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5.7 Tuple data type

Stan supports tuples of arbitrary size. The values in a tuple can be of arbitrary type, but the component types must be declared along with the declaration of the tuple. Tuples can be manipulated as a whole, or their elements may be accessed and set individually.

5.7.1 Declaring tuple variables

Tuples are declared with the keyword tuple followed by a parenthesized sequence of types, which determine the types of the respective tuple entries. For example, a tuple with three elements may be declared as

tuple(int, vector[3], complex) abc;

Tuples must have at least two entries, so the following declarations are illegal.

tuple() nil;  // ILLEGAL
tuple(int) n;  // ILLEGAL

Tuples can be assigned as a whole if their elements can be assigned individually. For example, a can be assigned to b in the following example because int can be promoted to complex.

tuple(int, real) a;
tuple(complex, real) b = a;

Tuple types may have elements which are declared as tuples, such as the following example.

tuple(int, tuple(real, complex)) x;

In this case, it would probably be simpler to use a 3-tuple type, tuple(int, real, complex).

Tuples can be declared with constraints anywhere that ordinary variables can (i.e., as top-level block variables). That means any context in which it is legal to have a declaration

real<lower=0> sigma;
real<lower=0, upper=1> theta;

it is legal to have a tuple with constraints such as

tuple(real<lower=0>, real<lower=0, upper=1>) sigma_theta;

5.7.2 Accessing tuple elements

Tuple elements may be accessed directly. For example, with our declaration of abc from the last section, Stan uses abc.1 for the first element, abc.2 for the second, and abc.3 for the third. These numbers must be integer literals (i.e., they cannot be variables), and must be within the size of the number of elements of tuples. The types of elements are as declared, so that abc.1 is of type int, abc.2 of type vector[3] and abc.3 of type complex.

5.7.3 Assigning tuple elements

Tuple elements can be assigned individually, allowing, e.g.,

tuple(int, real) ab;
ab.1 = 123;
ab.2 = 12.9;

As with other assignments, promotions will happen if necessary (of int to real and of real to complex, along with the corresponding container type promotions).