15.5 Categorical distribution
15.5.1 Probability mass functions
If N∈N, N>0, and if θ∈RN forms an N-simplex (i.e., has nonnegative entries summing to one), then for y∈{1,…,N}, Categorical(y | θ)=θy. In addition, Stan provides a log-odds scaled categorical distribution, CategoricalLogit(y | β)=Categorical(y | softmax(β)). See the definition of softmax for the definition of the softmax function.
15.5.2 Sampling statement
y ~
Increment target log probability density with categorical_lupmf(y | theta)
dropping constant additive terms.
Available since 2.0
15.5.3 Sampling statement
y ~
Increment target log probability density with categorical_logit_lupmf(y | beta)
Available since 2.4
15.5.4 Stan functions
All of the categorical distributions are vectorized so that the
outcome y can be a single integer (type int
) or an array of integers
(type array[] int
(ints y | vector theta)
The log categorical probability mass function with outcome(s) y in
1:N given N-vector of outcome probabilities theta. The parameter
theta must have non-negative entries that sum to one, but it need not
be a variable declared as a simplex.
Available since 2.12
(ints y | vector theta)
The log categorical probability mass function with outcome(s) y in
1:N given N-vector of outcome probabilities theta dropping constant
additive terms. The parameter theta must have non-negative entries that sum
to one, but it need not be a variable declared as a simplex.
Available since 2.25
(ints y | vector beta)
The log categorical probability mass function with outcome(s) y in
1:N given log-odds of outcomes beta.
Available since 2.12
(ints y | vector beta)
The log categorical probability mass function with outcome(s) y in
1:N given log-odds of outcomes beta dropping constant additive terms.
Available since 2.25
(vector theta)
Generate a categorical variate with N-simplex distribution parameter
theta; may only be used in transformed data and generated quantities blocks
Available since 2.0
(vector beta)
Generate a categorical variate with outcome in range 1:N from
log-odds vector beta; may only be used in transformed data and generated
quantities blocks
Available since 2.16