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This function can suggest an appropriate submodel size based on a decision rule described in section "Details" below. Note that this decision is quite heuristic and should be interpreted with caution. It is recommended to examine the results via plot.vsel(), cv_proportions(), plot.cv_proportions(), and/or summary.vsel() and to make the final decision based on what is most appropriate for the problem at hand.

suggest_size(object, ...)

# S3 method for vsel
  stat = "elpd",
  pct = 0,
  type = "upper",
  thres_elpd = NA,
  warnings = TRUE,



An object of class vsel (returned by varsel() or cv_varsel()).


Arguments passed to summary.vsel(), except for object, stats (which is set to stat), type, and deltas (which is set to TRUE). See section "Details" below for some important arguments which may be passed here.


Performance statistic (i.e., utility or loss) used for the decision. See argument stats of summary.vsel() for possible choices.


A number giving the proportion (not percents) of the relative null model utility one is willing to sacrifice. See section "Details" below for more information.


Either "upper" or "lower" determining whether the decision is based on the upper or lower confidence interval bound, respectively. See section "Details" below for more information.


Only relevant if stat %in% c("elpd", "mlpd", "gmpd")). The threshold for the ELPD difference (taking the submodel's ELPD minus the baseline model's ELPD) above which the submodel's ELPD is considered to be close enough to the baseline model's ELPD. An equivalent rule is applied in case of the MLPD and the GMPD. See section "Details" for a formalization. Supplying NA deactivates this.


Mainly for internal use. A single logical value indicating whether to throw warnings if automatic suggestion fails. Usually there is no reason to set this to FALSE.


A single numeric value, giving the suggested submodel size (or NA if the suggestion failed).

The intercept is not counted by suggest_size(), so a suggested size of zero stands for the intercept-only model.


In general (beware of special cases below), the suggested model size is the smallest model size j{0,1,...,nterms\_max} for which either the lower or upper bound (depending on argument type) of the normal-approximation (or bootstrap or exponentiated normal-approximation; see argument stat) confidence interval (with nominal coverage 1 - alpha; see argument alpha of summary.vsel()) for UjUbase (with Uj denoting the j-th submodel's true utility and Ubase denoting the baseline model's true utility) falls above (or is equal to) pct(u0ubase) where u0 denotes the null model's estimated utility and ubase the baseline model's estimated utility. The baseline model is either the reference model or the best submodel found (see argument baseline of summary.vsel()).

In doing so, loss statistics like the root mean squared error (RMSE) and the mean squared error (MSE) are converted to utilities by multiplying them by -1, so a call such as suggest_size(object, stat = "rmse", type = "upper") finds the smallest model size whose upper confidence interval bound for the negative RMSE or MSE exceeds (or is equal to) the cutoff (or, equivalently, has the lower confidence interval bound for the RMSE or MSE below---or equal to---the cutoff). This is done to make the interpretation of argument type the same regardless of argument stat.

For the geometric mean predictive density (GMPD), the decision rule above is applied on log() scale. In other words, if the true GMPD is denoted by Uj for the j-th submodel and Ubase for the baseline model (so that Uj and Ubase from above are given by Uj=log(Uj) and Ubase=log(Ubase)), then suggest_size() yields the smallest model size whose lower or upper (depending on argument type) confidence interval bound for UjUbase exceeds (or is equal to) (u0ubase)pct where u0 denotes the null model's estimated GMPD and ubase the baseline model's estimated GMPD.

If !is.na(thres_elpd) and stat = "elpd", the decision rule above is extended: The suggested model size is then the smallest model size j fulfilling the rule above or ujubase>thres\_elpd. Correspondingly, in case of stat = "mlpd" (and !is.na(thres_elpd)), the suggested model size is the smallest model size j fulfilling the rule above or ujubase>thres\_elpdN with N denoting the number of observations. Correspondingly, in case of stat = "gmpd" (and !is.na(thres_elpd)), the suggested model size is the smallest model size j fulfilling the rule above or ujubase>exp(thres\_elpdN).

For example (disregarding the special extensions in case of !is.na(thres_elpd) with stat %in% c("elpd", "mlpd", "gmpd")), alpha = 2 * pnorm(-1), pct = 0, and type = "upper" means that we select the smallest model size for which the upper bound of the 1 - 2 * pnorm(-1) (approximately 68.3%) confidence interval for UjUbase (UjUbase in case of the GMPD) exceeds (or is equal to) zero (one in case of the GMPD), that is (if stat is a performance statistic for which the normal approximation is used, not the bootstrap and not the exponentiated normal approximation), for which the submodel's utility estimate is at most one standard error smaller than the baseline model's utility estimate (with that standard error referring to the utility difference).

Apart from the two summary.vsel() arguments mentioned above (alpha and baseline), resp_oscale is another important summary.vsel() argument that may be passed via ....


# Data:
dat_gauss <- data.frame(y = df_gaussian$y, df_gaussian$x)

# The `stanreg` fit which will be used as the reference model (with small
# values for `chains` and `iter`, but only for technical reasons in this
# example; this is not recommended in general):
fit <- rstanarm::stan_glm(
  y ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5, family = gaussian(), data = dat_gauss,
  QR = TRUE, chains = 2, iter = 500, refresh = 0, seed = 9876

# Run varsel() (here without cross-validation, with L1 search, and with small
# values for `nterms_max` and `nclusters_pred`, but only for the sake of
# speed in this example; this is not recommended in general):
vs <- varsel(fit, method = "L1", nterms_max = 3, nclusters_pred = 10,
             seed = 5555, verbose = FALSE)
#> [1] 3