Stan User’s Guide
Version 2.35

This is the official user’s guide for Stan. It provides example models and programming techniques for coding statistical models in Stan.
Part 1 gives Stan code and discussions for several important classes of models.
Part 2 discusses various general Stan programming techniques that are not tied to any particular model.
Part 3 introduces algorithms for calibration and model checking that require multiple runs of Stan.
The appendices provide an introduction to the stanc3 compiler used in the various interfaces to Stan, a style guide, and advice for users of BUGS and JAGS.
We recommend working through this guide using the textbooks Bayesian Data Analysis and Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan as references on the concepts, and using the Stan Reference Manual when necessary to clarify programming issues.
Download the pdf version of this manual.
Copyright and trademark
Copyright 2011–2024, Stan Development Team and their assignees.
The Stan name and logo are registered trademarks of NumFOCUS.
Text content: CC-BY ND 4.0 license
Computer code: BSD 3-clause license