A CmdStanDiagnose object is the object returned by the $diagnose() method of a CmdStanModel object.


CmdStanDiagnose objects have the following associated methods:

$gradients()Return gradients from diagnostic mode.
$lp()Return the total log probability density (target).
$init()Return user-specified initial values.
$metadata()Return a list of metadata gathered from the CmdStan CSV files.
$save_output_files()Save output CSV files to a specified location.
$save_data_file()Save JSON data file to a specified location.

See also

The CmdStanR website (mc-stan.org/cmdstanr) for online documentation and tutorials.

The Stan and CmdStan documentation:

Other fitted model objects: CmdStanGQ, CmdStanLaplace, CmdStanMCMC, CmdStanMLE, CmdStanPathfinder, CmdStanVB


# \dontrun{
test <- cmdstanr_example("logistic", method = "diagnose")

# retrieve the gradients
#>   param_idx     value     model finite_diff        error
#> 1         0 -1.501560  34.56550    34.56550  4.58586e-08
#> 2         1 -1.199130   1.69981     1.69981 -1.08299e-09
#> 3         2  1.255420 -23.66640   -23.66640 -2.23140e-08
#> 4         3 -0.452023  12.80740    12.80740 -8.57077e-09
# }