Continuous Distributions on [0, 1]

The continuous distributions with outcomes in the interval [0,1] are used to characterized bounded quantities, including probabilities.

Beta distribution

Probability density function

If αR+ and βR+, then for θ(0,1), Beta(θ|α,β)=1B(α,β)θα1(1θ)β1, where the beta function B() is as defined in section combinatorial functions.

Warning: If θ=0 or θ=1, then the probability is 0 and the log probability is . Similarly, the distribution requires strictly positive parameters, α,β>0.

Distribution statement

theta ~ beta(alpha, beta)

Increment target log probability density with beta_lupdf(theta | alpha, beta).

Available since 2.0

Stan functions

real beta_lpdf(reals theta | reals alpha, reals beta)
The log of the beta density of theta in [0,1] given positive prior successes (plus one) alpha and prior failures (plus one) beta

Available since 2.12

real beta_lupdf(reals theta | reals alpha, reals beta)
The log of the beta density of theta in [0,1] given positive prior successes (plus one) alpha and prior failures (plus one) beta dropping constant additive terms

Available since 2.25

real beta_cdf(reals theta | reals alpha, reals beta)
The beta cumulative distribution function of theta in [0,1] given positive prior successes (plus one) alpha and prior failures (plus one) beta

Available since 2.0

real beta_lcdf(reals theta | reals alpha, reals beta)
The log of the beta cumulative distribution function of theta in [0,1] given positive prior successes (plus one) alpha and prior failures (plus one) beta

Available since 2.12

real beta_lccdf(reals theta | reals alpha, reals beta)
The log of the beta complementary cumulative distribution function of theta in [0,1] given positive prior successes (plus one) alpha and prior failures (plus one) beta

Available since 2.12

R beta_rng(reals alpha, reals beta)
Generate a beta variate with positive prior successes (plus one) alpha and prior failures (plus one) beta; may only be used in transformed data and generated quantities blocks. For a description of argument and return types, see section vectorized PRNG functions.

Available since 2.18

Beta proportion distribution

Probability density function

If μ(0,1) and κR+, then for θ(0,1), Beta_Proportion(θ|μ,κ)=1B(μκ,(1μ)κ)θμκ1(1θ)(1μ)κ1, where the beta function B() is as defined in section combinatorial functions.

Warning: If θ=0 or θ=1, then the probability is 0 and the log probability is . Similarly, the distribution requires μ(0,1) and strictly positive parameter, κ>0.

Distribution statement

theta ~ beta_proportion(mu, kappa)

Increment target log probability density with beta_proportion_lupdf(theta | mu, kappa).

Available since 2.19

Stan functions

real beta_proportion_lpdf(reals theta | reals mu, reals kappa)
The log of the beta_proportion density of theta in (0,1) given mean mu and precision kappa

Available since 2.19

real beta_proportion_lupdf(reals theta | reals mu, reals kappa)
The log of the beta_proportion density of theta in (0,1) given mean mu and precision kappa dropping constant additive terms

Available since 2.25

real beta_proportion_lcdf(reals theta | reals mu, reals kappa)
The log of the beta_proportion cumulative distribution function of theta in (0,1) given mean mu and precision kappa

Available since 2.18

real beta_proportion_lccdf(reals theta | reals mu, reals kappa)
The log of the beta_proportion complementary cumulative distribution function of theta in (0,1) given mean mu and precision kappa

Available since 2.18

R beta_proportion_rng(reals mu, reals kappa)
Generate a beta_proportion variate with mean mu and precision kappa; may only be used in transformed data and generated quantities blocks. For a description of argument and return types, see section vectorized PRNG functions.

Available since 2.18
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