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3.12 Probability-related functions

3.12.1 Normal cumulative distribution functions

The error function erf is related to the standard normal cumulative distribution function \(\Phi\) by scaling. See section normal distribution for the general normal cumulative distribution function (and its complement).

R erf(T x)
error function, also known as the Gauss error function, of x
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R erfc(T x)
complementary error function of x
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R Phi(T x)
standard normal cumulative distribution function of x
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R inv_Phi(T x)
Return the value of the inverse standard normal cdf \(\Phi^{-1}\) at the specified quantile x. The details of the algorithm can be found in (Wichura 1988). Quantile arguments below 1e-16 are untested; quantiles above 0.999999999 result in increasingly large errors.
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R Phi_approx(T x)
fast approximation of the unit (may replace Phi for probit regression with maximum absolute error of 0.00014, see (Bowling et al. 2009) for details)
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Bowling, Shannon R., Mohammad T. Khasawneh, Sittichai Kaewkuekool, and Byung Rae Cho. 2009. “A Logistic Approximation to the Cumulative Normal Distribution.” Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 2 (1): 114–27.
Wichura, Michael J. 1988. “Algorithm AS 241: The Percentage Points of the Normal Distribution.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics) 37 (3): 477–84.