The $init_model_methods() method compiles and initializes the log_prob, grad_log_prob, constrain_variables, unconstrain_variables and unconstrain_draws functions. These are then available as methods of the fitted model object. This requires the additional Rcpp package, which are not required for fitting models using CmdStanR.

Note: there may be many compiler warnings emitted during compilation but these can be ignored so long as they are warnings and not errors.

init_model_methods(seed = 1, verbose = FALSE, hessian = FALSE)



(integer) The random seed to use when initializing the model.


(logical) Whether to show verbose logging during compilation.


(logical) Whether to expose the (experimental) hessian method.


# \dontrun{
fit_mcmc <- cmdstanr_example("logistic", method = "sample", force_recompile = TRUE)
# }