Stan Development Team

CmdStanR: the R interface to CmdStan.


CmdStanR (cmdstanr package) is an interface to Stan ( for R users. It provides the necessary objects and functions to compile a Stan program and run Stan's algorithms from R via CmdStan, the shell interface to Stan (

Different ways of interfacing with Stan’s C++

The RStan interface (rstan package) is an in-memory interface to Stan and relies on R packages like Rcpp and inline to call C++ code from R. On the other hand, the CmdStanR interface does not directly call any C++ code from R, instead relying on the CmdStan interface behind the scenes for compilation, running algorithms, and writing results to output files.

Advantages of RStan

  • Allows other developers to distribute R packages with pre-compiled Stan programs (like rstanarm) on CRAN. (Note: As of 2023, this can mostly be achieved with CmdStanR as well. See Developing using CmdStanR.)

  • Avoids use of R6 classes, which may result in more familiar syntax for many R users.

  • CRAN binaries available for Mac and Windows.

Advantages of CmdStanR

  • Compatible with latest versions of Stan. Keeping up with Stan releases is complicated for RStan, often requiring non-trivial changes to the rstan package and new CRAN releases of both rstan and StanHeaders. With CmdStanR the latest improvements in Stan will be available from R immediately after updating CmdStan using cmdstanr::install_cmdstan().

  • Running Stan via external processes results in fewer unexpected crashes, especially in RStudio.

  • Less memory overhead.

  • More permissive license. RStan uses the GPL-3 license while the license for CmdStanR is BSD-3, which is a bit more permissive and is the same license used for CmdStan and the Stan C++ source code.

Getting started

CmdStanR requires a working version of CmdStan. If you already have CmdStan installed see cmdstan_model() to get started, otherwise see install_cmdstan() to install CmdStan. The vignette Getting started with CmdStanR demonstrates the basic functionality of the package.

For a list of global options see cmdstanr_global_options.

See also

The CmdStanR website ( for online documentation and tutorials.

The Stan and CmdStan documentation:

Useful links:


Maintainer: Andrew Johnson (ORCID)


Other contributors:

  • Ben Bales [contributor]

  • Mitzi Morris [contributor]

  • Mikhail Popov [contributor]

  • Mike Lawrence [contributor]

  • William Michael Landau (ORCID) [contributor]

  • Jacob Socolar [contributor]

  • Martin Modrák [contributor]

  • Ven Popov [contributor]


# \dontrun{

# Set path to CmdStan
# (Note: if you installed CmdStan via install_cmdstan() with default settings
# then setting the path is unnecessary but the default below should still work.
# Otherwise use the `path` argument to specify the location of your
# CmdStan installation.)
set_cmdstan_path(path = NULL)
#> CmdStan path set to: /Users/jgabry/.cmdstan/cmdstan-2.35.0

# Create a CmdStanModel object from a Stan program,
# here using the example model that comes with CmdStan
file <- file.path(cmdstan_path(), "examples/bernoulli/bernoulli.stan")
mod <- cmdstan_model(file)
#> data {
#>   int<lower=0> N;
#>   array[N] int<lower=0, upper=1> y;
#> }
#> parameters {
#>   real<lower=0, upper=1> theta;
#> }
#> model {
#>   theta ~ beta(1, 1); // uniform prior on interval 0,1
#>   y ~ bernoulli(theta);
#> }
# Print with line numbers. This can be set globally using the
# `cmdstanr_print_line_numbers` option.
mod$print(line_numbers = TRUE)
#>  1: data {
#>  2:   int<lower=0> N;
#>  3:   array[N] int<lower=0, upper=1> y;
#>  4: }
#>  5: parameters {
#>  6:   real<lower=0, upper=1> theta;
#>  7: }
#>  8: model {
#>  9:   theta ~ beta(1, 1); // uniform prior on interval 0,1
#> 10:   y ~ bernoulli(theta);
#> 11: }

# Data as a named list (like RStan)
stan_data <- list(N = 10, y = c(0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1))

# Run MCMC using the 'sample' method
fit_mcmc <- mod$sample(
  data = stan_data,
  seed = 123,
  chains = 2,
  parallel_chains = 2
#> Running MCMC with 2 parallel chains...
#> Chain 1 Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration:  100 / 2000 [  5%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration:  300 / 2000 [ 15%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration:  500 / 2000 [ 25%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration:  700 / 2000 [ 35%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration:  900 / 2000 [ 45%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 1100 / 2000 [ 55%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 1300 / 2000 [ 65%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 1500 / 2000 [ 75%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 1700 / 2000 [ 85%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 1900 / 2000 [ 95%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 1 Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration:  100 / 2000 [  5%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration:  300 / 2000 [ 15%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration:  500 / 2000 [ 25%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration:  700 / 2000 [ 35%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration:  900 / 2000 [ 45%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration: 1100 / 2000 [ 55%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration: 1300 / 2000 [ 65%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration: 1500 / 2000 [ 75%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration: 1700 / 2000 [ 85%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration: 1900 / 2000 [ 95%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 2 Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling) 
#> Chain 1 finished in 0.0 seconds.
#> Chain 2 finished in 0.0 seconds.
#> Both chains finished successfully.
#> Mean chain execution time: 0.0 seconds.
#> Total execution time: 0.2 seconds.

# Use 'posterior' package for summaries
#> # A tibble: 2 × 10
#>   variable   mean median    sd   mad      q5    q95  rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
#>   <chr>     <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 lp__     -7.30  -7.00  0.811 0.344 -8.83   -6.75   1.00     702.     776.
#> 2 theta     0.254  0.238 0.125 0.124  0.0807  0.483  1.00     634.     580.

# Check sampling diagnostics
#> $num_divergent
#> [1] 0 0
#> $num_max_treedepth
#> [1] 0 0
#> $ebfmi
#> [1] 1.1148699 0.8012192

# Get posterior draws
draws <- fit_mcmc$draws()
#> # A draws_array: 1000 iterations, 2 chains, and 2 variables
#> , , variable = lp__
#>          chain
#> iteration    1     2
#>         1 -7.0  -6.8
#>         2 -7.9  -6.9
#>         3 -7.4  -6.8
#>         4 -6.7  -6.8
#>         5 -6.9 -10.2
#> , , variable = theta
#>          chain
#> iteration    1    2
#>         1 0.17 0.23
#>         2 0.46 0.18
#>         3 0.41 0.28
#>         4 0.25 0.23
#>         5 0.18 0.62
#> # ... with 995 more iterations

# Convert to data frame using posterior::as_draws_df
#> # A draws_df: 1000 iterations, 2 chains, and 2 variables
#>    lp__ theta
#> 1  -7.0  0.17
#> 2  -7.9  0.46
#> 3  -7.4  0.41
#> 4  -6.7  0.25
#> 5  -6.9  0.18
#> 6  -6.9  0.33
#> 7  -7.2  0.15
#> 8  -6.8  0.29
#> 9  -6.8  0.24
#> 10 -6.8  0.24
#> # ... with 1990 more draws
#> # ... hidden reserved variables {'.chain', '.iteration', '.draw'}

# Plot posterior using bayesplot (ggplot2)
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

# For models fit using MCMC, if you like working with RStan's stanfit objects
# then you can create one with rstan::read_stan_csv()
# stanfit <- rstan::read_stan_csv(fit_mcmc$output_files())

# Run 'optimize' method to get a point estimate (default is Stan's LBFGS algorithm)
# and also demonstrate specifying data as a path to a file instead of a list
my_data_file <- file.path(cmdstan_path(), "examples/bernoulli/")
fit_optim <- mod$optimize(data = my_data_file, seed = 123)
#> Initial log joint probability = -16.144 
#>     Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes  
#>        6      -5.00402   0.000246518   8.73164e-07           1           1        9    
#> Optimization terminated normally:  
#>   Convergence detected: relative gradient magnitude is below tolerance 
#> Finished in  0.2 seconds.
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   variable estimate
#>   <chr>       <dbl>
#> 1 lp__        -5.00
#> 2 theta        0.2 

# Run 'optimize' again with 'jacobian=TRUE' and then draw from Laplace approximation
# to the posterior
fit_optim <- mod$optimize(data = my_data_file, jacobian = TRUE)
#> Initial log joint probability = -7.37731 
#>     Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes  
#>        5      -6.74802   8.45677e-05   2.88228e-07           1           1        8    
#> Optimization terminated normally:  
#>   Convergence detected: relative gradient magnitude is below tolerance 
#> Finished in  0.2 seconds.
fit_laplace <- mod$laplace(data = my_data_file, mode = fit_optim, draws = 2000)
#> Calculating Hessian 
#> Calculating inverse of Cholesky factor 
#> Generating draws 
#> iteration: 0 
#> iteration: 100 
#> iteration: 200 
#> iteration: 300 
#> iteration: 400 
#> iteration: 500 
#> iteration: 600 
#> iteration: 700 
#> iteration: 800 
#> iteration: 900 
#> iteration: 1000 
#> iteration: 1100 
#> iteration: 1200 
#> iteration: 1300 
#> iteration: 1400 
#> iteration: 1500 
#> iteration: 1600 
#> iteration: 1700 
#> iteration: 1800 
#> iteration: 1900 
#> Finished in  0.2 seconds.
#> # A tibble: 3 × 7
#>   variable      mean median    sd   mad      q5      q95
#>   <chr>        <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 lp__        -7.25  -6.98  0.745 0.324 -8.71   -6.75   
#> 2 lp_approx__ -0.518 -0.231 0.764 0.321 -1.95   -0.00198
#> 3 theta        0.266  0.247 0.124 0.121  0.0979  0.501  

# Run 'variational' method to use ADVI to approximate posterior
fit_vb <- mod$variational(data = stan_data, seed = 123)
#> ------------------------------------------------------------ 
#>   This procedure has not been thoroughly tested and may be unstable 
#>   or buggy. The interface is subject to change. 
#> ------------------------------------------------------------ 
#> Gradient evaluation took 1.5e-05 seconds 
#> 1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 0.15 seconds. 
#> Adjust your expectations accordingly! 
#> Begin eta adaptation. 
#> Iteration:   1 / 250 [  0%]  (Adaptation) 
#> Iteration:  50 / 250 [ 20%]  (Adaptation) 
#> Iteration: 100 / 250 [ 40%]  (Adaptation) 
#> Iteration: 150 / 250 [ 60%]  (Adaptation) 
#> Iteration: 200 / 250 [ 80%]  (Adaptation) 
#> Success! Found best value [eta = 1] earlier than expected. 
#> Begin stochastic gradient ascent. 
#>   iter             ELBO   delta_ELBO_mean   delta_ELBO_med   notes  
#>    100           -6.164             1.000            1.000 
#>    200           -6.225             0.505            1.000 
#>    300           -6.186             0.339            0.010   MEDIAN ELBO CONVERGED 
#> Drawing a sample of size 1000 from the approximate posterior...  
#> Finished in  0.2 seconds.
#> # A tibble: 3 × 7
#>   variable      mean median    sd   mad     q5      q95
#>   <chr>        <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 lp__        -7.14  -6.93  0.528 0.247 -8.21  -6.75   
#> 2 lp_approx__ -0.520 -0.244 0.740 0.326 -1.90  -0.00227
#> 3 theta        0.251  0.236 0.107 0.108  0.100  0.446  
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

# Run 'pathfinder' method, a new alternative to the variational method
fit_pf <- mod$pathfinder(data = stan_data, seed = 123)
#> Path [1] :Initial log joint density = -18.273334 
#> Path [1] : Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||     alpha      alpha0      # evals       ELBO    Best ELBO        Notes  
#>               5      -6.748e+00      7.082e-04   1.432e-05    1.000e+00  1.000e+00       126 -6.145e+00 -6.145e+00                   
#> Path [1] :Best Iter: [5] ELBO (-6.145070) evaluations: (126) 
#> Path [2] :Initial log joint density = -19.192715 
#> Path [2] : Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||     alpha      alpha0      # evals       ELBO    Best ELBO        Notes  
#>               5      -6.748e+00      2.015e-04   2.228e-06    1.000e+00  1.000e+00       126 -6.223e+00 -6.223e+00                   
#> Path [2] :Best Iter: [2] ELBO (-6.170358) evaluations: (126) 
#> Path [3] :Initial log joint density = -6.774820 
#> Path [3] : Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||     alpha      alpha0      # evals       ELBO    Best ELBO        Notes  
#>               4      -6.748e+00      1.137e-04   2.596e-07    1.000e+00  1.000e+00       101 -6.178e+00 -6.178e+00                   
#> Path [3] :Best Iter: [4] ELBO (-6.177909) evaluations: (101) 
#> Path [4] :Initial log joint density = -7.949193 
#> Path [4] : Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||     alpha      alpha0      # evals       ELBO    Best ELBO        Notes  
#>               5      -6.748e+00      2.145e-04   1.301e-06    1.000e+00  1.000e+00       126 -6.197e+00 -6.197e+00                   
#> Path [4] :Best Iter: [5] ELBO (-6.197118) evaluations: (126) 
#> Total log probability function evaluations:4379 
#> Finished in  0.2 seconds.
#> # A tibble: 3 × 7
#>   variable      mean median    sd   mad      q5    q95
#>   <chr>        <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 lp_approx__ -1.07  -0.727 0.945 0.311 -2.91   -0.450
#> 2 lp__        -7.25  -6.97  0.753 0.308 -8.78   -6.75 
#> 3 theta        0.256  0.245 0.119 0.123  0.0824  0.462
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

# Run 'pathfinder' again with more paths, fewer draws per path,
# better covariance approximation, and fewer LBFGSs iterations
fit_pf <- mod$pathfinder(data = stan_data, num_paths=10, single_path_draws=40,
                         history_size=50, max_lbfgs_iters=100)
#> Warning: Number of PSIS draws is larger than the total number of draws returned by the single Pathfinders. This is likely unintentional and leads to re-sampling from the same draws. 
#> Path [1] :Initial log joint density = -15.640416 
#> Path [1] : Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||     alpha      alpha0      # evals       ELBO    Best ELBO        Notes  
#>               5      -6.748e+00      1.958e-03   5.910e-05    1.000e+00  1.000e+00       126 -6.252e+00 -6.252e+00                   
#> Path [1] :Best Iter: [4] ELBO (-6.217832) evaluations: (126) 
#> Path [2] :Initial log joint density = -7.289736 
#> Path [2] : Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||     alpha      alpha0      # evals       ELBO    Best ELBO        Notes  
#>               5      -6.748e+00      3.739e-04   5.183e-07    1.000e+00  1.000e+00       126 -6.223e+00 -6.223e+00                   
#> Path [2] :Best Iter: [4] ELBO (-6.180764) evaluations: (126) 
#> Path [3] :Initial log joint density = -6.814578 
#> Path [3] : Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||     alpha      alpha0      # evals       ELBO    Best ELBO        Notes  
#>               3      -6.748e+00      4.711e-03   8.907e-05    9.425e-01  9.425e-01        76 -6.167e+00 -6.167e+00                   
#> Path [3] :Best Iter: [3] ELBO (-6.166803) evaluations: (76) 
#> Path [4] :Initial log joint density = -6.750524 
#> Path [4] : Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||     alpha      alpha0      # evals       ELBO    Best ELBO        Notes  
#>               3      -6.748e+00      4.513e-04   7.212e-06    9.979e-01  9.979e-01        76 -6.172e+00 -6.172e+00                   
#> Path [4] :Best Iter: [3] ELBO (-6.171786) evaluations: (76) 
#> Path [5] :Initial log joint density = -7.332655 
#> Path [5] : Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||     alpha      alpha0      # evals       ELBO    Best ELBO        Notes  
#>               5      -6.748e+00      4.580e-04   7.427e-07    1.000e+00  1.000e+00       126 -6.250e+00 -6.250e+00                   
#> Path [5] :Best Iter: [3] ELBO (-6.236262) evaluations: (126) 
#> Path [6] :Initial log joint density = -12.928546 
#> Path [6] : Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||     alpha      alpha0      # evals       ELBO    Best ELBO        Notes  
#>               5      -6.748e+00      1.646e-03   3.751e-05    1.000e+00  1.000e+00       126 -6.201e+00 -6.201e+00                   
#> Path [6] :Best Iter: [5] ELBO (-6.201184) evaluations: (126) 
#> Path [7] :Initial log joint density = -10.302489 
#> Path [7] : Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||     alpha      alpha0      # evals       ELBO    Best ELBO        Notes  
#>               5      -6.748e+00      7.301e-04   9.415e-06    1.000e+00  1.000e+00       126 -6.220e+00 -6.220e+00                   
#> Path [7] :Best Iter: [3] ELBO (-6.177461) evaluations: (126) 
#> Path [8] :Initial log joint density = -9.256093 
#> Path [8] : Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||     alpha      alpha0      # evals       ELBO    Best ELBO        Notes  
#>               5      -6.748e+00      3.955e-04   3.617e-06    1.000e+00  1.000e+00       126 -6.238e+00 -6.238e+00                   
#> Path [8] :Best Iter: [3] ELBO (-6.220144) evaluations: (126) 
#> Path [9] :Initial log joint density = -18.100368 
#> Path [9] : Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||     alpha      alpha0      # evals       ELBO    Best ELBO        Notes  
#>               5      -6.748e+00      8.150e-04   1.759e-05    1.000e+00  1.000e+00       126 -6.245e+00 -6.245e+00                   
#> Path [9] :Best Iter: [2] ELBO (-6.200207) evaluations: (126) 
#> Path [10] :Initial log joint density = -6.749568 
#> Path [10] : Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||     alpha      alpha0      # evals       ELBO    Best ELBO        Notes  
#>               3      -6.748e+00      2.564e-04   4.111e-06    1.000e+00  1.000e+00        76 -6.255e+00 -6.255e+00                   
#> Path [10] :Best Iter: [2] ELBO (-6.165609) evaluations: (76) 
#> Total log probability function evaluations:1260 
#> Pareto k value (0.89) is greater than 0.7. Importance resampling was not able to improve the approximation, which may indicate that the approximation itself is poor. 
#> Finished in  0.2 seconds.

# Specifying initial values as a function
fit_mcmc_w_init_fun <- mod$sample(
  data = stan_data,
  seed = 123,
  chains = 2,
  refresh = 0,
  init = function() list(theta = runif(1))
#> Running MCMC with 2 sequential chains...
#> Chain 1 finished in 0.0 seconds.
#> Chain 2 finished in 0.0 seconds.
#> Both chains finished successfully.
#> Mean chain execution time: 0.0 seconds.
#> Total execution time: 0.3 seconds.
fit_mcmc_w_init_fun_2 <- mod$sample(
  data = stan_data,
  seed = 123,
  chains = 2,
  refresh = 0,
  init = function(chain_id) {
    # silly but demonstrates optional use of chain_id
    list(theta = 1 / (chain_id + 1))
#> Running MCMC with 2 sequential chains...
#> Chain 1 finished in 0.0 seconds.
#> Chain 2 finished in 0.0 seconds.
#> Both chains finished successfully.
#> Mean chain execution time: 0.0 seconds.
#> Total execution time: 0.3 seconds.
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]]$theta
#> [1] 0.5
#> [[2]]
#> [[2]]$theta
#> [1] 0.3333333

# Specifying initial values as a list of lists
fit_mcmc_w_init_list <- mod$sample(
  data = stan_data,
  seed = 123,
  chains = 2,
  refresh = 0,
  init = list(
    list(theta = 0.75), # chain 1
    list(theta = 0.25)  # chain 2
#> Running MCMC with 2 sequential chains...
#> Chain 1 finished in 0.0 seconds.
#> Chain 2 finished in 0.0 seconds.
#> Both chains finished successfully.
#> Mean chain execution time: 0.0 seconds.
#> Total execution time: 0.3 seconds.
fit_optim_w_init_list <- mod$optimize(
  data = stan_data,
  seed = 123,
  init = list(
    list(theta = 0.75)
#> Initial log joint probability = -11.6657 
#>     Iter      log prob        ||dx||      ||grad||       alpha      alpha0  # evals  Notes  
#>        6      -5.00402   0.000237915   9.55309e-07           1           1        9    
#> Optimization terminated normally:  
#>   Convergence detected: relative gradient magnitude is below tolerance 
#> Finished in  0.2 seconds.
#> [[1]]
#> [[1]]$theta
#> [1] 0.75
# }