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9.2 Soft K-Means

K-means clustering is a method of clustering data represented as D-dimensional vectors. Specifically, there will be N items to be clustered, each represented as a vector ynRD. In the “soft” version of K-means, the assignments to clusters will be probabilistic.

9.2.1 Geometric Hard K-Means Clustering

K-means clustering is typically described geometrically in terms of the following algorithm, which assumes the number of clusters K and data vectors y as input.

  1. For each n in {1,,N}, randomly assign vector yn to a cluster in {1,,K};
  2. Repeat
    1. For each cluster k in {1,,K}, compute the cluster centroid μk by averaging the vectors assigned to that cluster;
    2. For each n in {1,,N}, reassign yn to the cluster k for which the (Euclidean) distance from yn to μk is smallest;
    3. If no vectors changed cluster, return the cluster assignments.

This algorithm is guaranteed to terminate.

9.2.2 Soft K-Means Clustering

Soft K-means clustering treats the cluster assignments as probability distributions over the clusters. Because of the connection between Euclidean distance and multivariate normal models with a fixed covariance, soft K-means can be expressed (and coded in Stan) as a multivariate normal mixture model.

In the full generative model, each data point n in {1,,N} is assigned a cluster zn{1,,K} with symmetric uniform probability, zncategorical(1/K), where 1 is the unit vector of K dimensions, so that 1/K is the symmetric K-simplex. Thus the model assumes that each data point is drawn from a hard decision about cluster membership. The softness arises only from the uncertainty about which cluster generated a data point.

The data points themselves are generated from a multivariate normal distribution whose parameters are determined by the cluster assignment zn, ynnormal(μz[n],Σz[n])

The sample implementation in this section assumes a fixed unit covariance matrix shared by all clusters k, Σk=diag_matrix(1), so that the log multivariate normal can be implemented directly up to a proportion by normal(yn|μk,diag_matrix(1))exp(12Dd=1(μk,dyn,d)2). The spatial perspective on K-means arises by noting that the inner term is just half the negative Euclidean distance from the cluster mean μk to the data point yn.

Stan Implementation of Soft K-Means

Consider the following Stan program for implementing K-means clustering.

data {
  int<lower=0> N;  // number of data points
  int<lower=1> D;  // number of dimensions
  int<lower=1> K;  // number of clusters
  vector[D] y[N];  // observations
transformed data {
  real<upper=0> neg_log_K;
  neg_log_K = -log(K);
parameters {
  vector[D] mu[K]; // cluster means
transformed parameters {
  real<upper=0> soft_z[N, K]; // log unnormalized clusters
  for (n in 1:N)
    for (k in 1:K)
      soft_z[n, k] = neg_log_K
                     - 0.5 * dot_self(mu[k] - y[n]);
model {
  // prior
  for (k in 1:K)
    mu[k] ~ std_normal();

  // likelihood
  for (n in 1:N)
    target += log_sum_exp(soft_z[n]);

There is an independent standard normal prior on the centroid parameters; this prior could be swapped with other priors, or even a hierarchical model to fit an overall problem scale and location.

The only parameter is mu, where mu[k] is the centroid for cluster k. The transformed parameters soft_z[n] contain the log of the unnormalized cluster assignment probabilities. The vector soft_z[n] can be converted back to a normalized simplex using the softmax function (see the functions reference manual), either externally or within the model’s generated quantities block.

Generalizing Soft K-Means

The multivariate normal distribution with unit covariance matrix produces a log probability density proportional to Euclidean distance (i.e., L2 distance). Other distributions relate to other geometries. For instance, replacing the normal distribution with the double exponential (Laplace) distribution produces a clustering model based on L1 distance (i.e., Manhattan or taxicab distance).

Within the multivariate normal version of K-means, replacing the unit covariance matrix with a shared covariance matrix amounts to working with distances defined in a space transformed by the inverse covariance matrix.

Although there is no global spatial analog, it is common to see soft K-means specified with a per-cluster covariance matrix. In this situation, a hierarchical prior may be used for the covariance matrices.