StanConnect 2021

StanConnect 2021

StanConnect 2021 - Ecology, Workflow and modelling innovations

This StanConnect event will take place on October 4, 2021, at 12PM EST.

Speaker Name Position/title/occupation Affiliation Tentative Talk Title
Josh Goldberg Research Associate Bhutan Ecological Society Evolution of habitat use and coexistence under intraguild predation: a principled Bayesian approach
Zach Randell PhD Candidate Oregon State University Drift algae controls the consumption of kelp: using data from in situ subtidal experimentation and ordinary differential equations to mechanistically model the sea urchin behavioral switch
Joaquin Cavieres PhD candidate University of Valparaiso Linking the SPDE method with Stan
Casey Youngflesh Postdoctoral fellow University of California, Los Angeles Using Stan to characterize large-scale morphological change in North American birds
Vianey Leos Barajas Asst Professor University of Toronto Fitting hidden Markov models to ecological time series data in Stan


Tentative schedule (times in ET) of each event:

  • 12pm - 12:10pm: Introduction to the Event by SGB representative, Introduction to theme by Session Chair (reduced since it’s part II).
  • 12:10 - 1:50pm: five 20-minute talks - 15 minute presentation + 5 minute Q&A.
  • 1:50pm - 2:30pm: Zoom Networking/Social session, structure TBD but not limited to one room per speaker. 2:30pm – 3:00pm: panel discussion (3 panelists plus JBS moderator) and wrap-up


Session Chair: Jacob B. Socolar - Cornell Lab of Ornithology


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