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Cmdstan 2.24 introduces a new ODE interface intended to make it easier to specify the ODE system function by avoiding packing and unpacking schemes required with the old interface.

Stan solves for y(t,θ) at a sequence of times t1,t2,,tN in the ODE initial value problem defined by:


For notation, y(t,θ) is the state, f(t,y,θ) is the ODE system function, and y0 and t0 are the initial conditions.

The solution, y(t,θ), is written explicitly in terms of θ as a reminder that the solution of an ODE initial value problem can be a function of model parameters or data. This is the usual use case: an ODE is parameterized by a set of parameters that are to be estimated.

Specifying an ODE initial value problem in Stan involves writing a Stan function for the ODE system function, f(t,y,θ). The big difference in the old and new ODE interfaces is that previously any arguments meant for the ODE system function had to be manually packed and unpacked from special argument arrays that were passed from the ODE solve function call to the ODE system function – in the new interface none of this packing and unpacking is necessary.

The new interface also uses vector variables for the state rather than array[] real variables.

As an example, in the old solver interface the system function for the ODE y=αy would be written:

functions {
  array[] real rhs(real t, array[] real y, array[] real theta,
                   array[] real x_r, array[] int x_i) {
    real alpha = theta[1];

    array[1] real yp = {-alpha * y[1]};

    return yp;

In the new interface the system function can be written:

functions {
  vector rhs(real t, vector y, real alpha) {
    vector[1] yp = -alpha * y;

    return yp;

The new interface avoids any unused arguments (such as x_r, and x_i in this example), and the parameter alpha can be passed directly instead of being packed into theta.

For a simple function, this does not look like much, but for more complicated models with numerous arguments of different types, the packing and unpacking is tedious and error prone. This leads to models that are difficult to debug and difficult to iterate on.

New Interface

The new interface introduces six new functions:

ode_bdf, ode_adams, ode_rk45 and ode_bdf_tol,ode_adams_tol, ode_rk45_tol

The solvers in the first columns have default tolerance settings. The solvers in the second column accept arguments for relative tolerance, absolute tolerance, and the maximum number of steps to take between output times.

This is different from the old interface where tolerances are presented through using the same function name with a few more arguments.

To make it easier to write ODEs, the solve functions take extra arguments that are passed along unmodified to the user-supplied system function. Because there can be any number of these arguments and they can be of different types, they are denoted below as .... The types of the arguments represented by ... in the ODE solve function call must match the types of the arguments represented by ... in the user-supplied system function.

The new ode_bdf solver interface is (the interfaces for ode_adams and ode_rk45 are the same):

vector[] ode_bdf(F f, vector y0, real t0, array[] real times, ...)

The arguments are:

  1. f - ODE system function

  2. y0 - Initial state of the ODE

  3. t0 - Initial time of the ODE

  4. times - Sorted array of times to which the ode will be solved (each element must be greater than t0, but times do not need to be strictly increasing)

  5. ... - Sequence of arguments passed unmodified to the ODE system function. There can be any number of ... arguments, and the ... arguments can be any type, but they must match the types of the corresponding ... arguments of f.

The ODE system function should take the form:

vector f(real t, vector y, ...)

The arguments are:

  1. t - Time at which to evaluate the ODE system function

  2. y - State at which to evaluate the ODE system function

  3. ... - Sequence of arguments passed unmodified from the ODE solver function call. The ... must match the types of the corresponding ... arguments of the ODE solver function call.

A call to ode_bdf returns the solution of the ODE specified by the system function (f) and the initial conditions (y0 and t0) at the time points given by the times argument. The solution is given by an array of vectors.

The ode_bdf_tol interface is (the interfaces for ode_rk45_tol and ode_adams_tol are the same):

array[] vector ode_bdf_tol(F f, vector y0, real t0, array[] real times,
                     real rel_tol, real abs_tol, int max_num_steps, ...)

The arguments are: 1. f - ODE system function

  1. y0 - Initial state of the ODE

  2. t0 - Initial time of the ODE

  3. times - Sorted array of times to which the ode will be solved (each element must be greater than t0, but times do not need to be strictly increasing)

  4. rel_tol - Relative tolerance for solve (data)

  5. abs_tol - Absolute tolerance for solve (data)

  6. max_num_steps - Maximum number of timesteps to take in integrating the ODE solution between output time points (data)

  7. ... - Sequence of arguments passed unmodified to the ODE system function. There can be any number of ... arguments, and the ... arguments can be any type, but they must match the types of the corresponding ... arguments of f.

The ode_rk45/ode_bdf/ode_adams interfaces are just wrappers around the ode_rk45_tol/ode_bdf_tol/ode_adams_tol interfaces with defaults for rel_tol, abs_tol, and max_num_steps. For the RK45 solver the defaults are 106 for rel_tol and abs_tol and 106 for max_num_steps. For the BDF/Adams solvers the defaults are 1010 for rel_tol and abs_tol and 108 for max_num_steps.

For more detailed information about either interface, look at the function reference guide: New interface, Old interface

Example Models

The two models here come from the Stan Statistical Computation Benchmarks.

SIR Model

ODE System Function

In the old SIR system function, beta, kappa, gamma, xi, and delta, are packed into the array[] real theta argument. kappa isn’t actually a model parameter so it is not clear why it is packed in with the other parameters, but it is. Promoting kappa to a parameter causes there to be more states in the extended ODE sensitivity system (used to get gradients of the ODE with respect to inputs). Adding states to the sensitivity system makes the ODE harder to solve and should always be avoided. The ODE system function looks like:

functions {
  // theta[1] = beta, water contact rate
  // theta[2] = kappa, C_{50}
  // theta[3] = gamma, recovery rate
  // theta[4] = xi, bacteria production rate
  // theta[5] = delta, bacteria removal rate
  array[] real simple_SIR(real t, array[] real y, array[] real theta,
                          array[] real x_r, array[] int x_i) {
    array[4] real dydt;

    dydt[1] = -theta[1] * y[4] / (y[4] + theta[2]) * y[1];
    dydt[2] = theta[1] * y[4] / (y[4] + theta[2]) * y[1] - theta[3] * y[2];
    dydt[3] = theta[3] * y[2];
    dydt[4] = theta[4] * y[2] - theta[5] * y[4];

    return dydt;

For comparison, with the new interface the ODE system function can be rewritten to explicitly name all the parameters. No separation of data and parameters is necessary either – the solver will not add more equations for arguments that are defined in the data and transformed data blocks. The state variables in the new model are also represented by vector variables instead of array[] variables. The new ODE system function is:

functions {
  vector simple_SIR(real t,
                    vector y,
                    real beta,    // water contact rate
                    real kappa,   // C_{50}
                    real gamma,   // recovery rate
                    real xi,      // bacteria production rate
                    real delta) { // bacteria removal rate
    vector[4] dydt;

    dydt[1] = -beta * y[4] / (y[4] + kappa) * y[1];
    dydt[2] = beta * y[4] / (y[4] + kappa) * y[1] - gamma * y[2];
    dydt[3] = gamma * y[2];
    dydt[4] = xi * y[2] - delta * y[4];

    return dydt;

Calling the ODE Solver

In the old ODE interface, the parameters are all packed into a array[] real before calling the ODE solver:

transformed parameters {
  array[N_t, 4] real<lower=0> y;
    array[5] real theta = {beta, kappa, gamma, xi, delta};
    y = integrate_ode_rk45(simple_SIR, y0, t0, t, theta, x_r, x_i);

In the new ODE interface each of the arguments is appended on to the ODE solver function call. The RK45 ODE solver with default tolerances is called ode_rk45. Because the states are handled as vector variables, the solver output is an array of vectors (array[] vector).

transformed parameters {
  array[N_t] vector<lower=0>[4] y = ode_rk45(simple_SIR, y0, t0, t,
                                       beta, kappa, gamma, xi, delta);

The ode_rk45_tol function can be used to specify tolerances manually:

transformed parameters {
  array[N_t] vector<lower=0>[4] = ode_rk45_tol(simple_SIR, y0, t0, t,
                                           1e-6, 1e-6, 1000,
                                           beta, kappa, gamma, xi, delta);

Full Model

The full model with the new interface is here and the data is here.

The full model with the old interface is here and the data is here.

PKPD Model

ODE System Function

In the old system function, parameters are manually unpacked from theta and x_r:

functions {
  array[] real one_comp_mm_elim_abs(real t, array[] real y,
                                    array[] real theta, array[] real x_r,
                                    array[] int x_i) {
    array[1] real dydt;
    real k_a = theta[1]; // Dosing rate in 1/day
    real K_m = theta[2]; // Michaelis-Menten constant in mg/L
    real V_m = theta[3]; // Maximum elimination rate in 1/day
    real D = x_r[1];
    real V = x_r[2];
    real dose = 0;
    real elim = (V_m / V) * y[1] / (K_m + y[1]);

    if (t > 0) {
      dose = exp(-k_a * t) * D * k_a / V;

    dydt[1] = dose - elim;

    return dydt;

In the new interface, they are passed directly and so the unpacking is avoided:

functions {
  vector one_comp_mm_elim_abs(real t,
                              vector y,
                              real k_a, // Dosing rate in 1/day
                              real K_m, // Michaelis-Menten constant in mg/L
                              real V_m, // Maximum elimination rate in 1/day
                              real D,
                              real V) {
    vector[1] dydt;

    real dose = 0;
    real elim = (V_m / V) * y[1] / (K_m + y[1]);

    if (t > 0)
      dose = exp(- k_a * t) * D * k_a / V;

    dydt[1] = dose - elim;

    return dydt;

Calling the ODE Solver

In the old interface the theta and x_r arguments are packed manually, and the x_i argument is required even though it isn’t used:

transformed data {
  array[2] real x_r = {D, V};
  array[2] int x_i;
transformed parameters {
  array[N_t, 1] real C;
    array[3] real theta = {k_a, K_m, V_m};
    C = integrate_ode_bdf(one_comp_mm_elim_abs, C0, t0, times, theta, x_r, x_i);

In the new interface the arguments are simply passed at the end of the ode_bdf call (and the transformed data block removed):

transformed parameters {
  array[N_t] vector[1] mu_C = ode_bdf(one_comp_mm_elim_abs, C0, t0, times,
                                k_a, K_m, V_m, D, V);

The ode_bdf_tol function can be used to specify tolerances manually:

transformed parameters {
  array[N_t] vector[1] mu_C = ode_bdf_tol(one_comp_mm_elim_abs, C0, t0, times,
                                    1e-8, 1e-8, 1000,
                                    k_a, K_m, V_m, D, V);

Full Model

The full model with the new interface is here and the data is here.

The full model with the old interface is here and the data is here.