Automatic Differentiation
No Matches

◆ check_greater_or_equal() [2/3]

template<typename T_y , typename T_low , require_stan_scalar_t< T_y > * = nullptr, require_vector_t< T_low > * = nullptr, require_not_std_vector_vt< is_container_or_var_matrix, T_low > * = nullptr, typename... Idxs>
void stan::math::check_greater_or_equal ( const char *  function,
const char *  name,
const T_y &  y,
const T_low &  low,
Idxs...  idxs 

Throw an exception if y is not greater or equal than each element of low.

Throw an exception if each element of y is not greater or equal than low.

This function is vectorized and will check each element of y against each element of low.

Template Parameters
T_yA scalar type
T_lowA standard vector or type inheriting from Eigen::DenseBase with compile time rows or columns equal to one and value_type equal to a stan scalar
IdxsA parameter pack of Integral types
functionFunction name (for error messages)
nameVariable name (for error messages)
yVariable to check
lowLower bound
idxsPack of integral types to construct lazily construct the error message indices
`std::domain_error`if y is not greater or equal to low or if any element of y or low is NaN

This function is vectorized and will check each element of y against each element of low.

Template Parameters
T_yA standard vector or type inheriting from Eigen::DenseBase with compile time rows or columns equal to one and value_type equal to a stan scalar
T_lowA scalar type
IdxsA parameter pack of Integral types
functionFunction name (for error messages)
nameVariable name (for error messages)
yVariable to check
lowLower bound
idxsPack of integral types to construct lazily construct the error message indices
`std::domain_error`if y is not greater or equal to low or if any element of y or low is NaN

Definition at line 74 of file check_greater_or_equal.hpp.