Objects for use in examples, vignettes, and tests.

example_draws(example = "eight_schools")



(string) The name of the example draws object. See Details for available options.


A draws object.


The following example draws objects are available.

eight_schools: A draws_array object with 100 iterations from each of 4 Markov chains obtained by fitting the eight schools model described in Gelman et al. (2013) with Stan. The variables are:

  • mu: Overall mean of the eight schools

  • tau: Standard deviation between schools

  • theta: Individual means of each of the eight schools

multi_normal: A draws_array object with 100 iterations from each of the 4 Markov chains obtained by fitting a 3-dimensional multivariate normal model to 100 simulated observations. The variables are:

  • mu: Mean parameter vector of length 3

  • Sigma: Covariance matrix of dimension 3 x 3


These objects are only intended to be used in demonstrations and tests. They contain fewer iterations and chains than recommended for performing actual inference.


Andrew Gelman, John B. Carlin, Hal S. Stern, David B. Dunson, Aki Vehtari and Donald B. Rubin (2013). Bayesian Data Analysis, Third Edition. Chapman and Hall/CRC.


draws_eight_schools <- example_draws("eight_schools")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 10
#>    variable  mean median    sd   mad      q5   q95  rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
#>    <chr>    <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 mu        4.18   4.16  3.40  3.57  -0.854  9.39  1.02     558.     322.
#>  2 tau       4.16   3.07  3.58  2.89   0.309 11.0   1.01     246.     202.
#>  3 theta[1]  6.75   5.97  6.30  4.87  -1.23  18.9   1.01     400.     254.
#>  4 theta[2]  5.25   5.13  4.63  4.25  -1.97  12.5   1.02     564.     372.
#>  5 theta[3]  3.04   3.99  6.80  4.94 -10.3   11.9   1.01     312.     205.
#>  6 theta[4]  4.86   4.99  4.92  4.51  -3.57  12.2   1.02     695.     252.
#>  7 theta[5]  3.22   3.72  5.08  4.38  -5.93  10.8   1.01     523.     306.
#>  8 theta[6]  3.99   4.14  5.16  4.81  -4.32  11.5   1.02     548.     205.
#>  9 theta[7]  6.50   5.90  5.26  4.54  -1.19  15.4   1.00     434.     308.
#> 10 theta[8]  4.57   4.64  5.25  4.89  -3.79  12.2   1.02     355.     146.

draws_multi_normal <- example_draws("multi_normal")
#> # A tibble: 12 × 10
#>    variable      mean  median    sd   mad     q5     q95  rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
#>    <chr>        <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 mu[1]       0.0514  0.0575 0.112 0.131 -0.130  0.225  1.01      677.     356.
#>  2 mu[2]       0.111   0.104  0.199 0.198 -0.208  0.449  1.00      566.     426.
#>  3 mu[3]       0.186   0.184  0.314 0.315 -0.322  0.715  1.02      650.     334.
#>  4 Sigma[1,1]  1.28    1.26   0.165 0.173  1.03   1.56   1.00      742.     369.
#>  5 Sigma[2,1]  0.525   0.502  0.200 0.173  0.227  0.874  1.01      454.     239.
#>  6 Sigma[3,1] -0.403  -0.393  0.282 0.267 -0.874  0.0432 1.01      468.     308.
#>  7 Sigma[1,2]  0.525   0.502  0.200 0.173  0.227  0.874  1.01      454.     239.
#>  8 Sigma[2,2]  3.67    3.62   0.447 0.433  3.02   4.40   1.01      529.     363.
#>  9 Sigma[3,2] -2.10   -2.11   0.480 0.469 -2.87  -1.39   1.02      434.     357.
#> 10 Sigma[1,3] -0.403  -0.393  0.282 0.267 -0.874  0.0432 1.01      468.     308.
#> 11 Sigma[2,3] -2.10   -2.11   0.480 0.469 -2.87  -1.39   1.02      434.     357.
#> 12 Sigma[3,3]  8.12    8.02   0.946 0.941  6.71   9.91   0.997     729.     324.