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chainable_object.hpp File Reference

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class  stan::math::chainable_object< T >
 chainable_object hold another object is useful for connecting the lifetime of a specific object to the chainable stack More...
class  stan::math::unsafe_chainable_object< T >
 unsafe_chainable_object hold another object and is useful for connecting the lifetime of a specific object to the chainable stack. More...


namespace  stan
 The lgamma implementation in stan-math is based on either the reentrant safe lgamma_r implementation from C or the boost::math::lgamma implementation.
namespace  stan::math
 Matrices and templated mathematical functions.


template<typename T >
auto stan::math::make_chainable_ptr (T &&obj)
 Store the given object in a chainable_object so it is destructed only when the chainable stack memory is recovered and return a pointer to the underlying object.
template<typename T >
auto stan::math::make_unsafe_chainable_ptr (T &&obj)
 Store the given object in a chainable_object so it is destructed only when the chainable stack memory is recovered and return a pointer to the underlying object This function differs from make_chainable_object in that this class does not evaluate expressions.