Unbounded Continuous Distributions

The unbounded univariate continuous probability distributions have support on all real numbers.

Normal distribution

Probability density function

If μR and σR+, then for yR, Normal(y|μ,σ)=12π σexp(12(yμσ)2).

Distribution statement

y ~ normal(mu, sigma)

Increment target log probability density with normal_lupdf(y | mu, sigma).

Available since 2.0

Stan functions

real normal_lpdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the normal density of y given location mu and scale sigma

Available since 2.12

real normal_lupdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the normal density of y given location mu and scale sigma dropping constant additive terms.

Available since 2.25

real normal_cdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The cumulative normal distribution of y given location mu and scale sigma; normal_cdf will underflow to 0 for yμσ below -37.5 and overflow to 1 for yμσ above 8.25; the function Phi_approx is more robust in the tails, but must be scaled and translated for anything other than a standard normal.

Available since 2.0

real normal_lcdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the cumulative normal distribution of y given location mu and scale sigma; normal_lcdf will underflow to for yμσ below -37.5 and overflow to 0 for yμσ above 8.25; log(Phi_approx(...)) is more robust in the tails, but must be scaled and translated for anything other than a standard normal.

Available since 2.12

real normal_lccdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the complementary cumulative normal distribution of y given location mu and scale sigma; normal_lccdf will overflow to 0 for yμσ below -37.5 and underflow to for yμσ above 8.25; log1m(Phi_approx(...)) is more robust in the tails, but must be scaled and translated for anything other than a standard normal.

Available since 2.15

R normal_rng(reals mu, reals sigma)
Generate a normal variate with location mu and scale sigma; may only be used in transformed data and generated quantities blocks. For a description of argument and return types, see section vectorized PRNG functions.

Available since 2.18

Standard normal distribution

The standard normal distribution is so-called because its parameters are the units for their respective operations—the location (mean) is zero and the scale (standard deviation) one. The standard normal is parameter-free, and the unit parameters allow considerable simplification of the expression for the density. StdNormal(y) = Normal(y0,1) = 12πexp(y22). Up to a proportion on the log scale, where Stan computes, logNormal(y0,1) = y22+const. With no logarithm, no subtraction, and no division by a parameter, the standard normal log density is much more efficient to compute than the normal log density with constant location 0 and scale 1.

Distribution statement

y ~ std_normal()

Increment target log probability density with std_normal_lupdf(y).

Available since 2.19

Stan functions

real std_normal_lpdf(reals y)
The standard normal (location zero, scale one) log probability density of y.

Available since 2.18

real std_normal_lupdf(reals y)
The standard normal (location zero, scale one) log probability density of y dropping constant additive terms.

Available since 2.25

real std_normal_cdf(reals y)
The cumulative standard normal distribution of y; std_normal_cdf will underflow to 0 for y below -37.5 and overflow to 1 for y above 8.25; the function Phi_approx is more robust in the tails.

Available since 2.21

real std_normal_lcdf(reals y)
The log of the cumulative standard normal distribution of y; std_normal_lcdf will underflow to for y below -37.5 and overflow to 0 for y above 8.25; log(Phi_approx(...)) is more robust in the tails.

Available since 2.21

real std_normal_lccdf(reals y)
The log of the complementary cumulative standard normal distribution of y; std_normal_lccdf will overflow to 0 for y below -37.5 and underflow to for y above 8.25; log1m(Phi_approx(...)) is more robust in the tails.

Available since 2.21

R std_normal_qf(T x)
Returns the value of the inverse standard normal cdf Φ1 at the specified quantile x. The std_normal_qf is equivalent to the inv_Phi function.

Available since 2.31

R std_normal_log_qf(T x)
Return the value of the inverse standard normal cdf Φ1 evaluated at the log of the specified quantile x. This function is equivalent to std_normal_qf(exp(x)) but is more numerically stable.

Available since 2.31

real std_normal_rng()
Generate a normal variate with location zero and scale one; may only be used in transformed data and generated quantities blocks.

Available since 2.21

Normal-id generalized linear model (linear regression)

Stan also supplies a single function for a generalized linear model with normal distribution and identity link function, i.e. a function for a linear regression. This provides a more efficient implementation of linear regression than a manually written regression in terms of a normal distribution and matrix multiplication.

Probability distribution function

If xRnm,αRn,βRm,σR+, then for yRn, NormalIdGLM(y|x,α,β,σ)=1inNormal(yi|αi+xiβ,σ).

Distribution statement

y ~ normal_id_glm(x, alpha, beta, sigma)

Increment target log probability density with normal_id_glm_lupdf(y | x, alpha, beta, sigma).

Available since 2.19

Stan functions

real normal_id_glm_lpdf(real y | matrix x, real alpha, vector beta, real sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma.

Available since 2.29

real normal_id_glm_lupdf(real y | matrix x, real alpha, vector beta, real sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma dropping constant additive terms.

Available since 2.29

real normal_id_glm_lpdf(real y | matrix x, vector alpha, vector beta, real sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma.

Available since 2.29

real normal_id_glm_lupdf(real y | matrix x, vector alpha, vector beta, real sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma dropping constant additive terms.

Available since 2.29

real normal_id_glm_lpdf(real y | matrix x, real alpha, vector beta, vector sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma.

Available since 2.23

real normal_id_glm_lupdf(real y | matrix x, real alpha, vector beta, vector sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma dropping constant additive terms.

Available since 2.25

real normal_id_glm_lpdf(real y | matrix x, vector alpha, vector beta, vector sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma.

Available since 2.23

real normal_id_glm_lupdf(real y | matrix x, vector alpha, vector beta, vector sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma dropping constant additive terms.

Available since 2.25

real normal_id_glm_lpdf(vector y | row_vector x, real alpha, vector beta, real sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma.

Available since 2.29

real normal_id_glm_lupdf(vector y | row_vector x, real alpha, vector beta, real sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma dropping constant additive terms.

Available since 2.29

real normal_id_glm_lpdf(vector y | row_vector x, vector alpha, vector beta, real sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma.

Available since 2.29

real normal_id_glm_lupdf(vector y | row_vector x, vector alpha, vector beta, real sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma dropping constant additive terms.

Available since 2.29

real normal_id_glm_lpdf(vector y | matrix x, real alpha, vector beta, real sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma.

Available since 2.23

real normal_id_glm_lupdf(vector y | matrix x, real alpha, vector beta, real sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma dropping constant additive terms.

Available since 2.23

real normal_id_glm_lpdf(vector y | matrix x, vector alpha, vector beta, real sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma.

Available since 2.23

real normal_id_glm_lupdf(vector y | matrix x, vector alpha, vector beta, real sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma dropping constant additive terms.

Available since 2.23

real normal_id_glm_lpdf(vector y | matrix x, real alpha, vector beta, vector sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma.

Available since 2.30

real normal_id_glm_lupdf(vector y | matrix x, real alpha, vector beta, vector sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma dropping constant additive terms.

Available since 2.30

real normal_id_glm_lpdf(vector y | matrix x, vector alpha, vector beta, vector sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma.

Available since 2.30

real normal_id_glm_lupdf(vector y | matrix x, vector alpha, vector beta, vector sigma)
The log normal probability density of y given location alpha + x * beta and scale sigma dropping constant additive terms.

Available since 2.30

Exponentially modified normal distribution

Exponentially modified Gaussian describes the distribution of Z=X+Y when X and Y are independent and X is normally distributed (with mean μ and standard deviation σ) and Y is exponentially distributed (with rate λ).

Probability density function

If μR, σR+, and λR+, then for yR, ExpModNormal(y|μ,σ,λ)=λ2 exp(λ2(2μ+λσ22y))erfc(μ+λσ2y2σ).

Distribution statement

y ~ exp_mod_normal(mu, sigma, lambda)

Increment target log probability density with exp_mod_normal_lupdf(y | mu, sigma, lambda).

Available since 2.0

Stan functions

real exp_mod_normal_lpdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma, reals lambda)
The log of the exponentially modified normal density of y given location mu, scale sigma, and rate lambda

Available since 2.18

real exp_mod_normal_lupdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma, reals lambda)
The log of the exponentially modified normal density of y given location mu, scale sigma, and rate lambda dropping constant additive terms

Available since 2.25

real exp_mod_normal_cdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma, reals lambda)
The exponentially modified normal cumulative distribution function of y given location mu, scale sigma, and rate lambda

Available since 2.0

real exp_mod_normal_lcdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma, reals lambda)
The log of the exponentially modified normal cumulative distribution function of y given location mu, scale sigma, and rate lambda

Available since 2.18

real exp_mod_normal_lccdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma, reals lambda)
The log of the exponentially modified normal complementary cumulative distribution function of y given location mu, scale sigma, and rate lambda

Available since 2.18

R exp_mod_normal_rng(reals mu, reals sigma, reals lambda)
Generate a exponentially modified normal variate with location mu, scale sigma, and rate lambda; may only be used in transformed data and generated quantities blocks. For a description of argument and return types, see section vectorized PRNG functions.

Available since 2.18

Skew normal distribution

Probability density function

If ξR, ωR+, and αR, then for yR, SkewNormal(yξ,ω,α)=1ω2π exp(12(yξω)2) (1+erf(α(yξω2))).

Distribution statement

y ~ skew_normal(xi, omega, alpha)

Increment target log probability density with skew_normal_lupdf(y | xi, omega, alpha).

Available since 2.0

Stan functions

real skew_normal_lpdf(reals y | reals xi, reals omega, reals alpha)
The log of the skew normal density of y given location xi, scale omega, and shape alpha

Available since 2.16

real skew_normal_lupdf(reals y | reals xi, reals omega, reals alpha)
The log of the skew normal density of y given location xi, scale omega, and shape alpha dropping constant additive terms

Available since 2.25

real skew_normal_cdf(reals y | reals xi, reals omega, reals alpha)
The skew normal distribution function of y given location xi, scale omega, and shape alpha

Available since 2.16

real skew_normal_lcdf(reals y | reals xi, reals omega, reals alpha)
The log of the skew normal cumulative distribution function of y given location xi, scale omega, and shape alpha

Available since 2.18

real skew_normal_lccdf(reals y | reals xi, reals omega, reals alpha)
The log of the skew normal complementary cumulative distribution function of y given location xi, scale omega, and shape alpha

Available since 2.18

R skew_normal_rng(reals xi, reals omega, real alpha)
Generate a skew normal variate with location xi, scale omega, and shape alpha; may only be used in transformed data and generated quantities blocks. For a description of argument and return types, see section vectorized PRNG functions.

Available since 2.18

Student-t distribution

Probability density function

If νR+, μR, and σR+, then for yR, StudentT(y|ν,μ,σ)=Γ((ν+1)/2)Γ(ν/2) 1νπ σ (1+1ν(yμσ)2)(ν+1)/2.

Distribution statement

y ~ student_t(nu, mu, sigma)

Increment target log probability density with student_t_lupdf(y | nu, mu, sigma).

Available since 2.0

Stan functions

real student_t_lpdf(reals y | reals nu, reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the Student-t density of y given degrees of freedom nu, location mu, and scale sigma

Available since 2.12

real student_t_lupdf(reals y | reals nu, reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the Student-t density of y given degrees of freedom nu, location mu, and scale sigma dropping constant additive terms

Available since 2.25

real student_t_cdf(reals y | reals nu, reals mu, reals sigma)
The Student-t cumulative distribution function of y given degrees of freedom nu, location mu, and scale sigma

Available since 2.0

real student_t_lcdf(reals y | reals nu, reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the Student-t cumulative distribution function of y given degrees of freedom nu, location mu, and scale sigma

Available since 2.12

real student_t_lccdf(reals y | reals nu, reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the Student-t complementary cumulative distribution function of y given degrees of freedom nu, location mu, and scale sigma

Available since 2.12

R student_t_rng(reals nu, reals mu, reals sigma)
Generate a Student-t variate with degrees of freedom nu, location mu, and scale sigma; may only be used in transformed data and generated quantities blocks. For a description of argument and return types, see section vectorized PRNG functions.

Available since 2.18

Cauchy distribution

Probability density function

If μR and σR+, then for yR, Cauchy(y|μ,σ)=1πσ 11+((yμ)/σ)2.

Distribution statement

y ~ cauchy(mu, sigma)

Increment target log probability density with cauchy_lupdf(y | mu, sigma).

Available since 2.0

Stan functions

real cauchy_lpdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the Cauchy density of y given location mu and scale sigma

Available since 2.12

real cauchy_lupdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the Cauchy density of y given location mu and scale sigma dropping constant additive terms

Available since 2.25

real cauchy_cdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The Cauchy cumulative distribution function of y given location mu and scale sigma

Available since 2.0

real cauchy_lcdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the Cauchy cumulative distribution function of y given location mu and scale sigma

Available since 2.12

real cauchy_lccdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the Cauchy complementary cumulative distribution function of y given location mu and scale sigma

Available since 2.12

R cauchy_rng(reals mu, reals sigma)
Generate a Cauchy variate with location mu and scale sigma; may only be used in transformed data and generated quantities blocks. For a description of argument and return types, see section vectorized PRNG functions.

Available since 2.18

Double exponential (Laplace) distribution

Probability density function

If μR and σR+, then for yR, DoubleExponential(y|μ,σ)=12σexp(|yμ|σ). Note that the double exponential distribution is parameterized in terms of the scale, in contrast to the exponential distribution (see section exponential distribution), which is parameterized in terms of inverse scale.

The double-exponential distribution can be defined as a compound exponential-normal distribution (). Using the inverse scale parameterization for the exponential distribution, and the standard deviation parameterization for the normal distribution, one can write αExponential(12σ2) and βαNormal(μ,α), then βDoubleExponential(μ,σ). This may be used to code a non-centered parameterization by taking βrawNormal(0,1) and defining β=μ+αβraw.

Distribution statement

y ~ double_exponential(mu, sigma)

Increment target log probability density with double_exponential_lupdf(y | mu, sigma).

Available since 2.0

Stan functions

real double_exponential_lpdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the double exponential density of y given location mu and scale sigma

Available since 2.12

real double_exponential_lupdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the double exponential density of y given location mu and scale sigma dropping constant additive terms

Available since 2.25

real double_exponential_cdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The double exponential cumulative distribution function of y given location mu and scale sigma

Available since 2.0

real double_exponential_lcdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the double exponential cumulative distribution function of y given location mu and scale sigma

Available since 2.12

real double_exponential_lccdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the double exponential complementary cumulative distribution function of y given location mu and scale sigma

Available since 2.12

R double_exponential_rng(reals mu, reals sigma)
Generate a double exponential variate with location mu and scale sigma; may only be used in transformed data and generated quantities blocks. For a description of argument and return types, see section vectorized PRNG functions.

Available since 2.18

Logistic distribution

Probability density function

If μR and σR+, then for yR, Logistic(y|μ,σ)=1σ exp(yμσ) (1+exp(yμσ))2.

Distribution statement

y ~ logistic(mu, sigma)

Increment target log probability density with logistic_lupdf(y | mu, sigma).

Available since 2.0

Stan functions

real logistic_lpdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the logistic density of y given location mu and scale sigma

Available since 2.12

real logistic_lupdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the logistic density of y given location mu and scale sigma dropping constant additive terms

Available since 2.25

real logistic_cdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The logistic cumulative distribution function of y given location mu and scale sigma

Available since 2.0

real logistic_lcdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the logistic cumulative distribution function of y given location mu and scale sigma

Available since 2.12

real logistic_lccdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma)
The log of the logistic complementary cumulative distribution function of y given location mu and scale sigma

Available since 2.12

R logistic_rng(reals mu, reals sigma)
Generate a logistic variate with location mu and scale sigma; may only be used in transformed data and generated quantities blocks. For a description of argument and return types, see section vectorized PRNG functions.

Available since 2.18

Gumbel distribution

Probability density function

If μR and βR+, then for yR, Gumbel(y|μ,β)=1β exp(yμβexp(yμβ)).

Distribution statement

y ~ gumbel(mu, beta)

Increment target log probability density with gumbel_lupdf(y | mu, beta).

Available since 2.0

Stan functions

real gumbel_lpdf(reals y | reals mu, reals beta)
The log of the gumbel density of y given location mu and scale beta

Available since 2.12

real gumbel_lupdf(reals y | reals mu, reals beta)
The log of the gumbel density of y given location mu and scale beta dropping constant additive terms

Available since 2.25

real gumbel_cdf(reals y | reals mu, reals beta)
The gumbel cumulative distribution function of y given location mu and scale beta

Available since 2.0

real gumbel_lcdf(reals y | reals mu, reals beta)
The log of the gumbel cumulative distribution function of y given location mu and scale beta

Available since 2.12

real gumbel_lccdf(reals y | reals mu, reals beta)
The log of the gumbel complementary cumulative distribution function of y given location mu and scale beta

Available since 2.12

R gumbel_rng(reals mu, reals beta)
Generate a gumbel variate with location mu and scale beta; may only be used in transformed data and generated quantities blocks. For a description of argument and return types, see section vectorized PRNG functions.

Available since 2.18

Skew double exponential distribution

Probability density function

If μR, σR+ and τ[0,1], then for yR, SkewDoubleExponential(y|μ,σ,τ)=2τ(1τ)σexp[2σ[(1τ)I(y<μ)(μy)+τI(y>μ)(yμ)]]

Distribution statement

y ~ skew_double_exponential(mu, sigma, tau)

Increment target log probability density with skew_double_exponential(y | mu, sigma, tau)

Available since 2.28

Stan functions

real skew_double_exponential_lpdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma, reals tau)
The log of the skew double exponential density of y given location mu, scale sigma and skewness tau

Available since 2.28

real skew_double_exponential_lupdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma, reals tau)
The log of the skew double exponential density of y given location mu, scale sigma and skewness tau dropping constant additive terms

Available since 2.28

real skew_double_exponential_cdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma, reals tau)
The skew double exponential cumulative distribution function of y given location mu, scale sigma and skewness tau

Available since 2.28

real skew_double_exponential_lcdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma, reals tau)
The log of the skew double exponential cumulative distribution function of y given location mu, scale sigma and skewness tau

Available since 2.28

real skew_double_exponential_lccdf(reals y | reals mu, reals sigma, reals tau)
The log of the skew double exponential complementary cumulative distribution function of y given location mu, scale sigma and skewness tau

Available since 2.28

R skew_double_exponential_rng(reals mu, reals sigma, reals tau)
Generate a skew double exponential variate with location mu, scale sigma and skewness tau; may only be used in transformed data and generated quantities blocks. For a description of argument and return types, see section vectorized PRNG functions.

Available since 2.28
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Ding, Peng, and Joseph K. Blitzstein. 2018. “On the Gaussian Mixture Representation of the Laplace Distribution.” The American Statistician 72 (2): 172–74. https://doi.org/10.1080/00031305.2017.1291448.