15.3 Complex linear regression
Complex valued linear regression with complex predictors and
regression coefficients looks just like standard regression. For
example, if we take x
to be predictors, y
to be an array of
outcomes. For example, consider the following complete Stan program
for an intercept and slope.
data {
int<lower=0> N;
array[N] complex x;
array[N] complex y;
}parameters {
complex alpha;
complex beta;
}model {
for (n in 1:N) {
complex eps_n = y[n] - (alpha + beta * x[n]); // error
// ...error distribution...
eps_n ~
} }
The question remains of how to fill in the error distribution and there are several alternatives. We consider only two simple alternatives, and do not consider penalizing the absolute value of the error.
15.3.1 Independent real and imaginary error
The simplest approach to error in complex regression is to give the
real and imaginary parts of eps_n
independent normal distributions, as follows.
parameters {
// ...
vector[2] sigma;
}// ...
model {
// ...
0, sigma[1]);
get_real(eps_n) ~ normal(0, sigma[2]);
get_imag(eps_n) ~ normal(//...hyperprior...
sigma ~ }
A new error scale vector sigma
is introduced, and it should itself
get a prior based on the expected scale of error for the problem.
15.3.2 Dependent complex error
The next simplest approach is to treat the real and imaginary parts of the complex number as having a multivariate normal prior. This can be done by adding a parameter for correlation to the above, or just working with a multivariate covariance matrix, as we do here.
parameters {
cholesky_factor_corr[2] L_Omega; // correlation matrix
vector[2] sigma; // real, imag error scales
// ...
}// ...
model {
0, 0]',
eps_n ~ multi_normal_cholesky([
diag_pre_multiply(sigma, L_Omega));4); // shrink toward diagonal correlation
L_Omega ~ lkj_cholesky(// ... hyperprior ...
sigma ~ }
Here, the real and imaginary components of the error get a joint
distribution with correlation and independent scales. The error gets
a multivariate normal distribution with zero mean and a Cholesky
factor representation of covariance, consisting of a scale vector
and a Cholesky factor or a correlation matrix, L_Omega
The prior on the correlations is concentrated loosely around diagonal
covariance, and the prior on the scales is left open.