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18.2 Tuple types

Arrays may contain entries of any type, but the types must be the same for all entries. Matrices and vectors contain either real numbers or complex numbers, but all the contained types are the same (e.g., if a vector has a single complex typed entry, all the entries are complex).

With arrays or vectors, we can represent pairs of real numbers or pairs of complex numbers. For example, a complex_vector[3] holds exactly three complex numbers. With arrays and vectors, there is no way to represent a pair consisting of an integer and a real number.

Tuples provide a way to represent a sequence of values of heterogeneous types. For example, tuple(int, real) is the type of a pair consisting of an integer and a real number and tuple(array[5] int, vector[6]) is the type of pairs where the first element is a five-element array of integers, the second entry is an integer, and the third is a six-element vector.

18.2.1 Tuple syntax

Tuples are declared using the keyword tuple followed by a sequence of type declarations in parentheses. Tuples are constructed using only parentheses. The following example illustrations both declaration and construction.

tuple(int, vector[3]) ny = (5, [3, 2.9, 1.8]');

The elements of a tuple are accessed by position, starting from 1. For example, we can extract the elements of the tuple above using

int n = ny.1;
vector[3] y = ny.2;

We can also assign into the elements of a tuple.

tuple(int, vector[3], complex) abc;
abc.1 = 5;
abc.2[1] = 3;
abc.2[2] = 2.9;
abc.2[3] = 1.4798;
abc.3 = 2 + 1.9j;

As the cascaded indexing example shows, the result of abc.1 is an lvalue (i.e., something to which values may be assigned), and we can further index into it to create new lvalues (e.g., abc.2[1] pulls out the first element of the vector value of the second element of the tuple.)

There are two efficiency considerations for tuples. First, like the other container types, tuples are passed to functions by constant reference, which means only a pointer gets passed rather than copying the data. Second, like the array types, creating a tuple requires copying the data for all of its elements. For example, in the following code, the matrix is copied, entailing 1000 copies of scalar values.

int a = 5;
matrix[10, 100] b = ...;
tuple(int, matrix[10, 100]) ab = (a, b);  // COPIES b
b[1,1] = 10.3;  // does NOT change ab

Applications of tuples

Tuples are primarily useful for two things. First, they provide a way to encapsulate a group of heterogeneous items so that they may be passed as a group. This lets us define arrays of structures as well as structures of arrays. For example, array[N] tuple(int, real, vector[5]) is an array of tuples, each of which has an integer, real, and vector component. Alternatively, we can represent the same information using a tuple of parallel arrays as tuple(array[N] int, array[N] real, array[N] vector[5]).

The second use is for function return values. Here, if a function computes two different things with different types, and the computation shares work, it’s best to write one function that returns both things. For example, an eigendecomposition returns a pair consisting of a vector of eigenvalues and a matrix of eigenvectors, whereas a singular value decomposition returns three matrices of different shapes. Before introducing tuples in version 2.33, the QR decomposition of matrix \(A = Q \cdot R\), where \(Q\) is orthonormal and \(R\) is upper triangular. In the past, this required two function calls.

matrix[M, N] A = ...;
matrix[M, M] Q = qr_Q(A);
matrix[M, N] R = qr_R(A);

With tuples, this can be simplified to the following,

tuple(matrix[M, M], matrix[M, N]) QR = qr(A);

with QR.1 being Q and QR.2 giving R.