Automatic Differentiation
No Matches

◆ is_corr_matrix()

template<typename EigMat , require_eigen_matrix_dynamic_t< EigMat > * = nullptr>
bool stan::math::is_corr_matrix ( const EigMat &  y)

Return true if the matrix is square and not 0x0, if the matrix is symmetric, diagonals are near 1, positive definite, and no elements are NaN A valid correlation matrix is symmetric, has a unit diagonal (all 1 values), and has all values between -1 and 1 (inclusive).

Template Parameters
EigMatA type derived from EigenBase with dynamic rows and columns
yMatrix to test
true if the matrix is square and not 0x0, if the matrix is symmetric, diagonals are near 1, positive definite, and no elements are NaN

Definition at line 30 of file is_corr_matrix.hpp.