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Function get_refmodel() is a generic function whose methods usually call init_refmodel() which is the underlying workhorse (and may also be used directly without a call to get_refmodel()).

Both, get_refmodel() and init_refmodel(), create an object containing information needed for the projection predictive variable selection, namely about the reference model, the submodels, and how the projection should be carried out. For the sake of simplicity, the documentation may refer to the resulting object also as "reference model" or "reference model object", even though it also contains information about the submodels and the projection.

A "typical" reference model object is created by get_refmodel.stanreg() and brms::get_refmodel.brmsfit(), either implicitly by a call to a top-level function such as project(), varsel(), and cv_varsel() or explicitly by a call to get_refmodel(). All non-"typical" reference model objects will be called "custom" reference model objects.

Some arguments are for K-fold cross-validation (K-fold CV) only; see cv_varsel() for the use of K-fold CV in projpred.

get_refmodel(object, ...)

# S3 method for refmodel
get_refmodel(object, ...)

# S3 method for vsel
get_refmodel(object, ...)

# S3 method for projection
get_refmodel(object, ...)

# S3 method for default
get_refmodel(object, family = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for stanreg
get_refmodel(object, latent = FALSE, dis = NULL, ...)

  ref_predfun = NULL,
  div_minimizer = NULL,
  proj_predfun = NULL,
  extract_model_data = NULL,
  cvfun = NULL,
  cvfits = NULL,
  dis = NULL,
  cvrefbuilder = NULL,
  called_from_cvrefbuilder = FALSE,



For init_refmodel(), an object that the functions from arguments extract_model_data and ref_predfun can be applied to, with a NULL object being treated specially (see section "Value" below). For get_refmodel.default(), an object that function family() can be applied to in order to retrieve the family (if argument family is NULL), additionally to the properties required for init_refmodel(). For non-default methods of get_refmodel(), an object of the corresponding class.


For get_refmodel.default() and get_refmodel.stanreg(): arguments passed to init_refmodel(). For the get_refmodel() generic: arguments passed to the appropriate method. For init_refmodel(): arguments passed to extend_family() (apart from family).


An object of class family representing the observation model (i.e., the distributional family for the response) of the submodels. (However, the link and the inverse-link function of this family are also used for quantities like predictions and fitted values related to the reference model.) May be NULL for get_refmodel.default() in which case the family is retrieved from object. For custom reference models, family does not have to coincide with the family of the reference model (if the reference model possesses a formal family at all). In typical reference models, however, these families do coincide. Furthermore, the latent projection is an exception where family is not the family of the submodels (in that case, the family of the submodels is the gaussian() family).


A single logical value indicating whether to use the latent projection (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Note that setting latent = TRUE causes all arguments starting with augdat_ to be ignored.


A vector of posterior draws for the reference model's dispersion parameter or---more precisely---the posterior values for the reference model's parameter-conditional predictive variance (assuming that this variance is the same for all observations). May be NULL if the submodels have no dispersion parameter or if the submodels do have a dispersion parameter, but object is NULL (in which case 0 is used for dis). Note that for the gaussian() family, dis is the standard deviation, not the variance.


A data.frame containing the data to use for the projection predictive variable selection. Any contrasts attributes of the dataset's columns are silently removed. For custom reference models, the columns of data do not necessarily have to coincide with those of the dataset used for fitting the reference model, but keep in mind that a row-subset of data is used for argument newdata of ref_predfun during K-fold CV.


The full formula to use for the search procedure. For custom reference models, this does not necessarily coincide with the reference model's formula. For general information about formulas in R, see formula. For information about possible right-hand side (i.e., predictor) terms in formula here, see the main vignette and section "Formula terms" below. For multilevel formulas, see also package lme4 (in particular, functions lme4::lmer() and lme4::glmer()). For additive formulas, see also packages mgcv (in particular, function mgcv::gam()) and gamm4 (in particular, function gamm4::gamm4()).


Prediction function for the linear predictor of the reference model, including offsets (if existing). See also section "Arguments ref_predfun, proj_predfun, and div_minimizer" below. If object is NULL, ref_predfun is ignored and an internal default is used instead.


A function for minimizing the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence from the reference model to a submodel (i.e., for performing the projection of the reference model onto a submodel). The output of div_minimizer is used, e.g., by proj_predfun's argument fits. See also section "Arguments ref_predfun, proj_predfun, and div_minimizer" below.


Prediction function for the linear predictor of a submodel onto which the reference model is projected. See also section "Arguments ref_predfun, proj_predfun, and div_minimizer" below.


A function for fetching some variables (response, observation weights, offsets) from the original dataset (supplied to argument data) or from a new dataset. May be NULL for using an internal default that essentially corresponds to y_wobs_offs(). See also section "Argument extract_model_data" below.


For K-fold CV only. A function that, given a fold indices vector, fits the reference model separately for each fold and returns the K model fits as a list. If object is NULL, cvfun may be NULL for using an internal default. Only one of cvfits and cvfun needs to be provided (for K-fold CV). Note that cvfits takes precedence over cvfun, i.e., if both are provided, cvfits is used.


For K-fold CV only. A list containing the K reference model refits from which reference model objects are created. This list needs to have an attribute called folds, consisting of an integer vector giving the fold indices (one fold index per observation). Only one of cvfits and cvfun needs to be provided (for K-fold CV). Note that cvfits takes precedence over cvfun, i.e., if both are provided, cvfits is used.


For K-fold CV only. A function that, given a reference model fit for fold k{1,...,K}, returns an object of the same type as init_refmodel() does. The reference model fit for fold k is the k-th element of the return value of cvfun or the k-th element of the list supplied to cvfits (either here in init_refmodel() or in cv_varsel.refmodel()), extended by elements omitted (containing the indices of the left-out observations in that fold) and projpred_k (containing the integer k) if that k-th element is a list itself (otherwise, omitted and projpred_k are appended as attributes). Argument cvrefbuilder may be NULL for using an internal default: get_refmodel() if object is not NULL and a function calling init_refmodel() appropriately (with the assumption dis = 0) if object is NULL.


A single logical value indicating whether init_refmodel() is called from a cvrefbuilder function (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Currently, TRUE only causes some warnings to be suppressed (warnings which don't need to be thrown for each of the K reference model objects because it is sufficient to throw them for the original reference model object only). This argument is mainly for internal use, but may also be helpful for users with a custom cvrefbuilder function.


An object that can be passed to all the functions that take the reference model fit as the first argument, such as varsel(), cv_varsel(), project(), proj_linpred(), and proj_predict(). Usually, the returned object is of class refmodel. However, if object is NULL, the returned object is of class datafit as well as of class refmodel (with datafit being first). Objects of class datafit are handled differently at several places throughout this package.

The elements of the returned object are not meant to be accessed directly but instead via downstream functions (see the functions mentioned above as well as predict.refmodel()).

Formula terms

Although bad practice (in general), a reference model lacking an intercept can be used within projpred. However, it will always be projected onto submodels which include an intercept. The reason is that even if the true intercept in the reference model is zero, this does not need to hold for the submodels.

In multilevel (group-level) terms, function calls on the right-hand side of the | character (e.g., (1 | gr(group_variable)), which is possible in brms) are currently not allowed in projpred.

For additive models (still an experimental feature), only mgcv::s() and mgcv::t2() are currently supported as smooth terms. Furthermore, these need to be called without any arguments apart from the predictor names (symbols). For example, for smoothing the effect of a predictor x, only s(x) or t2(x) are allowed. As another example, for smoothing the joint effect of two predictors x and z, only s(x, z) or t2(x, z) are allowed (and analogously for higher-order joint effects, e.g., of three predictors). Note that all smooth terms need to be included in formula (there is no random argument as in rstanarm::stan_gamm4(), for example).

Arguments ref_predfun, proj_predfun, and div_minimizer

Arguments ref_predfun, proj_predfun, and div_minimizer may be NULL for using an internal default (see projpred-package for the functions used by the default divergence minimizers). Otherwise, let N denote the number of observations (in case of CV, these may be reduced to each fold), Sref the number of posterior draws for the reference model's parameters, and Sprj the number of draws for the parameters of a submodel that the reference model has been projected onto (short: the number of projected draws). For the augmented-data projection, let Ccat denote the number of response categories, Clat the number of latent response categories (which typically equals Ccat1), and define Naugcat:=NCcat as well as Nauglat:=NClat. Then the functions supplied to these arguments need to have the following prototypes:

  • ref_predfun: ref_predfun(fit, newdata = NULL) where:

    • fit accepts the reference model fit as given in argument object (but possibly refitted to a subset of the observations, as done in K-fold CV).

    • newdata accepts either NULL (for using the original dataset, typically stored in fit) or data for new observations (at least in the form of a data.frame).

  • proj_predfun: proj_predfun(fits, newdata) where:

    • fits accepts a list of length Sprj containing this number of submodel fits. This list is the same as that returned by project() in its output element outdmin (which in turn is the same as the return value of div_minimizer, except if project() was used with an object of class vsel based on an L1 search as well as with refit_prj = FALSE).

    • newdata accepts data for new observations (at least in the form of a data.frame).

  • div_minimizer does not need to have a specific prototype, but it needs to be able to be called with the following arguments:

    • formula accepts either a standard formula with a single response (if Sprj=1 or in case of the augmented-data projection) or a formula with Sprj>1 response variables cbind()-ed on the left-hand side in which case the projection has to be performed for each of the response variables separately.

    • data accepts a data.frame to be used for the projection. In case of the traditional or the latent projection, this dataset has N rows. In case of the augmented-data projection, this dataset has Naugcat rows.

    • family accepts an object of class family.

    • weights accepts either observation weights (at least in the form of a numeric vector) or NULL (for using a vector of ones as weights).

    • projpred_var accepts an N×Sprj matrix of predictive variances (necessary for projpred's internal GLM fitter) in case of the traditional or the latent projection and an Naugcat×Sprj matrix (containing only NAs) in case of the augmented-data projection.

    • projpred_ws_aug accepts an N×Sprj matrix of expected values for the response in case of the traditional or the latent projection and an Naugcat×Sprj matrix of probabilities for the response categories in case of the augmented-data projection.

    • ... accepts further arguments specified by the user (or by projpred).

The return value of these functions needs to be:

  • ref_predfun: for the traditional or the latent projection, an N×Sref matrix; for the augmented-data projection, an Sref×N×Clat array (the only exception is the augmented-data projection for the binomial() family in which case ref_predfun needs to return an N×Sref matrix just like for the traditional projection because the array is constructed by an internal wrapper function).

  • proj_predfun: for the traditional or the latent projection, an N×Sprj matrix; for the augmented-data projection, an N×Clat×Sprj array.

  • div_minimizer: a list of length Sprj containing this number of submodel fits.

Argument extract_model_data

The function supplied to argument extract_model_data needs to have the prototype

extract_model_data(object, newdata, wrhs = NULL, orhs = NULL,
                   extract_y = TRUE)


  • object accepts the reference model fit as given in argument object (but possibly refitted to a subset of the observations, as done in K-fold CV).

  • newdata accepts data for new observations (at least in the form of a data.frame).

  • wrhs accepts at least (i) a right-hand side formula consisting only of the variable in newdata containing the observation weights or (ii) NULL for using the observation weights corresponding to newdata (typically, the observation weights are stored in a column of newdata; if the model was fitted without observation weights, a vector of ones should be used).

  • orhs accepts at least (i) a right-hand side formula consisting only of the variable in newdata containing the offsets or (ii) NULL for using the offsets corresponding to newdata (typically, the offsets are stored in a column of newdata; if the model was fitted without offsets, a vector of zeros should be used).

  • extract_y accepts a single logical value indicating whether output element y (see below) shall be NULL (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

The return value of extract_model_data needs to be a list with elements y, weights, and offset, each being a numeric vector containing the data for the response, the observation weights, and the offsets, respectively. An exception is that y may also be NULL (depending on argument extract_y), a non-numeric vector, or a factor.

The weights and offsets returned by extract_model_data will be assumed to hold for the reference model as well as for the submodels.

Above, arguments wrhs and orhs were assumed to have defaults of NULL. It should be possible to use defaults other than NULL, but we strongly recommend to use NULL. If defaults other than NULL are used, they need to imply the behaviors described at items "(ii)" (see the descriptions of wrhs and orhs).

Augmented-data projection

If a custom reference model for an augmented-data projection is needed, see also extend_family().

For the augmented-data projection, the response vector resulting from extract_model_data is internally coerced to a factor (using as.factor()). The levels of this factor have to be identical to family$cats (after applying extend_family() internally; see extend_family()'s argument augdat_y_unqs).

Note that response-specific offsets (i.e., one length-N offset vector per response category) are not supported by projpred yet. So far, only offsets which are the same across all response categories are supported. This is why in case of the brms::categorical() family, offsets are currently not supported at all.

Currently, object = NULL (i.e., a datafit; see section "Value") is not supported in case of the augmented-data projection.

Latent projection

If a custom reference model for a latent projection is needed, see also extend_family().

For the latent projection, family$cats (after applying extend_family() internally; see extend_family()'s argument latent_y_unqs) currently must not be NULL if the original (i.e., non-latent) response is a factor. Conversely, if family$cats (after applying extend_family()) is non-NULL, the response vector resulting from extract_model_data is internally coerced to a factor (using as.factor()). The levels of this factor have to be identical to that non-NULL element family$cats.

Currently, object = NULL (i.e., a datafit; see section "Value") is not supported in case of the latent projection.


# Data:
dat_gauss <- data.frame(y = df_gaussian$y, df_gaussian$x)

# The `stanreg` fit which will be used as the reference model (with small
# values for `chains` and `iter`, but only for technical reasons in this
# example; this is not recommended in general):
fit <- rstanarm::stan_glm(
  y ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5, family = gaussian(), data = dat_gauss,
  QR = TRUE, chains = 2, iter = 500, refresh = 0, seed = 9876

# Define the reference model object explicitly:
ref <- get_refmodel(fit)
print(class(ref)) # gives `"refmodel"`
#> [1] "refmodel"
# Now see, for example, `?varsel`, `?cv_varsel`, and `?project` for
# possible post-processing functions. Most of the post-processing functions
# call get_refmodel() internally at the beginning, so you will rarely need
# to call get_refmodel() yourself.

# A custom reference model object which may be used in a variable selection
# where the candidate predictors are not a subset of those used for the
# reference model's predictions:
ref_cust <- init_refmodel(
  data = dat_gauss,
  formula = y ~ X6 + X7,
  family = gaussian(),
  cvfun = function(folds) {
      fit, K = max(folds), save_fits = TRUE, folds = folds, cores = 1
    )$fits[, "fit"]
  dis = as.matrix(fit)[, "sigma"],
  cvrefbuilder = function(cvfit) {
                  data = dat_gauss[-cvfit$omitted, , drop = FALSE],
                  formula = y ~ X6 + X7,
                  family = gaussian(),
                  dis = as.matrix(cvfit)[, "sigma"],
                  called_from_cvrefbuilder = TRUE)
# Now, the post-processing functions mentioned above (for example,
# varsel(), cv_varsel(), and project()) may be applied to `ref_cust`.