Extract weights from draws objects, with one weight per draw. See weight_draws for details how to add weights to draws objects.

# S3 method for draws
weights(object, log = FALSE, normalize = TRUE, ...)



(draws) A draws object.


(logical) Should the weights be returned on the log scale? Defaults to FALSE.


(logical) Should the weights be normalized to sum to 1 on the standard scale? Defaults to TRUE.


Arguments passed to individual methods (if applicable).


A vector of weights, with one weight per draw.


x <- example_draws()

# sample some random weights for illustration
wts <- rexp(ndraws(x))
#> [1] 0.44924386 0.01132425 0.79627288 0.06250828 0.26065786 0.04660613

# add weights
x <- weight_draws(x, weights = wts)

# extract weights
head(weights(x)) # defaults to normalized weights
#> [1] 1.191764e-03 3.004123e-05 2.112371e-03 1.658234e-04 6.914792e-04
#> [6] 1.236378e-04
head(weights(x, normalize=FALSE)) # recover original weights
#> [1] 0.44924386 0.01132425 0.79627288 0.06250828 0.26065786 0.04660613
head(weights(x, log=TRUE)) # get normalized log-weights
#> [1]  -6.732320 -10.412940  -6.159944  -8.704587  -7.276678  -8.998154

# add weights which are already on the log scale
log_wts <- log(wts)
#> [1] -0.8001894 -4.4808090 -0.2278133 -2.7724563 -1.3445466 -3.0660231

x <- weight_draws(x, weights = log_wts, log = TRUE)
# extract weights
#> [1] 1.191764e-03 3.004123e-05 2.112371e-03 1.658234e-04 6.914792e-04
#> [6] 1.236378e-04
head(weights(x, log=TRUE, normalize = FALSE)) # recover original log_wts
#> [1] -0.8001894 -4.4808090 -0.2278133 -2.7724563 -1.3445466 -3.0660231

# add weights on log scale and Pareto smooth them
x <- weight_draws(x, weights = log_wts, log = TRUE, pareto_smooth = TRUE)
#> Pareto k-hat = 0.08.