Held-Out Evaluation and Cross-Validation
Held-out evaluation involves splitting a data set into two parts, a training data set and a test data set. The training data is used to estimate the model and the test data is used for evaluation. Held-out evaluation is commonly used to declare winners in predictive modeling competitions such as those run by Kaggle.
Cross-validation involves repeated held-out evaluations performed by partitioning a single data set in different ways. The training/test split can be done either by randomly selecting the test set, or by partitioning the data set into several equally-sized subsets and then using each subset in turn as the test data with the other folds as training data.
Held-out evaluation and cross-validation may involve any kind of predictive statistics, with common choices being the predictive log density on test data, squared error of parameter estimates, or accuracy in a classification task.
Evaluating posterior predictive densities
Given training data
This integral may be calculated with Monte Carlo methods as usual,
To avoid underflow in calculations, it will be more stable to compute densities on the log scale. Taking the logarithm and pushing it through results in a stable computation,
Stan program
To evaluate the log predictive density of a model, it suffices to implement the log predictive density of the test data in the generated quantities block. The log sum of exponentials calculation must be done on the outside of Stan using the posterior draws of
Here is the code for evaluating the log posterior predictive density in a simple linear regression of the test data
data {
int<lower=0> N;
vector[N] y;
vector[N] x;
int<lower=0> N_tilde;
vector[N_tilde] x_tilde;
vector[N_tilde] y_tilde;
}parameters {
real alpha;
real beta;
real<lower=0> sigma;
}model {
y ~ normal(alpha + beta * x, sigma);
}generated quantities {
real log_p = normal_lpdf(y_tilde | alpha + beta * x_tilde, sigma);
Only the training data x
and y
are used in the model block. The test data y_tilde
and test predictors x_tilde
appear in only the generated quantities block. Thus the program is not cheating by using the test data during training. Although this model does not do so, it would be fair to use x_tilde
in the model block—only the test observations y_tilde
are unknown before they are predicted.
Given log_p[1:M]
will be available, so that the log posterior predictive density of the test data given training data and predictors is just log_sum_exp(log_p) - log(M)
Estimation error
Parameter estimates
Estimation is usually considered for unknown parameters. If the data from which the parameters were estimated came from simulated data, the true value of the parameters may be known. If
If the estimate is larger than the true value, the error is positive, and if it’s smaller, then error is negative. If an estimator’s unbiased, then expected error is zero. So typically, absolute error or squared error are used, which will always have positive expectations for an imperfect estimator. Absolute error is defined as
Bayesian posterior means minimize expected square error, whereas posterior medians minimize expected absolute error. Estimates based on modes rather than probability, such as (penalized) maximum likelihood estimates or maximum a posterior estimates, do not have these properties.
Predictive estimates
In addition to parameters, other unknown quantities may be estimated, such as the score of a football match or the effect of a medical treatment given to a subject. In these cases, square error is defined in the same way. If there are multiple exchangeable outcomes being estimated,
Predictive estimates in Stan
Consider a simple linear regression model, parameters for the intercept
In the linear regression case, two stages of simplification can be carried out, the first of which helpfully reduces the variance of the estimator. First, rather than averaging samples
In the linear case, because the predictor is linear in the coefficients, the estimate can be further simplified to use the estimated coefficients,
In Stan, only the first of the two steps (the important variance reduction step) can be coded in the object model. The linear predictor is defined in the generated quantities block.
data {
int<lower=0> N_tilde;
vector[N_tilde] x_tilde;
// ...
}// ...
generated quantities {
vector[N_tilde] tilde_y = alpha + beta * x_tilde;
The posterior mean of tilde_y
calculated by Stan is the Bayesian estimate
Cross-validation involves choosing multiple subsets of a data set as the test set and using the other data as training. This can be done by partitioning the data and using each subset in turn as the test set with the remaining subsets as training data. A partition into ten subsets is common to reduce computational overhead. In the limit, when the test set is just a single item, the result is known as leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation (Vehtari, Gelman, and Gabry 2017).
Partitioning the data and reusing the partitions is very fiddly in the indexes and may not lead to even divisions of the data. It’s far easier to use random partitions, which support arbitrarily sized test/training splits and can be easily implemented in Stan. The drawback is that the variance of the resulting estimate is higher than with a balanced block partition.
Stan implementation with random folds
For the simple linear regression model, randomized cross-validation can be implemented in a single model. To randomly permute a vector in Stan, the simplest approach is the following.
functions {
array[] int permutation_rng(int N) {
array[N] int y;
for (n in 1 : N) {
y[n] = n;
}vector[N] theta = rep_vector(1.0 / N, N);
for (n in 1 : size(y)) {
int i = categorical_rng(theta);
int temp = y[n];
y[n] = y[i];
y[i] = temp;
}return y;
} }
The name of the function must end in _rng
because it uses other random functions internally. This will restrict its usage to the transformed data and generated quantities block. The code walks through an array of integers exchanging each item with another randomly chosen item, resulting in a uniformly drawn permutation of the integers 1:N
The transformed data block uses the permutation RNG to generate training data and test data by taking prefixes and suffixes of the permuted data.
data {
int<lower=0> N;
vector[N] x;
vector[N] y;
int<lower=0, upper=N> N_test;
}transformed data {
int N_train = N - N_test;
array[N] int permutation = permutation_rng(N);
vector[N_train] x_train = x[permutation[1 : N_train]];
vector[N_train] y_train = y[permutation[1 : N_train]];
vector[N_test] x_test = x[permutation[N_train + 1 : N]];
vector[N_test] y_test = y[permutation[N_train + 1 : N]];
Recall that in Stan, permutation[1:N_train]
is an array of integers, so that x[permutation[1 : N_train]]
is a vector defined for i in 1:N_train
1 : N_train]][i] = x[permutation[1:N_train][i]]
x[permutation[ = x[permutation[i]]
Given the test/train split, the rest of the model is straightforward.
parameters {
real alpha;
real beta;
real<lower=0> sigma;
}model {
y_train ~ normal(alpha + beta * x_train, sigma);0, 1);
{ alpha, beta, sigma } ~ normal(
}generated quantities {
vector[N] y_test_hat = normal_rng(alpha + beta * x_test, sigma);
vector[N] err = y_test_sim - y_hat;
The prediction y_test_hat
is defined in the generated quantities block using the general form involving all uncertainty. The posterior of this quantity corresponds to using a posterior mean estimator,
Because the test set is constant and the expectation operator is linear, the posterior mean of err
as defined in the Stan program will be the error of the posterior mean estimate,
Because the test set size is chosen for convenience in cross-validation, results should be presented on a per-item scale, such as average absolute error or root mean square error, not on the scale of error in the fold being evaluated.
User-defined permutations
It is straightforward to declare the variable permutation
in the data block instead of the transformed data block and read it in as data. This allows an external program to control the blocking, allowing non-random partitions to be evaluated.
Cross-validation with structured data
Cross-validation must be done with care if the data is inherently structured. For example, in a simple natural language application, data might be structured by document. For cross-validation, one needs to cross-validate at the document level, not at the individual word level. This is related to mixed replication in posterior predictive checking, where there is a choice to simulate new elements of existing groups or generate entirely new groups.
Education testing applications are typically grouped by school district, by school, by classroom, and by demographic features of the individual students or the school as a whole. Depending on the variables of interest, different structured subsets should be evaluated. For example, the focus of interest may be on the performance of entire classrooms, so it would make sense to cross-validate at the class or school level on classroom performance.
Cross-validation with spatio-temporal data
Often data measurements have spatial or temporal properties. For example, home energy consumption varies by time of day, day of week, on holidays, by season, and by ambient temperature (e.g., a hot spell or a cold snap). Cross-validation must be tailored to the predictive goal. For example, in predicting energy consumption, the quantity of interest may be the prediction for next week’s energy consumption given historical data and current weather covariates. This suggests an alternative to cross-validation, wherein individual weeks are each tested given previous data. This often allows comparing how well prediction performs with more or less historical data.
Approximate cross-validation
Vehtari, Gelman, and Gabry (2017) introduce a method that approximates the evaluation of leave-one-out cross validation inexpensively using only the data point log likelihoods from a single model fit. This method is documented and implemented in the R package loo (Gabry et al. 2019).
The traditional approach is to walk through a vector and replace each item with a random element from the remaining elements, which is guaranteed to only move each item once. This was not done here as it’d require new categorical
because Stan does not have a uniform discrete RNG built in.↩︎