Automatic Differentiation
No Matches

◆ ode_adams()

template<typename F , typename T_y0 , typename T_t0 , typename T_ts , typename... T_Args, require_eigen_col_vector_t< T_y0 > * = nullptr>
std::vector< Eigen::Matrix< stan::return_type_t< T_y0, T_t0, T_ts, T_Args... >, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > > stan::math::ode_adams ( const F &  f,
const T_y0 &  y0,
const T_t0 &  t0,
const std::vector< T_ts > &  ts,
std::ostream *  msgs,
const T_Args &...  args 

Solve the ODE initial value problem y' = f(t, y), y(t0) = y0 at a set of times, { t1, t2, t3, ... } using the non-stiff Adams-Moulton solver in CVODES with defaults for relative_tolerance, absolute_tolerance, and max_num_steps.

f must define an operator() with the signature as: template<typename T_t, typename T_y, typename... T_Args> Eigen::Matrix<stan::return_type_t<T_t, T_y, T_Args...>, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> operator()(const T_t& t, const Eigen::Matrix<T_y, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>& y, std::ostream* msgs, const T_Args&... args);

t is the time, y is the vector-valued state, msgs is a stream for error messages, and args are optional arguments passed to the ODE solve function (which are passed through to f without modification).

Template Parameters
FType of ODE right hand side
T_0Type of initial time
T_tsType of output times
T_ArgsTypes of pass-through parameters
fRight hand side of the ODE
y0Initial state
t0Initial time
tsTimes at which to solve the ODE at. All values must be sorted and not less than t0.
[in,out]msgsthe print stream for warning messages
argsExtra arguments passed unmodified through to ODE right hand side
Solution to ODE at times ts

Definition at line 149 of file ode_adams.hpp.