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7.9 Complex broadcast functions

The following broadcast functions allow vectors, row vectors and matrices to be created by copying a single element into all of their cells. Matrices may also be created by stacking copies of row vectors vertically or stacking copies of column vectors horizontally.

complex_vector rep_vector(complex z, int m)
Return the size m (column) vector consisting of copies of z.
Available since 2.30

complex_row_vector rep_row_vector(complex z, int n)
Return the size n row vector consisting of copies of z.
Available since 2.30

complex_matrix rep_matrix(complex z, int m, int n)
Return the m by n matrix consisting of copies of z.
Available since 2.30

complex_matrix rep_matrix(complex_vector v, int n)
Return the m by n matrix consisting of n copies of the (column) vector v of size m.
Available since 2.30

complex_matrix rep_matrix(complex_row_vector rv, int m)
Return the m by n matrix consisting of m copies of the row vector rv of size n.
Available since 2.30

7.9.1 Symmetrization

complex_matrix symmetrize_from_lower_tri(complex_matrix A)
Construct a symmetric matrix from the lower triangle of A.
Available since 2.30