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3.8 Power and logarithm functions

R sqrt(T x)
square root of x
Available since 2.0, vectorized in 2.13

R cbrt(T x)
cube root of x
Available since 2.0, vectorized in 2.13

R square(T x)
square of x
Available since 2.0, vectorized in 2.13

R exp(T x)
natural exponential of x
Available since 2.0, vectorized in 2.13

R exp2(T x)
base-2 exponential of x
Available since 2.0, vectorized in 2.13

R log(T x)
natural logarithm of x
Available since 2.0, vectorized in 2.13

R log2(T x)
base-2 logarithm of x
Available since 2.0, vectorized in 2.13

R log10(T x)
base-10 logarithm of x
Available since 2.0, vectorized in 2.13

real pow(real x, real y)
Return x raised to the power of y. \[ \text{pow}(x,y) = x^y \]
Available since 2.0

R pow(T1 x, T2 y)
Vectorized implementation of the pow function
Available since 2.25

R inv(T x)
inverse of x
Available since 2.0, vectorized in 2.13

R inv_sqrt(T x)
inverse of the square root of x
Available since 2.0, vectorized in 2.13

R inv_square(T x)
inverse of the square of x
Available since 2.0, vectorized in 2.13