Computing One Dimensional Integrals
Definite and indefinite one dimensional integrals can be performed in Stan using the integrate_1d
As an example, the normalizing constant of a left-truncated normal distribution is
\[ \int_a^\infty \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^2}} e^{-\frac{1}{2}\frac{(x - \mu)^2}{\sigma^2}} \]
To compute this integral in Stan, the integrand must first be defined as a Stan function (see the Stan Reference Manual chapter on User-Defined Functions for more information on coding user-defined functions).
real normal_density(real x, // Function argument
real xc, // Complement of function argument
// on the domain (defined later)
array[] real theta, // parameters
array[] real x_r, // data (real)
array[] int x_i) { // data (integer)
real mu = theta[1];
real sigma = theta[2];
return 1 / (sqrt(2 * pi()) * sigma) * exp(-0.5 * ((x - mu) / sigma)^2);
This function is expected to return the value of the integrand evaluated at point x
. The argument xc
is used in definite integrals to avoid loss of precision near the limits of integration and is set to NaN when either limit is infinite (see the section on precision/loss in the chapter on Higher-Order Functions of the Stan Functions Reference for details on how to use this). The argument theta
is used to pass in arguments of the integral that are a function of the parameters in our model. The arguments x_r
and x_i
are used to pass in real and integer arguments of the integral that are not a function of our parameters.
The function defining the integrand must have exactly the argument types and return type of normal_density
above, though argument naming is not important. Even if x_r
and x_i
are unused in the integrand, they must be included in the function signature. This may require passing in zero-length arrays for data or a zero-length vector for parameters if the integral does not involve data or parameters.
Calling the integrator
Suppose that our model requires evaluating the lpdf of a left-truncated normal, but the truncation limit is to be estimated as a parameter. Because the truncation point is a parameter, we must include the normalization term of the truncated pdf when computing our model’s log density. Note this is just an example of how to use the 1D integrator. The more efficient way to perform the correct normalization in Stan is described in the chapter on Truncated or Censored Data of this guide.
Such a model might look like (include the function defined at the beginning of this chapter to make this code compile):
data {
int N;
array[N] real y;
transformed data {
array[0] real x_r;
array[0] int x_i;
parameters {
real mu;
real<lower=0.0> sigma;
real left_limit;
model {
0, 1);
mu ~ normal(0, 1);
sigma ~ normal(0, 1);
left_limit ~ normal(target += normal_lpdf(y | mu, sigma);
target += log(integrate_1d(normal_density,
{ mu, sigma }, x_r, x_i)); }
Limits of integration
The limits of integration can be finite or infinite. The infinite limits are made available via the Stan calls negative_infinity()
and positive_infinity()
If both limits are either negative_infinity()
or positive_infinity()
, the integral and its gradients are set to zero.
Data vs. parameters
The arguments for the real data x_r
and the integer data x_i
must be expressions that only involve data or transformed data variables. theta
, on the other hand, can be a function of data, transformed data, parameters, or transformed parameters.
The endpoints of integration can be data or parameters (and internally the derivatives of the integral with respect to the endpoints are handled with the Leibniz integral rule).
Integrator convergence
The integral is performed with the iterative 1D double exponential quadrature methods implemented in the Boost library (Agrawal et al. 2017). If the \(n\)th estimate of the integral is denoted \(I_n\) and the \(n\)th estimate of the norm of the integral is denoted \(|I|_n\), the iteration is terminated when
\[ \frac{{|I_{n + 1} - I_n|}}{{|I|_{n + 1}}} < \text{relative tolerance}. \]
The relative_tolerance
parameter can be optionally specified as the last argument to integrate_1d
. By default, integrate_1d
follows the Boost library recommendation of setting relative_tolerance
to the square root of the machine epsilon of double precision floating point numbers (about 1e-8
). If the Boost integrator is not able to reach the relative tolerance an exception is raised with a message somehing like “Exception: integrate: error estimate of integral 4.25366e-13 exceeds the given relative tolerance times norm of integral”. If integrate_1d
causes an exception in transformed parameters block or model block, the result has the same effect as assigning a \(-\infty\) log probability, which causes rejection of the current proposal in MCMC samplers and adjustment of search parameters in optimization. If integrate_1d
causes an exception in generated quantities block, the returned output from integrate_1d
is NaN. In these cases, a bigger relative_tolerance
value can be specified.
Zero-crossing integrals
Integrals on the (possibly infinite) interval \((a, b)\) that cross zero are split into two integrals, one from \((a, 0)\) and one from \((0, b)\). This is because the quadrature methods employed internally can have difficulty near zero.
In this case, each integral is separately integrated to the given relative_tolerance
Avoiding precision loss near limits of integration in definite integrals
If care is not taken, the quadrature can suffer from numerical loss of precision near the endpoints of definite integrals.
For instance, in integrating the pdf of a beta distribution when the values of \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are small, most of the probability mass is lumped near zero and one.
The pdf of a beta distribution is proportional to
\[ p(x) \propto x^{\alpha - 1}(1 - x)^{\beta - 1} \]
Normalizing this distribution requires computing the integral of \(p(x)\) from zero to one. In Stan code, the integrand might look like:
real beta(real x, real xc, array[] real theta, array[] real x_r, array[] int x_i) {
real alpha = theta[1];
real beta = theta[2];
return x^(alpha - 1.0) * (1.0 - x)^(beta - 1.0);
The issue is that there will be numerical breakdown in the precision of 1.0 - x
as x
gets close to one. This is because of the limited precision of double precision floating numbers. This integral will fail to converge for values of alpha
and beta
much less than one.
This is where xc
is useful. It is defined, for definite integrals, as a high precision version of the distance from x
to the nearest endpoint — a - x
or b - x
for a lower endpoint a
and an upper endpoint b
. To make use of this for the beta integral, the integrand can be re-coded:
real beta(real x, real xc, array[] real theta, array[] real x_r, array[] int x_i) {
real alpha = theta[1];
real beta = theta[2];
real v;
if(x > 0.5) {
1.0) * xc^(beta - 1.0);
v = x^(alpha - else {
} 1.0) * (1.0 - x)^(beta - 1.0);
v = x^(alpha -
return v;
In this case, as we approach the upper limit of integration \(a = 1\), xc
will take on the value of \(a - x = 1 - x\). This version of the integrand will converge for much smaller values of alpha
and beta
than otherwise possible.
Consider another example: let’s say we have a log-normal distribution that is both shifted away from zero by some amount \(\delta\), and truncated at some value \(b\). If we were interested in calculating the expectation of a variable \(X\) distributed in this way, we would need to calculate \[ \int_a^b xf(x)\,dx = \int_{\delta}^b xf(x)\,dx \] in the numerator, where \(f(x)\) is the probability density function for the shifted log-normal distribution. This probability density function can be coded in Stan as:
real shift_lognormal_pdf(real x,
real mu,
real sigma,
real delta) {
real p;
1.0 / ((x - delta) * sigma * sqrt(2 * pi()))) *
p = (1 * (log(x - delta) - mu)^2 / (2 * sigma^2));
return p;
Therefore, the function that we want to integrate is:
real integrand(real x,
real xc,
array[] real theta,
array[] real x_r,
array[] int x_i) {
real numerator;
real p;
real mu = theta[1];
real sigma = theta[2];
real delta = theta[3];
real b = theta[4];
p = shift_lognormal_pdf(x, mu, sigma, delta);
numerator = x * p;
return numerator;
What happens here is that, given that the log-normal distribution is shifted by \(\delta\), when we then try to integrate the numerator, our x
starts at values just above delta
. This, in turn, causes the x - delta
term to be near zero, leading to a breakdown.
We can use xc
, and define the integrand
real integrand(real x,
real xc,
array[] real theta,
array[] real x_r,
array[] int x_i) {
real numerator;
real p;
real mu = theta[1];
real sigma = theta[2];
real delta = theta[3];
real b = theta[4];
if (x < delta + 1) {
p = shift_lognormal_pdf(xc, mu, sigma, delta);else {
p = shift_lognormal_pdf(x, mu, sigma, delta);
numerator = x * p;
return numerator;
Why does this work? When our values of x
are less than delta + 1
(so, when they’re near delta
, given that our lower bound of integration is equal to \(\delta\)), we pass xc
as an argument to our shift_lognormal_pdf
function. This way, instead of dealing with x - delta
in shift_lognormal_pdf
, we are working with xc - delta
which is equal to delta - x - delta
, as delta
is the lower endpoint in that case. The delta
terms cancel out, and we are left with a high-precision version of x
. We don’t encounter the same problem at the upper limit \(b\) so we don’t adjust the code for that case.
Note, xc
is only used for definite integrals. If either the left endpoint is at negative infinity or the right endpoint is at positive infinity, xc
will be NaN.
For zero-crossing definite integrals (see section Zero Crossing) the integrals are broken into two pieces (\((a, 0)\) and \((0, b)\) for endpoints \(a < 0\) and \(b > 0\)) and xc
is a high precision version of the distance to the limits of each of the two integrals separately. This means xc
will be a high precision version of a - x
, x
, or b - x
, depending on the value of x and the endpoints.