• Paul-Christian Bürkner. Author, maintainer.

  • Jonah Gabry. Author.

  • Matthew Kay. Author.

  • Aki Vehtari. Author.

  • Måns Magnusson. Contributor.

  • Rok Češnovar. Contributor.

  • Ben Lambert. Contributor.

  • Ozan Adıgüzel. Contributor.

  • Jacob Socolar. Contributor.

  • Noa Kallioinen. Contributor.


Source: inst/CITATION

Bürkner P, Gabry J, Kay M, Vehtari A (2024). “posterior: Tools for Working with Posterior Distributions.” R package version 1.6.0, https://mc-stan.org/posterior/.

  title = {posterior: Tools for Working with Posterior Distributions},
  author = {Paul-Christian Bürkner and Jonah Gabry and Matthew Kay and Aki Vehtari},
  year = {2024},
  note = {R package version 1.6.0},
  url = {https://mc-stan.org/posterior/},

Vehtari A, Gelman A, Simpson D, Carpenter B, Bürkner P (2021). “Rank-normalization, folding, and localization: An improved Rhat for assessing convergence of MCMC (with discussion).” Bayesian Analysis.

  title = {Rank-normalization, folding, and localization: An improved Rhat
for assessing convergence of MCMC (with discussion)},
  author = {Aki Vehtari and Andrew Gelman and Daniel Simpson and Bob Carpenter and Paul-Christian Bürkner},
  year = {2021},
  journal = {Bayesian Analysis},