These options can be set via options() for an entire R session.


  • cmdstanr_draws_format: Which format provided by the posterior package should be used when returning the posterior or approximate posterior draws? The default depends on the model fitting method. See draws for more details.

  • cmdstanr_force_recompile: Should the default be to recompile models even if there were no Stan code changes since last compiled? See compile for more details. The default is FALSE.

  • cmdstanr_max_rows: The maximum number of rows of output to print when using the $print() method. The default is 10.

  • cmdstanr_no_ver_check: Should the check for a more recent version of CmdStan be disabled? The default is FALSE.

  • cmdstanr_output_dir: The directory where CmdStan should write its output CSV files when fitting models. The default is a temporary directory. Files in a temporary directory are removed as part of R garbage collection, while files in an explicitly defined directory are not automatically deleted.

  • cmdstanr_verbose: Should more information be printed when compiling or running models, including showing how CmdStan was called internally? The default is FALSE.

  • cmdstanr_warn_inits: Should a warning be thrown if initial values are only provided for a subset of parameters? The default is TRUE.

  • cmdstanr_write_stan_file_dir: The directory where write_stan_file() should write Stan files. The default is a temporary directory. Files in a temporary directory are removed as part of R garbage collection, while files in an explicitly defined directory are not automatically deleted.

  • mc.cores: The number of cores to use for various parallelization tasks (e.g. running MCMC chains, installing CmdStan). The default depends on the use case and is documented with the methods that make use of mc.cores.