Automatic Differentiation
No Matches
kinsol_solve.hpp File Reference
#include <stan/math/rev/functor/kinsol_data.hpp>
#include <stan/math/rev/functor/algebra_system.hpp>
#include <stan/math/prim/err.hpp>
#include <stan/math/prim/fun/to_array_1d.hpp>
#include <stan/math/prim/fun/to_vector.hpp>
#include <sundials/sundials_context.h>
#include <kinsol/kinsol.h>
#include <sunmatrix/sunmatrix_dense.h>
#include <sunlinsol/sunlinsol_dense.h>
#include <nvector/nvector_serial.h>
#include <vector>

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namespace  stan
 The lgamma implementation in stan-math is based on either the reentrant safe lgamma_r implementation from C or the boost::math::lgamma implementation.
namespace  stan::math
 Matrices and templated mathematical functions.


template<typename F1 , typename... Args>
Eigen::VectorXd stan::math::kinsol_solve (const F1 &f, const Eigen::VectorXd &x, const double scaling_step_tol, const double function_tolerance, const int64_t max_num_steps, const bool custom_jacobian, const int steps_eval_jacobian, const int global_line_search, std::ostream *const msgs, const Args &... args)
 Return the solution to the specified algebraic system, given an initial guess.