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stan::math::mpi_command Struct Referenceabstract

Detailed Description

A MPI command object is used to execute code on worker nodes.

The base class for all MPI commands defines the virtual run method. All MPI commands must inherit from this class and implement the run method which defines what will be executed on each remote.

Note that a concrete command must also register itself with the serialization boost library. A convenience macro STAN_REGISTER_MPI_COMMAND is provided which does enable additional tuning options for optimized MPI communication performance (marking object as trivially serializable and disable version tracking).

For each declared command a call to the STAN_REGISTER_MPI_COMMAND is required. This macro must be called in the root namespace.

Definition at line 32 of file mpi_command.hpp.

#include <mpi_command.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for stan::math::mpi_command:

Public Member Functions

template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
virtual void run () const =0


class boost::serialization::access

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