Exposing New Functions to stanc3


For a function to be built into Stan, it has to be included in the Stan Math library and its signature has to be exposed to the compiler.

To do the latter, we have to add a corresponding line in src/middle/Stan_math_signatures.ml. The compiler uses the signatures defined there to do type checking.

Adding a distribution function

To add a distribution, we have to find the line containing let distributions =. The existing distributions can be used for reference. The first argument defines the kind of function we want to add. The second argument is the base function name without the _... suffixes. The third argument specifies the argument types of the function. The last argument describes the memory pattern supported by this function, either an Array of Structs (AoS) or a Struct of Arrays (SoA). The following line exposes a function foo_lpdf which takes in a (non-vectorizable) real number and a (non-vectorizable) integer :

; ([Lpdf], "foo", [DReal; DInt], SoA)

To see the exact signatures created, we can recompile stanc using make all and display the signatures using stanc --dump-stan-math-signatures. By filtering for foo (for example by using grep), we get the following output:

$ stanc --dump-stan-math-signatures | grep foo
foo_lpdf(real, int) => real

If we want to allow the first parameter to be vectorizable, we can change the signature to

; ([Lpdf], "foo", [DVReal; DReal], SoA)

This produces the following signatures:

$ stanc --dump-stan-math-signatures | grep foo
foo_lpdf(real, int) => real
foo_lpdf(vector, int) => real
foo_lpdf(row_vector, int) => real
foo_lpdf(array[] real, int) => real

As we can see, allowing a parameter to be vectorized automatically produces signatures where the parameter is either base type, vector, row_vector or array[].

Available parameter types

The following parameter types are available:

Available types of distribution functions

As we have seen above, specifying our function as [Lpdf] added the suffix _lpdf to our base function name. There are several types available which specify the suffixes that will be added:

Additionally, full_lpdf combines all suffixes of Lpdf, Rng, Ccdf and Cdf. full_lpmf does the same, but using the suffixes of Lpmf instead of Lpdf. Note that these two have to be used without brackets. This means we would write

; ([Cdf], "foo", [DReal; DInt], SoA)


; (full_lpdf, "foo", [DReal; DInt], SoA)

which corresponds to

; ([Lpdf; Rng; Ccdf; Cdf], "foo", [DReal; DInt], SoA)

Adding a normal function

Standard functions (e.g., not distributions or variadic functions) are added to a list in the same file. This list begins near the bottom of the file with the line

(* -- Start populating stan_math_signaturess -- *)
let () =

The statements in this list use several helper functions, such as add_unqualified, add_qualified, add_binary, etc.

The core function of these is add_qualified, which registers a function based on:

  1. The name of the function
  2. The return type (an UnsizedType.returntype)
  3. A list of argument types (A list of UnsizedType.autodifftype * UnsizedType.t tuples)
  4. The memory pattern supported by this function, Array of Structs (AoS) or Struct of Arrays (SoA)

All other functions are simply helpers for calling this one. For example, if a function does not have any arguments it requires to be of type data, then add_unqualified is provided for convience. It does the same thing as add_qualfied, but the third argument is just a list of UnsizedType.ts. Other helpers, such as add_binary, exist for common cases such as a function with a signature (real, real) => real

If a function has multiple signatures, it will generally need multiple calls to these functions. Some helpers, such as add_binary_vec add multiple signatures at once for vectorized functions.

For example, the following line defines the signature add(real, matrix) => matrix

add_unqualified ("add", ReturnType UMatrix, [UReal; UMatrix], SoA) ;

Higher-Order Variadic functions

Functions such as the ODE integrators or reduce_sum, which take in user-functions and a variable-length list of arguments, are NOT added to this list.

"Nice" variadic functions are added to the hashtable Stan_math_signatures.stan_math_variadic_signatures. This is probably sufficient for most variadic functions, e.g. all the ODE solvers and DAE solvers are done via this method. reduce_sum is not "nice", since it is both variadic and polymorphic, requiring certain arguments to have the same (but not predetermined) type. Therefore, reduce_sum is treated as special case in the Typechecker module in the frontend folder.

Note that higher-order functions also usually require changes to the C++ code generation to work properly. It is best to consult an existing example of how these are done before proceeding.


Functions exposed from the Stan Math Library are tested for all declared signatures. These tests live in the folder test/integration/good/function-signatures. They consist of a basic Stan program (or multiple programs for functions with a large number of overloads) which call the new function on each possible combination of arguments.

These tests confirm both that the typechecker accepts these signatures and that the C++ generated for them compiles against the Math Library implementations.


Finally, before a function can be exposed in the Stan compiler it needs to be added to the Stan Functions Reference, which is stored at stan-dev/docs. New PRs to stanc3 will prompt you to link to the accompanying documentation PR.