vec);
  • _st uses Check to test the type T passed in and uses InnerCheck to test the scalar_type of T
template <template <class...> class TypeCheck, class... Check>
require_std_vector_st = require_st<is_std_vector, TypeCheck, std::decay_t<Check>...>;
// Ex: Used to define a signature for `std::vectors` with a scalar type that is autodiffable
template <typename StdVec, require_std_vector_st<is_var, StdVec>* = nullptr>
auto my_func(StdVec&& vec);
The variant of the requires that places the `vt` or `st` before the
type trait name only checks the @ref value_type or @ref `scalar_type`
of `T` without testing `T`.

// Require the scalar type is an std::vector template <typename T>
require_st_std_vector = require_t<is_std_vector<scalar_type_t<std::decay_t<T>>>>;

// Ex: Used to define a signature for std::vectors with a scalar type that is autodiffable template <typename StdVec, require_std_vector_st<is_var, StdVec>* = nullptr> auto my_func(StdVec&& vec); ```

In the below, {TYPE_TRAIT} represents the name of the trait the requires checks. Each new require must follow this standard API.

  1. require_{TYPE_TRAIT}_t: The template parameter must return true when passed to the type trait
  2. require_not_{TYPE_TRAIT}_t: The template parameter must return false when passed to the type trait
  3. require_all_{TYPE_TRAIT}_t: The template parameters must all return true when passed to the type trait
  4. require_all_not_{TYPE_TRAIT}_t: The template parameters must all return false when passed to the type trait
  5. require_any_{TYPE_TRAIT}_t: At least one of the template parameters must return true when passed to the type trait
  6. require_any_not_{TYPE_TRAIT}_t: At least one of the template parameters must return false when passed to the type trait

In addition to all the requires with an _t at the end, the requires also have _st, _vt variants where in addition to the logic above, the value_type or scalar_type must follow the same logic as the type for T. The _st_, and _vt_ variants must also follow the same logic but for checking only the inner value_type or @scalar_type.