Module Stan_math_backend.Lower_stmt

Lowering of Stan statements to C++

val check_to_string : 'a Middle.Transformation.t -> string option
val math_fn_translations : 'a Middle.Internal_fun.t -> string option
val trans_math_fn : 'a Middle.Internal_fun.t -> string
val lower_possibly_opencl_decl : string -> 'a Middle.SizedType.t -> Middle.UnsizedType.autodifftype -> Cpp.type_
val lower_profile : Cpp.identifier -> Cpp.stmt list -> Stan_math_backend__Cpp.stmt
val lower_bool_expr : Middle.Expr.Typed.t -> Cpp.expr
val expr_overlaps_lhs_ref : 'a Middle.Expr.Fixed.t Middle.Stmt.Fixed.Pattern.lvalue -> 'a0 Middle.Expr.Fixed.t -> bool
val throw_exn : string -> Middle.Expr.Typed.t list -> Stan_math_backend__Cpp.stmt
module Testing : sig ... end