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Stan Math Library
Automatic Differentiation
using stan::math::as_operation_cl_t = typedef std::conditional_t<std::is_lvalue_reference<T>::value, decltype(as_operation_cl<AssignOp>(std::declval<T>())), std::remove_reference_t<decltype( as_operation_cl<AssignOp>(std::declval<T>()))> > |
Type that results when converting any valid kernel generator expression into operation.
If a function accepts a forwarding reference T&& a, the result of as_operation_cl(a) should be stored in a variable of type as_operation_cl_t<T>. If the return value of as_operation_cl()
would be a rvalue reference, the reference is removed, so that a variable of this type actually stores the value.
T | a matrix_cl or Scalar type |
AssignOp | an optional assign_op_cl that dictates whether the object is assigned using standard or compound assign. |
Definition at line 91 of file as_operation_cl.hpp.