The CmdStan executable can run Stan’s optimization algorithms, which provide a deterministic method to find the posterior mode. If the posterior is not convex, there is no guarantee Stan will be able to find the global optimum as opposed to a local optimum of log probability.
The full set of configuration options available for the optimize
method is available by using the optimize help-all
subcommand. The arguments with their requested values or defaults are also reported at the beginning of the optimizer console output and in the output CSV file’s comments.
The executable does not need to be recompiled in order to switch from sampling to optimization, and the data input format is the same. The following is a minimal call to Stan’s optimizer using defaults for everything but the location of the data file.
> ./bernoulli optimize data file=bernoulli.data.json
Executing this command prints both output to the console and to a CSV file.
The first part of the console output reports on the configuration used. The above command uses all default configurations, therefore the optimizer used is the L-BFGS optimizer and its default initial stepsize and tolerances for monitoring convergence:
./bernoulli optimize data file=bernoulli.data.json
method = optimize
algorithm = lbfgs (Default)
init_alpha = 0.001 (Default)
tol_obj = 1e-12 (Default)
tol_rel_obj = 10000 (Default)
tol_grad = 1e-08 (Default)
tol_rel_grad = 1e+07 (Default)
tol_param = 1e-08 (Default)
history_size = 5 (Default)
jacobian = false (Default)
iter = 2000 (Default)
save_iterations = false (Default)
id = 1 (Default)
file = bernoulli.data.json
init = 2 (Default)
seed = 87122538 (Default)
file = output.csv (Default)
diagnostic_file = (Default)
refresh = 100 (Default)
sig_figs = -1 (Default)
profile_file = profile.csv (Default)
save_cmdstan_config = false (Default)
num_threads = 1 (Default)
The second part of the output indicates how well the algorithm fared, here converging and terminating normally. The numbers reported indicate that it took 5 iterations and 8 gradient evaluations. This is, not surprisingly, far fewer iterations than required for sampling; even fewer iterations would be used with less stringent user-specified convergence tolerances. The alpha
value is for step size used. In the final state the change in parameters was roughly \(0.002\) and the length of the gradient roughly 3e-05 (\(0.00003\)).
Initial log joint probability = -6.85653
Iter log prob ||dx|| ||grad|| alpha alpha0 # evals Notes
5 -5.00402 0.00184936 3.35074e-05 1 1 8
Optimization terminated normally:
Convergence detected: relative gradient magnitude is below tolerance
The output from optimization is written into the file output.csv
by default. The output follows the same pattern as the output for sampling, first dumping the entire set of parameters used as comment lines:
# stan_version_major = 2
# stan_version_minor = 23
# stan_version_patch = 0
# model = bernoulli_model
# method = optimize
# optimize
# algorithm = lbfgs (Default)
# lbfgs
# init_alpha = 0.001 (Default)
# tol_obj = 1e-12 (Default)
# tol_rel_obj = 10000 (Default)
# tol_grad = 1e-08 (Default)
# tol_rel_grad = 1e+07 (Default)
# tol_param = 1e-08 (Default)
# history_size = 5 (Default)
# jacobian = false (Default)
# iter = 2000 (Default)
# save_iterations = false (Default)
Following the config information are two lines of output, the CSV headers and the recorded values:
Note that everything is a comment other than a line for the header, and a line for the values. Here, the header indicates the unnormalized log probability with lp__
and the model parameter theta
. The maximum log probability is -5.0 and the posterior mode for theta
is 0.20. The mode exactly matches what we would expect from the data. Because the prior was uniform, the result 0.20 represents the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) for the very simple Bernoulli model. Note that no uncertainty is reported.
All of the optimizers stream per-iteration intermediate approximations to the command line console. The sub-argument save_iterations
specifies whether or not to save the intermediate iterations to the output file. Allowed values are true
or false
. The default value is false
, i.e., intermediate iterations are not saved to the output file. Running the optimizer with save_iterations=true
writes both the initial log joint probability and values for all iterations to the output CSV file.
Running the example model with option save_iterations=true
, i.e., the command
> ./bernoulli optimize save_iterations=1 data file=bernoulli.data.json
produces CSV file output rows:
Jacobian adjustments
The jacobian
argument specifies whether or not the call to the model’s log probability function should include the log absolute Jacobian determinant of inverse parameter transforms.
Without the Jacobian adjustment, optimization returns the (regularized) maximum likelihood estimate (MLE), \(\mathrm{argmax}_{\theta}\ p(y | \theta)\), the value which maximizes the likelihood of the data given the parameters, (including prior terms).
Applying the Jacobian adjustment produces the maximum a posteriori estimate (MAP), the maximum value of the posterior distribution, \(\mathrm{argmax}_{\theta}\ p(y | \theta)\,p(\theta)\).
By default this value is false
, do not include the Jacobian adjustment.
Optimization algorithms
The algorithm
argument specifies the optimization algorithm. This argument takes one of the following three values:
A quasi-Newton optimizer. This is the default optimizer and also much faster than the other optimizers.bfgs
A quasi-Newton optimizer.newton
A Newton optimizer. This is the least efficient optimization algorithm, but has the advantage of setting its own stepsize.
See the Stan Reference Manual’s Optimization chapter for a description of these algorithms.
All of the optimizers stream per-iteration intermediate approximations to the command line console. The sub-argument save_iterations
specifies whether or not to save the intermediate iterations to the output file. Allowed values are true
or false. The default value is
false`, i.e., intermediate iterations are not saved to the output file.
The quasi-Newton optimizers
For both BFGS and L-BFGS optimizers, convergence monitoring is controlled by a number of tolerance values, any one of which being satisfied causes the algorithm to terminate with a solution. See the BFGS and L-BFGS configuration section for details on the convergence tests.
Both BFGS and L-BFGS have the following configuration arguments:
- The initial step size parameter. Must be a positive real number. Default value is \(0.001\)tol_obj
- Convergence tolerance on changes in objective function value. Must be a positive real number. Default value is \(1^{-12}\).tol_rel_obj
- Convergence tolerance on relative changes in objective function value. Must be a positive real number. Default value is \(1^{4}\).tol_grad
- Convergence tolerance on the norm of the gradient. Must be a positive real number. Default value is \(1^{-8}\).tol_rel_grad
- Convergence tolerance on the relative norm of the gradient. Must be a positive real number. Default value is \(1^{7}\).tol_param
- Convergence tolerance on changes in parameter value. Must be a positive real number. Default value is \(1^{-8}\).
The init_alpha
argument specifies the first step size to try on the initial iteration. If the first iteration takes a long time (and requires a lot of function evaluations), set init_alpha
to be the roughly equal to the alpha used in that first iteration. The default value is very small, which is reasonable for many problems but might be too large or too small depending on the objective function and initialization. Being too big or too small just means that the first iteration will take longer (i.e., require more gradient evaluations) before the line search finds a good step length.
In addition to the above, the L-BFGS algorithm has argument history_size
which controls the size of the history it uses to approximate the Hessian. The value should be less than the dimensionality of the parameter space and, in general, relatively small values (\(5\)-\(10\)) are sufficient; the default value is \(5\).
If L-BFGS performs poorly but BFGS performs well, consider increasing the history size. Increasing history size will increase the memory usage, although this is unlikely to be an issue for typical Stan models.
The Newton optimizer
There are no configuration parameters for the Newton optimizer. It is not recommended because of the slow Hessian calculation involving finite differences.