• Jonah Gabry. Author.

  • Rok Češnovar. Author.

  • Andrew Johnson. Author, maintainer.

  • Steve Bronder. Author.

  • Ben Bales. Contributor.

  • Mitzi Morris. Contributor.

  • Mikhail Popov. Contributor.

  • Mike Lawrence. Contributor.

  • William Michael Landau. Contributor.

  • Jacob Socolar. Contributor.

  • Martin Modrák. Contributor.

  • Ven Popov. Contributor.



Gabry J, Češnovar R, Johnson A, Bronder S (2024). cmdstanr: R Interface to 'CmdStan'. R package version 0.8.1, https://discourse.mc-stan.org, https://mc-stan.org/cmdstanr/.

  title = {cmdstanr: R Interface to 'CmdStan'},
  author = {Jonah Gabry and Rok Češnovar and Andrew Johnson and Steve Bronder},
  year = {2024},
  note = {R package version 0.8.1, https://discourse.mc-stan.org},
  url = {https://mc-stan.org/cmdstanr/},