Some complicated stuff to get the custom syntax errors out of Menhir's Incremental API
val parse_file :
(Stdlib.Lexing.position ->
Ast.untyped_program Parser.MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint) ->
string ->
(Ast.untyped_program, Errors.t) Core.result * Warnings.t list
A helper function to take a parser, a filename and produce an AST. Under the hood, it takes care of Menhir's custom syntax error messages.
val parse_string :
(Stdlib.Lexing.position ->
Ast.untyped_program Parser.MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint) ->
string ->
(Ast.untyped_program, Errors.t) Core.result * Warnings.t list
val parse :
(Stdlib.Lexing.position ->
Ast.untyped_program Parser.MenhirInterpreter.checkpoint) ->
[< `Code of string | `File of string ] ->
(Ast.untyped_program, Errors.t) Core.result * Warnings.t list
A helper function to take a parser and a code or a filename and produce an AST.