
The development, release, and maintenance of Stan is a collaborative process involving the Stan development team. The team covers multiple statistical and computational disciplines and its members work in academia, industry, or both. The Stan project employs standard software development, code review, and testing methodologies.

This document describes the software development lifecycle (SDLC) for projects managed by the Stan project and hosted by Stan’s GitHub organization stan-dev. Projects covered include the math library, core C++ algorithms, parser and code generator, and all of the interface and visualization packages.

The layout and content of this document very closely follows the R regulatory compliance and validation document.


Communication among team members takes place in several venues. Most discussions take place openly on the Stan forum.

The Stan forums are archived and may be read by anyone at any time. Communication that’s not suitable for the public, such as grant funding, is carried out on a private group restricted to the core Stan developers. Further issue-specific discussion takes place concurrently with development and source control.

Bigger design issues require design documents in the form of a community RFC.

Various project meetings among developers and users take place online in various forums including Zoom and Google Hangouts. These are not recorded or stored. Developers also meet informally at their places of employment or at conferences and workshops when multiple team members are in attendance. The developers also host meetups for the public in locations including Berlin, Boston, London, Sydney, and New York.


Stan’s C++ library and the CmdStan interface are released under the terms of the new (3 clause) BSD license, with two dependent libraries (Boost and Eigen), released under compatible libraries. The R interface RStan and Python interface PyStan are released under the GPLv3 license.

Community Size

The size of the Stan community is difficult to estimate reliably because there are no sales transactions and Stan’s version control distribution system (GitHub) does not provide download statistics. There were over 2000 users subscribed the users group on Google before it was moved to Discourse, on which there are dozens of active threads at any given time. This substantial user base provides the means to do continuous reviews of real-world performance in real settings. Unlike proprietary software only available in binary form, Stan’s open-source code base allows users to provide feedback at the code and documentation level.

Source Code Management

Hosting and Version Control

All of the code is hosted on public version control repositories and may be reviewed at any time by all members of the Stan community. This allows continuous feedback for both coding standards, functionality, and statistical accuracy.

The source code for Stan’s C++ library, CmdStan, PyStan, and RStan is managed in separate version-control libraries based on Git and hosted by GitHub under the GitHub organization stan-dev:

Push access (i.e., the ability to write to the repository, specifically in approving pull requests and merging) is restricted to core developers and very closely managed. At the same time, any user may provide (and many users have provided) pull requests with patches for the system (which are treated as any other pull request and fully tested and code reviewed). Because of Git’s distributed nature, everyone who clones a repository produces a full backup of the system and all past versions.

Stan follows the Git process outlined by Vincent Driessen in his blog post, a succesful branching model for Git.

New features and ordinary (not hot) bugfixes are developed in branches from and merged back into the development branch. These are then collected into releases and merged with the master branch, which tracks the releases. Hotfix branches are like feature or ordinary bugfix branches, but branch from master and merge back into master.

The basic Git process for branching, releasing, hotfixing, and merging follows standard Git procedure. A diagram outlining the process is presented in the figure above. The key idea is that the master branch is always at the latest release, with older commits tagged for previous releases.

The development branch always represents the current state of development. Feature and bugfix branches branch from the development branch. Before being merged back into the development branch, they must be wrapped in a pull request for GitHub, which supplies differences with current code and a forum for code review and comment on the issue. All branches must have appropriate unit tests and documentation as part of their pull request before they will be merged (see the pull request template, which all requests must follow). Each pull request must provide a summary of the change, a detailed description of the intended effect (often coupled with pointers to one or more issues on the issue tracker and one or more Wiki pages), a description of how the change was tested and its effects can be verified, a description of any side effects, a description of any user-facing documentation changes, and suggestions for reviewers.

Taken together, the testing, code review, and merge process ensures that the development branch is always in a releasable state.

Git itself provides extensive log facilities for comparing changes made in any given commit (which has a unique ID under Git) with any other commit, including the current development or master branch. GitHub provides further graphical facilities for commentary and graphical differences.

For each release, the Git logs are scanned and a set of user-facing release notes provided summarizing the changes. The full set of changes, including differences with previous versions, is available through Git. These logs are complete back to the first version of Stan, which was originally managed under the Subversion version control system.

More information on the mechanics of the process are available from on the Developer process Wiki.

Testing and Validation

Unit Testing

Stan C++, CmdStan, PyStan, and RStan are all extensively unit tested. The core C++ code and CmdStan code is tested directly in C++ using the Google test framework . PyStan is tested using the Python unit testing framework unittest.

RStan is tested using the RUnit package.

The point of unit testing is to test the program at the application programmer interface (API) level, not the end-to-end functional level.

The tests are run automatically when pull requests are created through a continuous integration process. Stan packages use a combination of the Travis continuous integration framework and the Jenkins continuous integration framework.

The continuous integration servers provide detailed reports of the various tests they run and whether they succeeded or failed. If they failed, console output is available pointing to the failed tests. The continuous integration servers also provide graphs and charts summarizing ongoing and past testing behavior.

Stan and its interfaces’ unit tests are all distributed with the system software and may be run by users on their specific platform with their specific compilers and configurations to provide support for the reliability of a particular installation of Stan.

As with any statistical software, users need to be careful to consider the appropriateness of the statistical model, the ability to fit it with existing data, and its suitability to its intended application.

The entire source repository is available to users. A snapshot at any given release (or commit within a branch) may be downloaded as an archive (zip file) or may be cloned for development under Git. Cloning in Git provides a complete copy of all version history, including every commit to every branch since the beginning of the project.

User feedback is accommodated through three channels. First, and most formally, there is an issue tracker for each of Stan C++, CmdStan, RStan and PyStan, which allows users to submit formal bug reports or make feature requests. Any user bug report is reviewed by the development team, assessed for validity and reproducibility, and assigned to a specific developer for a particular release target. A second route for reporting bugs is our users group; bugs reported to the user group by users are then submitted to the issue tracker by the developers and then put through the usual process. A third method of bug reporting is informal e-mail or comments; like the user group reports, these are channeled through the issue tracker by the developers before being tackled.

Continuous integration is run on a combination of Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms. All core Stan C++ code is tested on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux before release.

Functional Testing

In addition to unit testing at the individual function level, Stan undergoes rigorous end-to-end testing of its model fitting functionality. Models with known answers are evaluated for both speed and accuracy. Models without analytic solutions are evaluated in terms of MCMC error.

Release Cycles

At various stages, typically when major new functionality has been added or a serious bug has been fixed, the development branch is declared ready for release by the Stan development team. At this point, the branch is tested one last time on all platforms before being merged with the master branch. Releases are managed through GitHub releases mechanism. For example, releases for Stan C++ are available as GitHub releases. Each release further bundles the manual and provides both a zipped and tar-gzipped archive of the release.

Stan is released exclusively as source code, so nothing needs to be done with respect to binary release management or compatibility. The source is tested so that it can be used under Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Instructions for installing Stan C++, CmdStan, RStan, and PyStan are managed separately and distributed with the associated product.

Versioning and Release Compatibility

Stan version numbers follow the standard semantic version numbering pattern in which version numbers are of the form Major.Minor.Patch. For example, version 2.9.1 is major release 2, minor release 9, and patch release 1. Semantic versioning signals important information about features and compatibiltiy for the Stan language and how it is used. It does not provide information about underlying implementation; changes in implementation do not affect version numbering in and of itself.

The reference manual lists deprecated features in an appendix.

Major Version and Backward Compatiblity

A change in a library breaks backward compatibility if a program using only supported APIs (for Stan, that is the language reference; click here for the Math library) that worked in the previous version no longer works the same way in the current version. For backward-compatibility breaking changes, the major version number is incremented. When the major version is updated, the minor version reverts to 0. Because breaking backward compatibility is such a disturbance for users, there are very few major releases.

Minor Version and Forward Compatibility

A change in a library introduces a new feature if a program that works in the current version will not work in a previous version; that is, it breaks forward compatibility. When a version introduces a new feature without breaking backward compatibility, its minor version number is incremented. Whenever the minor version is incremented, the patch level reverts to 0. Most Stan releases increment the minor version.

Bug Fixes and Patch Releases

If a release does not add new functionality or break backward compatibility, only its patch version is incremented. Patch releases of Stan are made when an important bug is fixed before any new work is done. Because Stan keeps its development branch clean, pending patches are easily rolled into minor releases.

Deprecating and Removing Features

Before a user-facing feature is removed from software, it is polite to deprecate it in order to maintain backward compatibility and provide suggestions for upgrading. The reference manual provides a description of all of the deprecated features that are still available in Stan and how to replace them with up-to-date features.

Eventually, deprecated features will be removed (aka retired). As explained above in the version numbering section, removing deprecated features requires a major version number increment. Stan 3 will retire most if not all of the currently deprecated features in the last Stan 2 version.

Availability of Current and Historical Archive Versions

Current and older versions of Stan C++, CmdStan, RStan, and PyStan are available through the GitHub pages for the corresponding repository. Official releases are bundled as archives and available through GitHub’s releases.

Any intermediate commit is also available through GitHub in one of two ways. First, all of Stan (or CmdStan, RStan, or PyStan) may be downloaded by cloning the repository, at which point a user has a complete record of the entire project’s commits and branches. After first cloning a repository, it may be kept up to date using Git’s pull command (available from the command-line or platform-specific graphical user interfaces). An alternative delivery mechanism is as a zip archive of a snapshot of the system.

Maintenance, Support, and Retirement

Stan support extends only to the most current release. Specifically, patches are not backported to older versions.

Early fixes of bugs are available to users in the form of updated development branches. Snapshots of the entire code base at every commit, including development patches and official releases, are available from GitHub. Git itself may be used to download a complete clone of the entire source code history at any time.

There is extensive documentation in the form of manuals available for the Stan language and algorithms. There is also extensive interface documentation as well as the interfaces for the command line, R, Python, MATLAB, Mathematica, Stata, Julia, and Scala

There is also an extensive suite of tutorials and example models, which may be used directly or modified by users. There is also a fairly extensive set of Wiki pages for developers.

Issue trackers for reporting bugs and requesting features are available online for Stan’s C++ math library and core library, as well as for the interfaces (all available from the stan-dev organization page.

There is Stan forum for users and developers. The users topics allow users can request support for installation issues, modeling issues, or performance/accuracy issues. These lists all come with built-in search facilities through their host or simply through top-level web searches in the search engine of your choice.

A number of books provide introductions to Stan, including Gelman et al.’s Bayesian Data Analysis, 3rd Edition, Krushcke’s Doing Bayesian Data Analysis, 2nd Edition, and McElreath’s Statistical Rethinking. All of the examples from several other books have been translated to Stan, including Lee and Wagnemakers’ Bayesian Cognitive Modeling: A Practical Course, Lunn et al.’s The BUGS Book, Gelman and Hill’s Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel-Hierarchical Models, and Kéry Schaub’s Bayesian population analysis using WinBUGS.

The major.minor.0 releases are maintained through patch releases major.minor.n releases. At each new major.minor.0 release, prior versions are retired from support. All efforts are focused on the current release. No further development or bug fixes are made available for earlier versions. The earlier versions can still be accessed through version control.

Qualified Personnel

The members of the Stan development team are drawn from multiple computational, scientific, and statistical disciplines across academic, not-for-profit, and industrial laboratories.

Many of Stan’s developers have Ph.D. degrees, some have Master’s degrees, and some are currently enrolled as undergraduate or graduate students. All of the developers with advanced degrees have published extensively in peer reviewed journals. Several have written books on statistics and/or computing. Many members of the core development team were well known internationally outside of their contributions to Stan. The group overall is widely acknowledged as leading experts in statistical computing, software development, and applied statistics.

The managers of the development process have extensive industrial programming experience and have designed or contributed to other software systems that are still in production.

Institutions at which the members of the Stan development team hold appointments as of Stan release 2.17.1 include Columbia University, Adobe Creative Technologies Lab, University of Warwick, University of Toronto (Scarborough), Dartmouth College, University of Washington, Lucidworks, CNRS (Paris), St. George’s, University of London, University of Massachussetts (Amherst), Aalto University, and Novartis Pharma.

Physical and Logical Security

The Stan project maintains its integration servers for Stan C++ and CmdStan on site at Columbia University. The integration servers for Stan C++ and CmdStan are password protected and run on isolated, standalone machines used only as integration servers. The network is maintained by Columbia University’s Information Technology (CUIT) group.

The integration server for PyStan is hosted by the Travis open-source continuous integration project, and is password protected on an account basis.

The version control system is hosted by GitHub. Due to Git’s distributed nature, each developer maintains a complete record of the entire project’s commit history. Everything is openly available, but privileges to modify the existing branches is restricted to the core developers. Any change to the code base is easily reversed through Git.

The archived releases as well as clones of the full repositories are also managed through GitHub.

Stan’s web pages are also served by GitHub and are password protected. The web pages are purely informational and nothing is distributed through the web pages themselves other than case studies and documentation.

Individual contributors work on their own personal computers or on compute clusters at Columbia or elsewhere.

Disaster Recovery

The entire history of the Stan C++, CmdStan, RStan, and PyStan repositories is maintained on the GitHub servers as well as on each developer’s individual copy of the repository. Specifically, each repository can be reconstituted from any of the core developers’ machines.

Copyright (2020) Stan Development Team and their assignees. Licensed under CC-BY ND 4.0.