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24.4 Posterior predictive simulation in Stan

Posterior predictive quantities can be coded in Stan using the generated quantities block.

24.4.1 Simple Poisson model

For example, consider a simple Poisson model for count data with a rate parameter λ>0 following a gamma-distributed prior, λgamma(1,1). The likelihood for N observations y1,,yN is modeled as Poisson, ynpoisson(λ).

24.4.2 Stan code

The following Stan program defines a variable for ˜y by random number generation in the generated quantities block.

data {
  int<lower = 0> N;
  int<lower = 0> y[N];
parameters {
  real<lower = 0> lambda;
model {
  lambda ~ gamma(1, 1);
  y ~ poisson(lambda);
generated quantities {
  int<lower = 0> y_tilde = poisson_rng(lambda);

The random draw from the sampling distribution for ˜y is coded using Stan’s Poisson random number generator in the generated quantities block. This accounts for the sampling component of the uncertainty; Stan’s posterior sampler will account for the estimation uncertainty, generating a new ˜y(m)p(yλ(m)) for each posterior draw λ(m)p(θy).

The posterior draws ˜y(m) may be used to estimate the expected value of ˜y or any of its quantiles or posterior intervals, as well as event probabilities involving ˜y. In general, E[f(˜y,θ)y] may be evaluated as E[f(˜y,θ)y]1MMm=1f(˜y(m),θ(m)), which is just the posterior mean of f(˜y,θ). This quantity is computed by Stan if the value of f(˜y,θ) is assigned to a variable in the generated quantities block. That is, if we have

generated quantities {
  real f_val = f(y_tilde, theta);

where the value of f(˜y,θ) is assigned to variable f_val, then the posterior mean of f_val will be the expectation E[f(˜y,θ)y].

24.4.3 Analytic posterior and posterior predictive

The gamma distribution is the conjugate prior distribution for the Poisson distribution, so the posterior density p(λy) will also follow a gamma distribution.

Because the posterior follows a gamma distribution and the sampling distribution is Poisson, the posterior predictive p(˜yy) will follow a negative binomial distribution, because the negative binomial is defined as a compound gamma-Poisson. That is, ynegative-binomial(α,β) if λgamma(α,β) and ypoisson(λ). Rather than marginalizing out the rate parameter λ analytically as can be done to define the negative binomial probability mass function, the rate λ(m)p(λy) is sampled from the posterior and then used to generate a draw of ˜y(m)p(yλ(m)).