Automatic Differentiation
No Matches

◆ container_type_check_base

template<template< class... > class ContainerCheck, template< class... > class ValueCheck, template< class... > class TypeCheck, class... Check>
using stan::container_type_check_base = typedef bool_constant<math::conjunction<ContainerCheck<std::decay_t<Check> >..., TypeCheck<ValueCheck<Check> >...>::value>

Used as the base for checking whether a type is a container with an underlying scalar type.

Template Parameters
ContainerCheckTemplated struct or alias that wraps a static constant scalar called type. Used to check the container satisfies a particular type check.
ValueCheckTemplated struct or alias that returns a containers inner type.
CheckTypeTemplated struct or alias that wraps a static constant scalar called type. Used to check the container's underlying type satisfies a particular type check.

Definition at line 82 of file require_helpers.hpp.