Automatic Differentiation
No Matches
read_var.hpp File Reference

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class  stan::math::vi_val_adj_functor< EigRev, EigVari, EigDbl >
 Functor for extracting the vari*, values, and adjoints from a matrix of var. More...
class  stan::math::val_adj_functor< EigRev, EigDbl >
 Functor for extracting the values and adjoints from a matrix of var or vari. More...
class  stan::math::vi_val_functor< EigVar, EigVari >
 Functor for extracting the varis and values from a matrix of var. More...
class  stan::math::vi_adj_functor< EigVar, EigVari >
 Functor for extracting the varis and adjoints from a matrix of var. More...


namespace  stan
 The lgamma implementation in stan-math is based on either the reentrant safe lgamma_r implementation from C or the boost::math::lgamma implementation.
namespace  stan::math
 Matrices and templated mathematical functions.


template<typename EigVar , typename EigVari , typename EigDbl >
void stan::math::read_vi_val_adj (const EigVar &VarMat, EigVari &VariMat, EigDbl &ValMat, EigDbl &AdjMat)
 Function applying the vi_val_adj_functor to extract the vari*, values, and adjoints of a given var matrix into separate matrices.
template<typename EigRev , typename EigDbl >
void stan::math::read_val_adj (const EigRev &VarMat, EigDbl &ValMat, EigDbl &AdjMat)
 Function applying the val_adj_functor to extract the values and adjoints of a given var or vari matrix into separate matrices.
template<typename EigVar , typename EigVari , typename EigDbl >
void stan::math::read_vi_val (const EigVar &VarMat, EigVari &VariMat, EigDbl &ValMat)
 Function applying the vi_val_functor to extract the varis and and values of a given var matrix into separate matrices.
template<typename EigVar , typename EigVari , typename EigDbl >
void stan::math::read_vi_adj (const EigVar &VarMat, EigVari &VariMat, EigDbl &AdjMat)
 Function applying the vi_adj_functor to extract the varis and and adjoints of a given var matrix into separate matrices.