Printing and formatting methods for rvars.

# S3 method for rvar
  summary = NULL,
  digits = NULL,
  color = TRUE,
  width = getOption("width")

# S3 method for rvar
format(x, ..., summary = NULL, digits = NULL, color = FALSE)

# S3 method for rvar
  summary = NULL,
  vec.len = NULL,
  indent.str = paste(" ", max(0, nest.lev + 1)), collapse = ".."),
  nest.lev = 0,
  give.attr = TRUE


x, object

(rvar) The rvar to print.


Further arguments passed to the underlying print() methods.


(string) The style of summary to display:

  • "mean_sd" displays mean ± sd

  • "median_mad" displays median ± mad

  • "mode_entropy" displays mode <entropy>, and is used automatically for rvar_factors. It shows normalized entropy, which ranges from 0 (all probability in one category) to 1 (uniform). See entropy().

  • "mode_dissent" displays mode <dissent>, and is used automatically for rvar_ordereds. It shows Tastle and Wierman's (2007) dissention measure, which ranges from 0 (all probability in one category) through 0.5 (uniform) to 1 (bimodal: all probability split equally between the first and last category). See dissent().

  • NULL uses getOption("posterior.rvar_summary") (default "mean_sd)


(nonnegative integer) The minimum number of significant digits to print. If NULL, defaults to getOption("posterior.digits", 2).


(logical) Whether or not to use color when formatting the output. If TRUE, the pillar::style_num() functions may be used to produce strings containing control sequences to produce colored output on the terminal.


The maxmimum width used to print out lists of factor levels for rvar_factors. See format().


(nonnegative integer) How many 'first few' elements are displayed of each vector. If NULL, defaults to getOption("str")$vec.len, which defaults to 4.


(string) The indentation string to use.


(nonnegative integer) Current nesting level in the recursive calls to str().


(logical) If TRUE (default), show attributes as sub structures.


For print(), an invisible version of the input object.

For str(), nothing; i.e. invisible(NULL).

For format(), a character vector of the same dimensions as x where each entry is of the form "mean±sd" or "median±mad", depending on the value of summary.


print() and str() print out rvar objects by summarizing each element in the random variable with either its mean±sd or median±mad, depending on the value of summary. Both functions use the format() implementation for rvar objects under the hood, which returns a character vector in the mean±sd or median±mad form.


William J. Tastle, Mark J. Wierman (2007). Consensus and dissention: A measure of ordinal dispersion. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 45(3), 531--545. doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2006.06.024 .


x = rbind(
  cbind(rvar(rnorm(1000, 1)), rvar(rnorm(1000, 2))),
  cbind(rvar(rnorm(1000, 3)), rvar(rnorm(1000, 4)))

#> rvar<1000>[2,2] mean ± sd:
#>      [,1]      [,2]     
#> [1,] 1 ± 1.01  2 ± 0.99 
#> [2,] 3 ± 1.00  4 ± 1.03 
print(x, summary = "median_mad")
#> rvar<1000>[2,2] median ± mad:
#>      [,1]        [,2]       
#> [1,] 1.0 ± 1.00  2.0 ± 0.98 
#> [2,] 3.0 ± 1.03  3.9 ± 1.02 

#>  rvar<1000>[2,2]  1 ± 1.01  3 ± 1.00  2 ± 0.99  4 ± 1.03

#>      [,1]       [,2]      
#> [1,] "1 ± 1.01" "2 ± 0.99"
#> [2,] "3 ± 1.00" "4 ± 1.03"