Automatic Differentiation
No Matches
stan::math::opencl_context Class Reference

Detailed Description

The API to access the methods and values in opencl_context_base.

Definition at line 210 of file opencl_context.hpp.

#include <opencl_context.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 opencl_context ()=default
std::string description () const
 Returns the description of the OpenCL platform and device that is used.
std::string capabilities () const
 Returns the description of the OpenCL platforms and devices that are available.
cl::Context & context () noexcept
 Returns the reference to the OpenCL context.
cl::CommandQueue & queue () noexcept
 Returns the reference to the active OpenCL command queue for the device.
opencl_context_base::map_base_optsbase_opts () noexcept
 Returns a copy of the map of kernel defines.
int max_thread_block_size () noexcept
 Returns the maximum thread block size defined by CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE for the device in the context.
opencl_context_base::tuning_structtuning_opts () noexcept
 Returns the thread block size for the Cholesky Decompositions L_11.
std::vector< cl::Device > & device () noexcept
 Returns a vector containing the OpenCL device used to create the context.
std::vector< cl::Platform > & platform () noexcept
 Returns a vector containing the OpenCL platform used to create the context.
bool & in_order () noexcept
 Return a bool representing whether the write to the OpenCL device are blocking.
void select_device (int platform_id, int instance_id)
 Selects the OpenCL device to use from now on.
void register_kernel_cache (cl::Kernel *cache)
 Registers a cached kernel.

Private Attributes

tbb::concurrent_vector< cl::Kernel * > kernel_caches_

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