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The Bootstrap and Bagging

The bootstrap is a technique for approximately sampling from the error distribution for an estimator. Thus it can be used as a Monte Carlo method to estimate standard errors and confidence intervals for point estimates (Efron and Tibshirani 1986; 1994). It works by subsampling the original data and computing sample estimates from the subsample. Like other Monte Carlo methods, the bootstrap is plug-and-play, allowing great flexibility in both model choice and estimator.

Bagging is a technique for combining bootstrapped estimators for model criticism and more robust inference (Breiman 1996; Huggins and Miller 2019).

The bootstrap


An estimator is nothing more than a function mapping a data set to one or more numbers, which are called “estimates”. For example, the mean function maps a data set \(y_{1,\ldots, N}\) to a number by \[ \textrm{mean}(y) = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n=1}^N y_n, \] and hence meets the definition of an estimator. Given the likelihood function \[ p(y \mid \mu) = \prod_{n=1}^N \textrm{normal}(y_n \mid \mu, 1), \] the mean is the maximum likelihood estimator,

\[ \textrm{mean}(y) = \textrm{arg max}_{\mu} \ p(y \mid \mu, 1) \] A Bayesian approach to point estimation would be to add a prior and use the posterior mean or median as an estimator. Alternatively, a penalty function could be added to the likelihood so that optimization produces a penalized maximum likelihood estimate. With any of these approaches, the estimator is just a function from data to a number.

In analyzing estimators, the data set is being modeled as a random variable. It is assumed that the observed data is just one of many possible random samples of data that may have been produced. If the data is modeled a random variable, then the estimator applied to the data is also a random variable. The simulations being done for the bootstrap are attempts to randomly sample replicated data sets and compute the random properties of the estimators using standard Monte Carlo methods.

The bootstrap in pseudocode

The bootstrap works by applying an estimator to replicated data sets. These replicates are created by subsampling the original data with replacement. The sample quantiles may then be used to estimate standard errors and confidence intervals.

The following pseudocode estimates 95% confidence intervals and standard errors for a generic estimate \(\hat{\theta}\) that is a function of data \(y\).

for (m in 1:M) {
  y_rep[m] <- sample_uniform(y)
  theta_hat[m] <- estimate_theta(y_rep[m])
std_error = sd(theta_hat)
conf_95pct = [ quantile(theta_hat, 0.025),
               quantile(theta_hat, 0.975) ]

The sample_uniform function works by independently assigning each element of y_rep an element of y drawn uniformly at random. This produces a sample with replacement. That is, some elements of y may show up more than once in y_rep and some may not appear at all.

Coding the bootstrap in Stan

The bootstrap procedure can be coded quite generally in Stan models. The following code illustrates a Stan model coding the likelihood for a simple linear regression. There is a parallel vector x of predictors in addition to outcomes y. To allow a single program to fit both the original data and random subsamples, the variable resample is set to 1 to resample and 0 to use the original data.

data {
  int<lower=0> N;
  vector[N] x;
  vector[N] y;
  int<lower=0, upper=1> resample;
transformed data {
  simplex[N] uniform = rep_vector(1.0 / N, N);
  array[N] int<lower=1, upper=N> boot_idxs;
  for (n in 1:N) {
    boot_idxs[n] = resample ? categorical_rng(uniform) : n;
parameters {
  real alpha;
  real beta;
  real<lower=0> sigma;
model {
  y[boot_idxs] ~ normal(alpha + beta * x[boot_idxs], sigma);

The model accepts data in the usual form for a linear regression as a number of observations \(N\) with a size \(N\) vector \(x\) of predictors and a size \(N\) vector of outcomes. The transformed data block generates a set of indexes into the data that is the same size as the data. This is done by independently sampling each entry of boot_idxs from 1:N, using a discrete uniform distribution coded as a categorical random number generator with an equal chance for each outcome. If resampling is not done, the array boot_idxs is defined to be the sequence 1:N, because x == x[1:N] and y = y[1:N].

For example, when resample == 1, if \(N = 4,\) the value of boot_idxs might be {2, 1, 1, 3}, resulting in a bootstrap sample {y[2], y[1], y[1], y[3]} with the first element repeated twice and the fourth element not sampled at all.

The parameters are the usual regression coefficients for the intercept alpha, slope beta, and error scale sigma. The model uses the bootstrap index variable boot_idx to index the predictors as x[boot_idx] and outcomes as y[boot_idx]. This generates a new size-\(N\) vector whose entries are defined by x[boot_idx][n] = x[boot_idx[n]] and similarly for y. For example, if \(N = 4\) and boot_idxs = {2, 1, 1, 3}, then x[boot_idxs] = [x[2], x[1], x[1], x[3]]' and y[boot_idxs] = [y[2], y[1], y[1], y[3]]'. The predictor and outcome vectors remain aligned, with both elements of the pair x[1] and y[1] repeated twice.

With the model defined this way, if resample is 1, the model is fit to a bootstrap subsample of the data. If resample is 0, the model is fit to the original data as given. By running the bootstrap fit multiple times, confidence intervals can be generated from quantiles of the results.

Error statistics from the bootstrap

Running the model multiple times produces a Monte Carlo sample of estimates from multiple alternative data sets subsampled from the original data set. The error distribution is just the distribution of the bootstrap estimates minus the estimate for the original data set.

To estimate standard errors and confidence intervals for maximum likelihood estimates the Stan program is executed multiple times using optimization (which turns off Jacobian adjustments for constraints and finds maximum likelihood estimates). On the order of one hundred replicates is typically enough to get a good sense of standard error; more will be needed to accurate estimate the boundaries of a 95% confidence interval. On the other hand, given that there is inherent variance due to sampling the original data \(y\), it is usually not worth calculating bootstrap estimates to high precision.

Standard errors

Here’s the result of calculating standard errors for the linear regression model above with \(N = 50\) data points, \(\alpha = 1.2, \beta = -0.5,\) and \(\sigma = 1.5.\) With a total of \(M = 100\) bootstrap samples, there are 100 estimates of \(\alpha\), 100 of \(\beta\), and 100 of \(\sigma\). These are then treated like Monte Carlo draws. For example, the sample standard deviation of the draws for \(\alpha\) provide the bootstrap estimate of the standard error in the estimate for \(\alpha\). Here’s what it looks like for the above model with \(M = 100\)

 parameter   estimate    std err
 ---------   --------    -------
     alpha      1.359      0.218
      beta     -0.610      0.204
     sigma      1.537      0.142

With the data set fixed, these estimates of standard error will display some Monte Carlo error. For example, here are the standard error estimates from five more runs holding the data the same, but allowing the subsampling to vary within Stan:

 parameter   estimate    std err
 ---------   --------    -------
     alpha      1.359      0.206
     alpha      1.359      0.240
     alpha      1.359      0.234
     alpha      1.359      0.249
     alpha      1.359      0.227

Increasing \(M\) will reduce Monte Carlo error, but this is not usually worth the extra computation time as there is so much other uncertainty due to the original data sample \(y\).

Confidence intervals

As usual with Monte Carlo methods, confidence intervals are estimated using quantiles of the draws. That is, if there are \(M = 1000\) estimates of \(\hat{\alpha}\) in different subsamples, the 2.5% quantile and 97.5% quantile pick out the boundaries of the 95% confidence interval around the estimate for the actual data set \(y\). To get accurate 97.5% quantile estimates requires a much larger number of Monte Carlo simulations (roughly twenty times as large as needed for the median).


When bootstrapping is carried through inference it is known as bootstrap aggregation, or bagging, in the machine-learning literature (Breiman 1996). In the simplest case, this involves bootstrapping the original data, fitting a model to each bootstrapped data set, then averaging the predictions. For instance, rather than using an estimate \(\hat{\sigma}\) from the original data set, bootstrapped data sets \(y^{\textrm{boot}(1)}, \ldots, y^{\textrm{boot}(N)}\) are generated. Each is used to generate an estimate \(\hat{\sigma}^{\textrm{boot}(n)}.\) The final estimate is \[ \hat{\sigma} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n = 1}^N \hat{\sigma}^{\textrm{boot}(n)}. \] The same would be done to estimate a predictive quantity \(\tilde{y}\) for as yet unseen data. \[ \hat{\tilde{y}} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n = 1}^N \hat{\tilde{y}}^{\textrm{boot}(n)}. \] For discrete parameters, voting is used to select the outcome.

One way of viewing bagging is as a classical attempt to get something like averaging over parameter estimation uncertainty.

Bayesian bootstrap and bagging

A Bayesian estimator may be analyzed with the bootstrap in exactly the same way as a (penalized) maximum likelihood estimate. For example, the posterior mean and posterior median are two different Bayesian estimators. The bootstrap may be used estimate standard errors and confidence intervals, just as for any other estimator.

(Huggins and Miller 2019) use the bootstrap to assess model calibration and fitting in a Bayesian framework and further suggest using bagged estimators as a guard against model misspecification. Bagged posteriors will typically have wider posterior intervals than those fit with just the original data, showing that the method is not a pure Bayesian approach to updating, and indicating it would not be calibrated if the model were well specified. The hope is that it can guard against over-certainty in a poorly specified model.

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Breiman, Leo. 1996. “Bagging Predictors.” Machine Learning 24 (2): 123–40.
Efron, Bradley, and Robert Tibshirani. 1986. “Bootstrap Methods for Standard Errors, Confidence Intervals, and Other Measures of Statistical Accuracy.” Statistical Science 1 (1): 54–75.
Efron, Bradley, and Robert J Tibshirani. 1994. An Introduction to the Bootstrap. Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Huggins, Jonathan H, and Jeffrey W Miller. 2019. “Using Bagged Posteriors for Robust Inference and Model Criticism.” arXiv, no. 1912.07104.