Stan Functions Reference
Version 2.35

This is the reference for the functions defined in the Stan math library and available in the Stan programming language.
For more information the Stan language and inference engines and how to use Stan for Bayesian inference, see
the Stan User’s Guide. The Stan user’s guide provides example models and programming techniques for coding statistical models in Stan. It also serves as an example-driven introduction to Bayesian modeling and inference:
the Stan Reference Manual. Stan’s modeling language is shared across all of its interfaces. The Stan Language Reference Manual provides a concise definition of the language syntax for all elements in the language together with an overview of the inference algorithms and posterior inference tools.
Download the pdf version of this manual.
Copyright and trademark
Copyright 2011–2024, Stan Development Team and their assignees.
The Stan name and logo are registered trademarks of NumFOCUS.
Text content: CC-BY ND 4.0 license
Computer code: BSD 3-clause license