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4.1 Complex assignment and promotion

Just as integers may be assigned to real variables, real variables may be assigned to complex numbers, with the result being a zero imaginary component.

int n = 5;       // n = 5
real x = a;      // x = 5.0
complex z1 = n;  // z = 5.0 + 0.0i
complex z2 = x;  // z = 5.0 + 0.0i

4.1.1 Complex function arguments

Function arguments of type int or real may be promoted to type complex. The complex version of functions in this chapter are only used if one of the arguments is complex. For example, if z is complex, then pow(z, 2) will call the complex version of the power function and the integer 2 will be promoted to a complex number with a real component of 2 and an imaginary component of 0. The same goes for binary operators like addition and subtraction, where z + 2 will be legal and produce a complex result. Functions such as arg and conj that are only available for complex numbers can accept integer or real arguments, promoting them to complex before applying the function.