Module Stmt.Helpers

val temp_vars : Expr.Typed.t list -> Located.t list * Expr.Typed.t list * (unit -> unit)
val ensure_var : (Expr.Typed.t -> 'a -> Located.t) -> Expr.Typed.t -> 'a -> Located.t
val internal_nrfunapp : 'a Fixed.First.t Internal_fun.t -> 'a Fixed.First.t list -> 'b -> ('a, 'b) Fixed.t
val contains_fn_kind : ('a Fixed.First.t Fun_kind.t -> bool) -> ?init:bool -> ('a, 'b) Fixed.t -> bool
val mk_nested_for : Expr.Typed.t list -> (Expr.Typed.t list -> Located.t) -> Location_span.t -> Located.t
val assign_indexed : UnsizedType.t -> 'b Fixed.First.t Fixed.Pattern.lvalue -> 'a -> ('b Expr.Fixed.t -> 'b Expr.Fixed.t) -> 'b Expr.Fixed.t -> ('b, 'a) Fixed.t
val get_lhs_name : 'a Fixed.Pattern.lvalue -> string

The name of the lhs. This adds "." and an index to tuple projections

val lvariable : string -> 'e Fixed.Pattern.lvalue
val lvalue_of_expr_opt : 'e Expr.Fixed.t -> 'e Expr.Fixed.t Fixed.Pattern.lvalue option
val expr_of_lvalue : 'e Expr.Fixed.t Fixed.Pattern.lvalue -> meta:'e -> 'e Expr.Fixed.t
val map_lhs_variable : f:(string -> string) -> 'e Fixed.Pattern.lvalue -> 'e Fixed.Pattern.lvalue
val lhs_indices : 'e Fixed.Pattern.lvalue -> 'e Index.t list
val lhs_variable : 'e Fixed.Pattern.lvalue -> string

This gets the innermost name of the variable. It differs from get_lhs_name in that tuple projections do not add their indices here.

val lvalue_base_reference : 'e Fixed.Pattern.lvalue -> 'e Fixed.Pattern.lvalue

Reduce an lvalue down to its "base reference", which is a variable with maximum tuple indices after it. For example:


3] -> x x.11,2.23.3 -> x.1 x.1.21,23.3 -> x.1.2