Automatic Differentiation
No Matches

◆ multi_student_t_rng()

template<typename T_loc , class RNG >
StdVectorBuilder< true, Eigen::VectorXd, T_loc >::type stan::math::multi_student_t_rng ( double  nu,
const T_loc &  mu,
const Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &  S,
RNG &  rng 

Return a multivariate student-t random variate with the given degrees of freedom location and Cholesky factor the scale matrix using the specified random number generator.

mu can be either an Eigen::VectorXd, an Eigen::RowVectorXd, or a std::vector of either of those types.

Template Parameters
t_locType of location parameter
rngtype of pseudo-random number generator
nua scalar indicating the degrees of freedom parameter
muAn Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::RowVectorXd, or std::vector of location values for the multivariate student t
Sscale matrix
rngrandom number generator
eigen vector of multivariate student t random variates with the given nu, mu, S
std::domain_errorif S is not positive definite, any value in mu is not finite, nu is not positive, or nu is NaN
std::invalid_argumentif the length of (each) mu is not equal to the number of rows and columns in S

Definition at line 42 of file multi_student_t_rng.hpp.